Monday, August 12, 2019


MSNBC is home to a slew of hosts and reporters infected with the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome ever seen.
But one host crossed a red line that forced the network to take action.
And this MSNBC anchor had to apologize for one lie that could end her career.
Brenda Morris, Editor
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Viewers continue to be disturbed by what they see happening on-air at Fox News Channel.
There have been subtle shifts in programming and the course of corrections have not been for the better.
And now Fox News just did something strange and the reason will shock you.
Brenda Morris, Editor
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Submitted by: J Croyts

Population Explosion Bills Threats to Pass This September —
The Solution to  Help Stop Them

S.386 (Kamala Harris, D. CA) and Companion Mass Immigration Increase Bills are all a Threat to Pass as one Gigantic Composite Immigration “Reform” Bill when Congress reconvenes this September.


Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

More to back up the ROOT CAUSE of the problems in this world today.  WGEN readers are well aware of my ROOT CAUSE stand on things.  The REAL ROOT to all problems among humans is they turned away from what God commanded. The only way to fix the 'problems' is to return to what God commanded and live our lives accordingly.  No legislated laws will ever resolve any of these problems - most times they only make them worse because they ignore the ROOT of the problem.

Jackie Juntti
John 3:3  Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August 12, 2019, 6:00 AM

The men turned away and went toward Sodom

“The men turned away and went toward Sodom, but Abraham remained standing before the Lord.” (Genesis 18:22)
An interesting way to start an opinion article on the way we should live our life don’t you think?

Do you remember this story?

It is the account of Abraham entertaining three angels ­ one of whom turns out to be God himself ­ of course this is only half of the story. Once you get into Genesis, it becomes apparent that the two angels are on their way to destroy Sodom. They stopped at Abraham’s tent mainly to involve him in intercession in this struggle between judgment and mercy. In the end Abraham pleads with the Lord for the innocent, those worthy of salvation and the Lord God said, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.”

Of course, the Lord God himself knew what the outcome would be and only Lot and his family, excluding his wife, were saved.

It is in my most humble opinion, her death symbolizes our struggle with sin and the temptation that surrounds it.

Why do I bring all this up?

I would say during these times it would be apparent! But I digress, so let’s go back 20 years or so, just so we will all be on even footing.

Many years ago a friend noticed a trend, a shifting paradigm as he put it, of sexual morality which is a source of controversy in our Western culture and therefore in our Christian Church. We had discussed this issue several times and it disturbed both of us deeply because radical Homosexuals were the source of this controversy and while we both had individuals that we might call friends that were of the tendency, we ourselves opposed the practice.

During one of these conversations, my friend commented that the secular civil rights of consenting adults are in contest with the timeless Judeo-Christian foundation for the family and society. The issue even prompted a piece of U.S. Congressional legislation (H.J. Resolution 56) to define “marriage.” (That is argument for a different time.)

It finally got to the point were in 1998 at the World Anglican Communion’s decennial Lambeth Conference, Bishops representing 77-million Church congregants worldwide passed a resolution reaffirming that homosexual ordination, same-sex marriage and homosexual practices were “incompatible with Scripture.” But a majority of the Bishops representing the 2.3-million members Episcopal Church in the U.S.A., the American branch of the World Anglican Communion, strongly objected.

My friend explained to me that the Episcopal Church had debated the “normalization” of homosexual practices, same-sex marriage and the ordination of practicing homosexuals, for over two decades. Episcopal Bishops came close to approving the ordination of practicing homosexuals at previous conventions, creating a rift between the Episcopal Church and the World Anglican Communion, and prompting a growing number of Bishops, both domestic and international, to view the Episcopal Church leadership as heretical and, thus, declared the U.S. a mission field for reseeding. Against the objection of the former and current Archbishops of Canterbury, George Carey and Rowan Williams, several Archbishops in the World Anglican Communion have been ordaining American Bishops and Priests under their authority since 1998.

He reasserted that at its 2003 triennial convention, the Episcopal House of Bishops voted to confirm an unrepentant homosexual as Bishop of an American Diocese, the first such confirmation in the history of the Anglican Church.

He considered this action as arguably “heretical, a willful violation of Scripture and the historic faith, order and governing canons of the Church, codifying a schism between the American Church and World Anglican Communion.”

Now we as a culture rarely like to get beyond the “pro-this/anti-that” labels. But false witnessing has impenetrated our language on the role of homosexuals in the Church and in our society which has caused a great deal of dissent in the role of the Church on the issue. Homosexual advocacy groups often rebut dissenters by claiming they are pharisaical, intolerant and judgmental. These accusations, as my friend would say, “Serve only to preclude discussing this issue consequentially”.

I am personally well aware that those that apply such tactics only do so as a means of creating discourse. It provides them with a medium they don’t usually enjoy and as we well know how the media loves discourse.

Let me set aside this one point that most may have overlooked, like Abraham, any disagreement with homosexual social agendas has no direct correlation with anyone’s capacity to love or have compassion for others. Nor is such dissent necessarily related to judgment, which is God’s alone. No, this is  more about discernment between right and wrong, and obedience to objective truth rather than the cult of subjective relativism popularly justified under the contemporary auspices of “tolerance” and “diversity.”
So what do we do with the homosexual agenda that is attempting to use both the church and the government to expand its position? Romans 12:21 teaches: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

We, as good Christians, must reach out unconditionally with love with the hope of salvation for those we seek to heal. As my friend stated and I fully agreed “we must not predicate love for our brothers and sisters on condition of their obedience to God’s moral truth“, but we must not equate unconditional love with subjective relativism, and uphold sin as righteous. To do this violates God’s word and design.

