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CHUCK KOLB 07/04/2017

Oh Say, They Can't See !!! 
Verily, they have no independence and cannot see as they have shunned the law of the Spirit who gives life and has set free all from the law of sin and death to those accepting as in Romans 8:2 truth. For all who enjoy freedom every day,  joy is a good reminder of how blessed we are. This is also true spiritually. Those of us who have been Christians for a long time often forget what it’s like to be held hostage by sin. Not only are we no longer a slave to sin, but we are freed to be holy and to enjoy eternal life with Christ Jesus! (6:22). The words of Romans 1:17, “The righteous will live by faith,” led Martin Luther to realize that justification (being made holy) is through faith by God’s grace alone. God through His Word lifts the burden of sin and sets us free. Blessings to America and her sons and daughters on this day; the celebration of our nation. In 1620, The Mayflower Compact, which many believe today to be the first significant governing document of what would become the United States was very specific about the covenant these men and women were entering into with God for this new land. Some 18 years later, The Fundamental Orders of 1638, were adopted in Connecticut. Its preamble says, “For as much as it hath pleased Almighty God…knowing where a people are gathered together the word of God requires that to maintain the peace and union of such a people there should be an orderly and decent Government established according to God, to order and dispose of the affairs of the people at all seasons as occasion shall require; … to maintain and preserve the liberty and purity of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus … which according to the truth of the said Gospel is now practiced amongst us; as also in our civil affairs to be guided and governed according to such Laws, Rules, Orders and Decrees…" These documents and many others like them dispel the lie that America is not a Christian nation.  We allow freedom to all religions, because our God in Christ Jesus will not force Himself upon others, but rather allow them to come voluntarily. But the foundation of our nation must remain Christian otherwise we will not so long be a nation of freedom and justice. God’s sovereignty must be the rule of man. The Lord said in Jeremiah 34:15, “And you were now turned, and had done right in My sight, in proclaiming liberty every man to his neighbor; and you had made a covenant before me in the house which is called by my name.” Remember your heritage in order to keep your freedom. Celebrate your freedom in Christ by taking the time to thank God for the things you are able and free to do as His servant. Living for Christ brings true freedom, this is what the Founders knew and henceforth in writing ... 
Maranatha ! 


For America to survive, we must declare independence from Big Pharma’s failed medical monopoly

For America to survive, we must declare independence from Big Pharma’s failed medical monopolyCONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Tuesday, July 04, 2017 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) Although suddenly everyone is aware of the looming financial collapse of the State of Illinois, almost no one is aware of why it’s actually happening. And the lying mainstream media — purveyors of fake news— won’t dare tell you the real...



Submitted by: Royce Latham

The Role of the French

Laurence’s book, however, reminds us that without the French, there would be no United States of America. We see that:


Submitted by: P McMillan

When your life is threatened apparently is when you call it "fake news."  The number of deaths around the Clintons never stops growing, whether or not they are in office. 
This one - pedogate - is just too big.  It will not stay "down the tube."  But when its rain begins the whole top tier of world leaders in most everything WILL go down the tube.  Including the phony media.  It will be a whole new world when people are forced to realize how many of those they've idolized are child torturers and murderers.  And how many in "justice" and "law enforcement" are anything but just and lawful.  Or in any other position of supposed responsibility and trust.  And how many people have been murdered to "protect" their satanic "secret."
Tons of interesting stuff on Henry Makow's "tweets."
Tony B.


Happy Independence Day
I love celebrating the 4th of July every year. It's like attending a birthday party where we get the gifts, the greatest gifts of all, freedom and liberty.  These freedoms, rights, privileges, and liberties are denied to millions of people across this planet. We could, of course, have a discussion of, "Do we have the same level of freedom and liberty now that we once had on July 4th of 1776?" However, we are still the greatest nation on earth and the best force for good on the planet. Millions of people from Europe to Asia live in freedom, thanks to our great nation. So, as we enjoy the day with family and friends, swimming, BBQing, and watching fireworks, always be thankful for the gifts we receive every day. Be respectful and appreciative of the men and women who sacrificed and still sacrifice to give us our freedoms; be vigilant in safeguarding these gifts so that we may pass them on to the next generation.

In love & liberty,


JIHAD WATCH 07/04/2017

Sweden: Muslim migrant gets month in prison for raping 13-year-old boy, won’t be deported
By Robert Spencer on Jul 03, 2017 03:51 pm

Sweden: Muslim migrant gets month in prison for raping 13-year-old boy, won’t be deported
Do Swedish authorities think that their Muslim migrants will treat them with reciprocal leniency when they’re in power? They’re in for a surprise. “Sweden: Afghan guilty of raping 13-year-old boy sentenced to 1 month in prison, will not be deported,” translated at Blazing Cat Fur from “Våldtog och hotade döda barn – får en månads […]
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BEFORE IT'S NEWS 07/04/2017

Excuse Me If I Do Not Celebrate the 4th of July

Excuse Me If I Do Not Celebrate the 4th of JulyCONTRIBUTOR: common sense. It is becoming abundantly clear that the globalists are escalating their timetable to establish a New World Order and they are in a hurry to achieve this goal. The Globalists Are Operating Out of a Sense of Panic The major reason that the globalists must speed up their takeover is...



Submitted by: P McMillan


Pat Buchanan: 'Are we passing on the house we inherited – or observing its demolition?'

In the first line of the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776, Thomas Jefferson speaks of “one people.”
The Constitution, agreed upon by the Founding Fathers in Philadelphia in 1789, begins, “We the people …”
And who were these “people”?

MUTH'S TRUTHS 07/04/2017

Our friend and longtime reader Gary Bernstein recently returned from a six-country vacation in Europe to trace his family roots.  I think you’ll find this first-person report on how folks he ran into over there view President Donald Trump rather interesting…