CHUCK KOLB 06/10/2017

Leaks, Lies and Videotape !!! 
Comey’s testimony was supposed to be an indictment of Donald Trump.
Instead it ended up being an indictment of Comey himself as a leaker,
Loretta Lynch, and the fake news of CNN. ...
Maranatha !


Blockbuster Revelation: Loretta Lynch Guilty of Obstruction According to Comey

Blockbuster Revelation: Loretta Lynch Guilty of Obstruction According to ComeyCONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Belonged to a Harvard group that supported terrorism anti-semitic views. Now she’s guilty of obstruction of justice and abuse of power according to Fired FBI Director, Comey. The entire story is in the following video. Please donate to offset the costs of The Common Sense Show PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR...



Jun 10, 2017 01:25 am  
Shortly after the public testimony of James Comey ended, CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin casually dropped a bomb, without evidence.
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Obama Admin. Election SCANDAL 
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Submitted by: John Rolls

That 3,000 mosques is still higher than in the US, but that will change as people stay uniformed on the ideology of Islam. At his point, with the apathetic minds in America, we deserve the influx of Sharia law and domination of Islam.

JIHAD WATCH 06/10/2017

London jihad massacre “could have been even worse”: jihadis tried to rent 16,500 pound truck
By Robert Spencer on Jun 10, 2017 01:21 am

London jihad massacre “could have been even worse”: jihadis tried to rent 16,500 pound truck
“Concerningly, Butt had earlier attempted to hire a 7.5-tonne lorry that same morning. When he did not provide payment details, the rental did not go ahead. The effects could have been even worse.” It was all about the payment details. No one would have dared question him about why he wanted the truck. That would […]
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BEFORE IT'S NEWS 06/10/2017

Blockbuster Revelation: Loretta Lynch Guilty of Obstruction According to Comey

Blockbuster Revelation: Loretta Lynch Guilty of Obstruction According to ComeyCONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Belonged to a Harvard group that supported terrorism anti-semitic views. Now she’s guilty of obstruction of justice and abuse of power according to Fired FBI Director, Comey. The entire story is in the following video. Please donate to offset the costs of The Common Sense Show PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR...



Boeing Sending U.S. Jobs and Technology to China

By Stephen Frank on Jun 09, 2017 08:44 pm
Boeing a private firm controlled by unions must think Americans are as stupid as the workers that pay bribes for the right to work for their company.  The executives of Boeing are building NEW plants in China, turning over American technology to the Chinese government—and then claims it will not harm American jobs.  The real […]

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Dealing With Death
Each of us has, at one time or another, dealt with death of a family member, friend, relative or other loved ones. Each of us has dealt with such death in a manner that we had been taught. Some border on being hysterical, disbelieving or refusing to deal with it at all and withdrawing. This must not be the way we deal with death or near death of anyone. If you read and study the Bible God has given us the answers we need to face our own deaths with no fear and, if we are true Christians, we can assist others at the time of their own deaths. We have a duty to remain strong and to be the examples to others, especially family members of the dying, and to be prepared to tell them of what awaits them or , in the case of a dearly beloved, that person’s demise.