However I have to point that my position for unrepentant sinners, and the inclusion of such persons as in good standing among Christ’s people, 1 Corinthians 5:11 confirms: “But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral…. With such a man do not even eat.”

It is so very difficult to stand in defense of God’s Word and plan for us all, particularly when there are so many that wish to fight against you. But stand firm and know that you were called to do so. “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.” (Psalm 1:1)

Remind yourselves that “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.”

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Submitted by: Terry Payne

New post on South Carolina Liberty

by admin<<...>>
Bernie Sanders and socialist followers use Finland as the ultimate happy land example of socialism where everything is free.
Well guess what. The happy folks in Finland are not happy with socialism having discovered that free stuff is not free. What a shock. Who'da thunk. They have turned out the socialists to avoid becoming another Venezuela.
Message to Bernie, socialists, communists, and leftists of all stripes: Socialism has not, cannot, and never will work (just like Bernie). Socialism is the equal sharing of misery except by a small elite and always at the point of a gun.
So quit trying to sell this lunacy to the American public. We're not buying what you're selling - not now, not ever.
Jon Smith
Admin, 08/12/2019
Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs, #Bernie2020 Hardest Hit
“Similar problems are bedeviling Sweden and Denmark, two other countries frequently held up as models to follow on health care"
From Legal Insurrection: By Fuzzy Slippers, March 10, 2019
Finland has long been touted by American socialists as the socialist Nirvana, where everything is free and everyone is happy, happy, happy. Sadly, fiscal reality hit Finland’s government as it collapsed Friday due to the rising costs of its universal health care.
The warning signs were on the wall last spring when Finland, as Leslie noted, ended its experiment with “universal basic income.”
Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who has been hanging his socialist mantle on the “success” of Finland’s socialist structure, may be the hardest hit.
The Washington Free Beacon reports:
The government of Finland collapsed Friday due to the rising cost of universal health care and the prime minister’s failure to enact reforms to the system.
Prime Minister Juha Sipila and the rest of the cabinet resigned after the governing coalition failed to pass reforms in parliament to the country’s regional government and health services, the Wall Street Journal reports. Finland faces an aging population, with around 26 percent of its citizens expected to be over 65 by the year 2030, an increase of 5 percent from today.
It’s not just Finland experiencing such problems with its socialist policies. Other Nordic countries, also touted by American socialists and communists as the model America should follow, are suffering similar economic burdens directly related to their socialist policies.
The Washington Free Beacon continues:
Reuters reports that soaring treatment costs and longer life spans have particularly affected Nordic countries.
“Nordic countries, where comprehensive welfare is the cornerstone of the social model, have been among the most affected,” according to Reuters. “But reform has been controversial and, in Finland, plans to cut costs and boost efficiency have stalled for years.”
Similar problems are bedeviling Sweden and Denmark, two other countries frequently held up as models to follow on health care. Finland’s crisis in particular comes as calls for universal health care have grown louder among Democrats in the United States.
Just a few days before Finland’s government collapsed over its inability to foot the bill for its expansive socialist experiment, Sanders took to Twitter in an attempt to shame America.
Indeed, Finland has long been a Bernie go-to for the glories of socialism. Last year, he enthusiastically gushed over Finland being the “happiest place in the world” because of all its “free” stuff
With the collapse of Finland’s government over its inability to financially support its massive socialist agenda, Bernie will undoubtedly do the same thing he always does when socialism (or communism) fails: ignore, obfuscate, and deflect.
After all, for all his big, shiny promises of “free” everything for everyone, he still refuses to address how this largess will be paid for.


What Prayer Does to Your Brain
New Scientific Discoveries Shine
Light on Health Benefits
Dear Reader,


NEWS WITH VIEWS 08/12/2019

Latest Mass Shootings: What You Need to Know

The latest heartbreaking mass shootings brought the usual and immediate vomit from the fake “news” media, political whores from the Democratic/Communist Party USA (candidates and incumbents) and of course, those knowledgeable bastions of the U.S. Constitution, the Hollywood crowd who all hate Trump..........
by Devvy Kidd.


CA has the 2nd lowest home ownership rate in the nation — and it’s going lower

By Stephen Frank on Aug 11, 2019 09:34 pm
It takes time for a trend to show itself.  In California we are seeing more signs of the impending collapse of our economy.  We have the second lowest rate of home ownership.  That means fewer people are building equity for their future.  When they retire, the system collapses.  Then you have what we have begun […]

Read More and Comment: CA has the 2nd lowest home ownership rate in the nation — and it’s going lower

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BERTRAND DAILY REPORT The War For Your Mind and Soul Continues

Subject: Bertrand Gets Middle Finger From 4 Y.O. Girl at Wal*Mart, Hispanics in this Border Town Polarized by Dems, the movie "The Hunt" is Now Worth More and Should be Released (Later)---Video

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Top Democrat for president makes stunning claim of murder
As the 2020 election cycle gets into full gear, Democrats are going all out to get attention and differentiate themselves amid the tightly packed clown car they're driving.
And now, one of the biggest names in the race for president is suddenly raising eyebrows with this astonishing claim of murder ...
Read the latest now on