Sunday, April 21, 2019


Submitted by: P McMillan

Regretfully we must recognize that you now live in a communist country.  In fact, that is nothing new, only the terminology is different than in the old soviet.  Even the government killings have started with false laws backing them up.


BANG! Clinton NXIVM Cult Connection Revealed: Guilty Pleas Expose All!

By Justus Knight The NSIVM (pronounced Nex-E-um) and it’s subgroup DOS are embroiled in a sex scandal that can rock the very foundation of Washington’s Read more…
by Lisa Haven on April 20th, 2019

NEWS WITH VIEWS 04/21/2019

Easter Special: How Jesus Might Look Back At The Cross

The world today is in chaos. There are no restraints in human conduct. Absolute values have long been abolished. Good is considered evil, and evil is considered good. And never has The Cross been more offensive to society than it is today. Sin abounds. Any mention of the name Jesus Christ brings contempt and ridicule..........
by Rev. Austin Miles.

Lies Of The Left, Part 2

The liberal left has been lying to the American people for decades and the MSM has followed along with their lies supporting the undermining of our country.  In a meeting of the Trilateral Commission, an anti-American organization founded by David Rockefeller, he bragged about how the media had kept quite about the intentions of the Commission to the American people.........
by Pastor Roger Anghis.

JIHAD WATCH 04/21/2019

Minnesota city issues cease-and-desist order: Islamic Center’s security vehicle looks too similar to a police car
By Robert Spencer on Apr 20, 2019 04:00 pm

Minnesota city issues cease-and-desist order: Islamic Center’s security vehicle looks too similar to a police car
“Brandmire said the vehicle reminded him of vehicles he has heard were used in other states like New York to ‘enforce Sharia Law.'” There is actually no evidence that vehicles in New York or anywhere else in the U.S. are being used to enforce Sharia. However, Brandmire asks a good question: “Why do they need […]
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MUTH'S TRUTHS 04/21/2019

Another Fake News Hatchet Job

So, after watching a hockey playoff game yesterday, I accidentally channel-surfed to a local news broadcast before selecting the evening’s movie.  And a story about the “No Collusion” Mueller report came on.

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 04/21/2019

Did the USSR Destroy a Secret US Moon Base? Wikileaks (video)

CURATOR: Glenn Canady. Found a very interesting article on about the recent Wikileaks release of a document referencing the destruction of a secret US moon base by the USSR! Here's some of the article snippets of interest from the article. "A Wikileaks document that referred to the destruction of a US moon...
