Israeli Soldier Surprises Girlfriend With Unforgettable Proposal; New IDF Attack System Ready for Hezbollah; Latest from Israel!
United with Israel'Freedom of Speech'? This College Welcomes Holocaust Denier; Israel Ranked Top for 'Women Workers'; Israeli Supermodel Revolutionizes Volunteering; IDF Attack Ready for Hezbollah

THE HORN NEWS 03/09/2021


Trump clashes with establishment GOP in fiery fight
Trump clashes with establishment GOP in fiery fight
Donald Trump is fed up with establishment Republicans. Find out the reason why, and how the issue has escalated into a full-scale conflict. (Is he right?) Read More 



Listen to today's show:
ep 1454

In this episode, I discuss the most destructive piece of legislation I’ve seen in decades. This bill will make it impossible for conservatives to win any elections in the future. I also address a potential big break in the Spygate scandal.

WND NEWS BRIEF 03/09/2021


Susan Rice Conducts New Age Ritual in Heart of White House
The practice has been adopted by New Age spiritual groups. Read more…
Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden 'feel used and betrayed'
Group 'upset' president backing federal funding of abortion Read more…
If we don't fix 'how' we vote, 'whom' we vote for won't matter
Verifiable paper ballots: How far would they go in cleansing the system? Read more…
Ratcliffe: Intel officials had no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion
'Durham report will be another scathing recounting of abuses' Read more…
Trump Vows Action Against a Sitting GOP Senator
'I will not be endorsing, under any circumstances, the failed candidate from the great State of Alaska.' Read more…
Prophecies are not simply newspaper headlines in advance
What is the BIBLICAL pattern of prophecies? Read more…
Video: Biden Voter Turns on President Over Bombs in Syria
Biden is losing support from one of his own voters. Read more…
She Went Into an Outhouse, That's When This Massive Beast Attacked from Below
'I expect it’s probably not that bad of a little den in the winter.' Read more…
WND News Services
These reports are produced by another news agency, and the editors of WND believe you'll find it of interest.
Seminary chief: Christian adoption agency surrendered 'before battle began'
'There is reason to believe Supreme Court will rule in favor of charities' Read more…
Judge kills attempt to resurrect zombie ERA
The deadline was nearly 40 years ago. Some people just can't get the message. Read more…
Meghan Markle wears the kilt in the family
In the interview, Prince Harry looked miserable, as if someone had sucked all the joy out of his life. Read more…
Rising leftist anti-Semitism: A last-days harbinger
Here's an excerpt from "The Prodigal Son Prophecy." Read more…
A tale of 2 Joes: The man who could save America with 1 move
Flip Joe Manchin and we flip the world. It's pretty simple. Read more…