Friday, February 26, 2021

CHUCK KOLB 02/26/2021

 Shabbat Shalom Purim - Parasha Tetzaveh - You Shall Command - the Beauty of Holiness !!!

Previously posted ...
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Terumah (Offering) - Building the Sanctuary !!!
What’s in a Word?

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world
ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
The war against Truth has been raging ever since
evil was expulsed from the realm of Heaven. 
God instructed Pharaoh, "Let my people go."
God instructs us, "Let my people know."
Shema Y'israel - Maranatha !
Na'aseh V'nishma
✡ ✡ ✡
כבוד שם יהוה Baruch Hashem Adonai
פורים שמח Chag Purim Sameach - Happy Purim! 




Recently it seems to be the norm for conservatives to cower and give up. To blame cancel culture and the media for our defeat instead of taking the opportunity to grow, adapt, and come back with an even stronger will to do what’s right for our great state and country. 

That’s why on Monday I’m announcing my run for Congress here in Nevada.

AEA 02/26/2021





The green left — and politicians like President Biden who support them — don’t care about anything but their extreme, keep-energy-in-the-ground ideology.

A great summation of our current national dilemma.

 Submitted by: P McMillan and Haydee Pavia

A great summation of our current national dilemma.

From Bartholomew Chiaroscuro, a UK writer with this nom de guerre. 

"Many might wonder why I’m still talking so often about the US election. It was in November, I’m British, it’s a done deal. Biden is serving as President. Why keep on about it? 

FREEDOM WIRE 02/26/2021


Article Image

Joe Biden: The Petty POTUS

Biden has used a record number of executive orders to overturn every action Trump ever took Read More.

Judge delivers Maxine Waters legal defeat


Joe Collins for Congress
*** BREAKING ***


This week a judge threw out Maxine Waters' arguments to have my defamation suit against her dismissed – delivering Maxine a devastating legal defeat.

TEA PARTY DAILY 02/26/2021


Sleepy Joe cannot even speak about COVID-19 without breaking out a card that has prepared remarks on it. It was torture to watch him stumble about like this. Is it time for the Democrats to put this man out to pasture? We think so!

When you see how bewildered he looks and sounds, you will have no choice but to agree.

Check Out Biden’s Latest Disastrous Public Appearance 

Fighting for Freedom,

Aaron Edwards



Listen to today's show:
ep 1454

In this episode, I discuss the new liberal bill which will devastate your church and destroy your Right to practice your faith. I also address the medical mystery of our time - what happened to the flu?

Dumb and Dumber