MPN 06/05/2021


💥 Whats the holdup? So many questions get answered here today!
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Daily Update #148- Saturday June 5, 2021
Great day Patriot,

The video you will see below answers all of these questions and more,

“Is the deep state really killing itself?”

“Are small businesses committing suicide?”

“Has this been what has been holding me back in my life?”

You will hear a unique perspective to all these questions and more in the video below. In fact, you might have never even considered these things before.


What a blessing to have access to this information right now.

“There is a divine purpose behind everything - and therefore a divine presence in everything.”
May you be wonderfully blessed with the information in that video!

And this is just the beginning of what is to come.

As DJ Khaled might say,

“It’s gon' be a hot summah!” ðŸŒž
God Bless
Today’s Tip
Tip of the day: Review your 2021 so far. Have you reached your goals? Are you closer than you were in January? Do you even have any goals you’re working towards?

Invest a few minutes today and think and plan even more tomorrow about how you would like the rest of your 2021 to go. You can take action next week with a whole new momentum!

It is quite clear what the opposition has planned. 

You might want to prepare a battle plan to create and live your life however is best for you and your family. From there, you might be surprised how much more service you can then be to others.
Steve Lepkowski led a team of engineers at Texas Instruments and helped them secure patents for 2G, 3G and 4G.

Now he's helping humanity with his knowledge. Learn more here.
Sheriff Richard Mack is continuing his great work to restore Liberty in America, county by county.

If you're in the United States, or even if you're not, watch Sheriff Mack's latest update here.
Master Lama Rasaji is one of only 12 Master Lamas in the entire world. He lived and trained at the original Tai Chi Gung Lamasery in Tibet.

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