Sunday, December 31, 2017

HAPPY 2018

To all readers of Conservative Patriot, I pray that your new year of 2018 is all that you hope it will be...

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr

CHUCK KOLB 12/31/2017

2017 in Rearview !!!
Verily, as 2017 comes to a close, we take a deep breath. 
We weathered (literally) many disasters, and this looks 
like the new normal for years to come. With the ball being 
dropped 3 days early in Iran, Donald tweeted, "Oppressive 
regimes cannot endure forever ...". Our Father willing, 2018 
will be another year of divine intervention. Continue to pray 
without ceasing and in praise as Heaven comes to Earth ... 
The world is watching ! 
Maranata !


Submitted by: Royce Latham

To date the investigation into the Fusion GPS-manufactured collusion scandal has focused largely on the firm itself, its allies in the press, as well as contacts in the Department of Justice and FBI. However, if a sitting president used the instruments of state, including the intelligence community, to disseminate and legitimize a piece of paid opposition research in order to first obtain warrants to spy on the other party’s campaign, and then to de-legitimize the results of an election once the other party’s candidate won, we’re looking at a scandal that dwarfs Watergate—a story not about a bad man in the White House, but about the subversion of key security institutions that are charged with protecting core elements of our democratic process while operating largely in the shadows.

Border Angels Arrange Cartel Wedding via Border Patrol at Friendship Park

Submitted by: P McMillan

Henry "Enrique" Morones, nationally-known founder of the Border Angles, arranged a cross-border wedding for a convicted drug smuggler at Friendship Park in San Diego. The Border Patrol provided security for the event, a cartel wedding. It was probably regular Border Patrol agents who exposed this outrageous farce via their Union representative.
The Border Angels is a American nonprofit group that facilitates the smuggling of illegal aliens and fake refugees from Mexico and Central America into the United States. Some believe that the Border Angels have connections to the cartels and this event appears to support that suspicion.
This video was taken down from the KUSI website a few hours after being broadcast, most likely because Morones threatened them, somehow. It has been re-posted for your information.
Friendship park, on the border near San Diego, just provides a convenient place for propaganda events for open-border advocates. It is a waste of resources for the Border Patrol and should be closed permanently.


Submitted by: S Short

The link below is oh so troubling indeed. There should never, never be any decision by a Judge to go against our Constitution. If a judge so desires to do so, then this Judge is guilty of Treason and should be removed immediately from the bench and arrested. What kind of nonsense is going on within our country to allow such actions. This goes beyond despicable....NO SHARIA LAW SHOULD BE APPROVED BY ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY AND PARTICULARLY SHOULD NOT BE A DECISION BY A JUDGE TO ALLOW SHARIA LAW TO BE ACCEPTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. If these people living within our country want to practice their religion that is their privilege but as far as the laws of our country they must abide, if not then they are breaking the laws and must be held accountable. All states must uphold our constitution, if not then leave and functions alone or with another country. Our Constitution must be upheld and supported otherwise WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE A COUNTRY. You,  our President, must demand and execute an executive order and if this executive is not carried out then those not abiding by must be held accountable. The Department of Justice must step in if our Constitution is not being upheld by a state, city or by any individual including Judges and all elected officials.


9/11 Stolen Gold Seized! Hillary Ran Terrorists! Tom Heneghan (video)

9/11 Stolen Gold Seized!  Hillary Ran Terrorists!  Tom HeneghanCONTRIBUTOR: Glenn Canady. Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb just did a New Year's Eve show that put out a lot of intel from US and French intelligence! Here's some of the highlights Updates on the sealed indictments and Nevada grand jury. The 2000 tons of gold stolen on 9/11 was taken to...



Submitted by: K J WAGNER

VIETNAMESE IMMIGRANT -- Well Done  The difference between legal and illegal.  This is something everyone in America should read....  It looks like we did some good after all!


Israel Bombs Hamas After Rocket Attacks, Blames Iran; CLICK for Latest from Israel!
United with IsraelFriedman: Palestinians’ Reaction to Trump Jerusalem Recognition ‘Ugly’ and 'Anti-Semitic'; Watch Iranians Chant 'Death to Hezbollah'; Palestinians Use Christians as Pawns 

NEWS WITH VIEWS 12/31/2017

The Church and Its Mission Today, Part 3

We often hear that “revival starts with the people of God.” That statement is true but often masks what must precede revival. Before God will bring revival in and upon His people, Christians must repent, confess, and turn from their evil ways. In other words, revival is necessary for a people that have wandered off the narrow path and have come under judgment..........
by Rev. Mike Spaulding.

JIHAD WATCH 12/31/2017

Pamela Geller: One day left — my end-of-year appeal to you
By Pamela Geller on Dec 30, 2017 09:29 pm

Pamela Geller: One day left — my end-of-year appeal to you
[Note from Robert Spencer: I urge you to give generously and support my colleague Pamela Geller’s groundbreaking and unique work. We have entered into a new age, in which the defenders of freedom are no longer forever on the defensive. Now is the chance to make genuine headway against the forces of oppression. But when […]
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BEFORE IT'S NEWS 12/31/2017

Call to Action: Urgent Message to All Americans (Videos) (video)

Call to Action: Urgent  Message to All Americans  (Videos) CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. by N.Morgan In this new age of cyber censorship, websites such as Before Its News and other alternative news sites are now heavily depending on their readers and contributors to help get critical information out to the people and to bypass the controlled media search engines. Google has been on...
