Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins

The USS Fitzgerald was involved in a collision with a merchant vessel while operating about 56 nautical miles southwest of Yokosuka, Japan, according to a statement Friday from the U.S. military. 

More on this: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/06/16/us-navy-warship-collides-with-cargo-ship-off-coast-japan.html http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/06/16/us-navy-warship-collides-with-cargo-ship-off-coast-japan.html


JW Pursues Comey Records        
June 16, 2017
JW Pursues Comey Records 
JW Goes to Court to Expose Obama Administration Shakedowns 
Trump Should Reject New Middle Eastern-North African Racial Census Category

The Swamp creatures in Washington who gamed the system to appoint a special prosecutor need to be held accountable.

Your Judicial Watch is focusing on James Comey, the former FBI Director who spirited away government documents, then arranged for the contents of those documents to be leaked to the media to force the appointment of a special prosecutor.  We aim to get the bottom of both the records’ removal and the leaks to the media, then hold accountable the persons who were involved.


The DNC’s New Hillary Clinton and She’s Got the Trail of Bodies to Prove It (video)

The DNC’s New Hillary Clinton and She’s Got the Trail of Bodies to Prove ItCONTRIBUTOR: common sense. The DNC’s New Hillary Clinton and She’s Got the Trail of Bodies to Prove It Hillary’s health may be in severe decline. However, she has a successor and her name is Debbie Wasserman Schultz. This woman strikes terror in the hearts of those who would oppose her. With the unfolding...



1. After Attempted GOP Slaughter, CBS Wonders: Does Trump Need to Lead on 'Civility?'

After a Bernie Sanders-supporting, Republican-hating gunman attempted to slaughter GOP Congressmen, CBS This Morning host Charlie Rose on Thursday wondered if it was Donald Trump who needed to show "civility." Talking to Republican Congressman Gary Palmer about violence at a baseball practice, Rose suggested, “Do we begin with leadership from the White House in terms of trying to cool down things and trying to create more civility and trying to create a more common ground?” 


Did you see what this MAJOR election forecaster just said? 

"Eleven days out, the most expensive and built-up House special election of all time is still a Toss Up" — Cook Political Report

With less than a week until the biggest Special Election OF ALL TIME, this is HUGE news. If we can fund our massive GOTV ground game, we can win! 

But we've got a long way to go.


Bertrand Daily Report 
The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues

Subject: Your Morning Intelligence brief (June 16th, 2017)

Ed Note: While monitoring shortwave stations around the world, I came across a broadcast out of Australia discussing the refugee crisis in their country where several military age men were being detained from an undisclosed Middle Eastern country, and of course....their Liberal Left won a lawsuit against the Australian government, awarding each of the men $50,000 each ! However....the refugee men will NOT be released and the P.M. stated, "they can enjoy their money in jail and since they have no passports or any type of paperwork, they are not going anywhere anytime soon(sic)."

JIHAD WATCH 06/16/2017

Video: Mark Steyn on the Leftist/Islamic preference for violently shutting down opponents
By Robert Spencer on Jun 15, 2017 06:10 pm

Video: Mark Steyn on the Leftist/Islamic preference for violently shutting down opponents
“This brand new SteynPost was taped hours before this morning’s shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and others at a GOP team practice for the Congressional baseball game. Mark looks at recent examples of political violence, and the left’s preference not for winning the debate but for shutting down the debate – by any […]
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Eber: One sustainable tweet at a time

By Stephen Frank on Jun 15, 2017 08:46 pm
The world has gone crazy—you are not allowed to debate global warming because it is “settled” (by Al Gore making millions off the settlement).  You are not allowed to discuss terrorists, especially on campus, because to do so would show you are a racist and hater.  Oppose racism today?  Then you have to oppose white […]

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BEFORE IT'S NEWS 06/16/2017

Wasserman Schultz and DNC Sued for Voter Fraud by Fearful Democrats (video)

Wasserman Schultz and DNC Sued for Voter Fraud by Fearful DemocratsCONTRIBUTOR: common sense. There is good news in the midst of our chaotic political climate. The Democratic party is disintegrating. It is imploding from the inside. A number of Democrats, mostly Bernie Sanders supporters, have banded together and filed a law suit against the DNC and Wasserman Schultz for voter fraud and other...


MUTH'S TRUTHS 06/16/2017

CNN Chief Needs a Therapy Puppy and a Pacifier

Jeff Zucker, the head of the nation’s biggest fake news network, CNN, is whining over what he claims is an “unconscionable and dangerous” effort by President Donald Trump to de-legitimize the press which has, according to him, increased the threats faced by his fake news peddlers.

“We’ve been dealing with this in very real and heightened way over the last 18 months,” he blubbered.

Oh, cry me a river. 

CHUCK KOLB 06/16/2017

Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Shelach Lecha - Faith and Entering the Promised Land !!! 

Previously posted ... 
Take Me Out to the Ball Game - Congressional at 7pm edt !!!

Welcome to our study for this week’s Torah portion, which is called Shelach Lecha (Send Forth).
This is the portion of Scripture that will be read in synagogues around the world this Saturday (Shabbat) morning.
We are certain you will be blessed as you read along with us!

1600 DAILY 06/16/2017

Watch President Donald J. Trump's Weekly Address: