
When Credit Suisse pleaded guilty to criminal charges last May, many called it the end of "too big to jail" for big banks. But guess what: No bank executives actually went to jail.

Instead, they paid a fine – $2.6 billion – to settle the charges.

​That may sound like a lot to you and me, but to a major financial institution, that's a cost of doing business. ​And it’s just one in a series of settlements​ by big banks​ after wrongdoing when none of the executives went to jail.


BREAKING: Legislation Launched to SHUT DOWN the UN’s Agenda [DETAILS]

Senator Jim Inhofe added an amendment to the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty that would potentially shut down parts of the United Nations if the treaty were to pass. Prior to Inhofe’s amendment, Senator Mike Crapo added an amendment to push back Obama’s Department of Justice and their Operation Choke Point. Operation Choke Point was an overreach

JIHAD WATCH 04/04/2015

93% of Muslim women in Malaysia have suffered genital mutilation
By Robert Spencer on Apr 04, 2015 03:01 am

93% of Muslim women in Malaysia have suffered genital mutilation
Female genital mutilation “is a Central African problem. Eritrea has almost 90 percent female genital mutilation. It’s a Christian country. Ethiopia has 75 percent female genital mutilation. It’s a Christian country. Nowhere else in the Muslim, Muslim-majority states is female genital mutilation an issue.” — Reza Aslan Oops. Wrong again, and not just about Eritrea […]

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Apr 04, 2015 07:22 am  

By Louder With Crowder  
What do you think happens when a gay, like SUPER gay Crowder tries to get a super gay wedding cake baked at a Muslim bakery?
HIDDEN CAMERA: Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries [+video]
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Here’s a quick recap of the major political events of the past week:
  • Hillary Clinton can’t shake her email scandal. Still. 
    If Hillary Clinton’s email troubles have led you to believe you somehow fell asleep and woke up in the Clinton-Scandal-driven 1990’s, you’re not alone. Though she made it clear last week at her press conference that she believes her email humiliation should be put to rest, that’s just not how it’s playing out for the would-be Democratic Presidential nominee. The House Select Committee on Benghazi, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy, will summon Clinton to appear before May 1st to discuss her emails and the server, and the mainstream media just won’t cooperate in killing the story. Compounding her troubles, Quinnipiac released a new poll this week suggesting that the email scandal has further weakened her support, especially in 3 key swing states – Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Read more here:

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 04/04/2015


CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. National Guard to be activated in Michigan to participate in JH-15 This article has two major purposes: (1) To establish how massively the American people have been lied to with regard to the depth and breadth of the Jade Helm 15 (JH 15) exercises; and, (3) To force the...


FREEDOM FORCE 04/04/2015

Rutgers Professor says the Religious Right’s “God is an A**hole” Another open-minded and inclusive college professor is going around making blanket statements about huge groups of people and the religion they practice. This time it’s a Rutgers University professor by the name of Brittney Cooper who has everything figured out.


With tobacco tax revenues in decline, hunt is on to find another way to fund free preschool

By Stephen Frank on Apr 03, 2015 08:37 pm
When the tobacco tax passed in 1998 one argument against it was the tax itself. If it were successful, fewer cigarettes would be sold, but the expenditures will continue to rise. What happens when the tax does not meet the spending? Now we are about to find out—watch out for other taxes to increase to […]

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CHUCK KOLB 04/03/2015 abbreviated

Shabbat Shalom - Passover Begins Tonight - When Death Lost Its Sting !!!

Friday at sunset, the eight-day celebration of Passover begins.  Jewish
people will mark the beginning of this prophetic holiday, which
foreshadows the salvation wrought for all mankind by Yeshua, with a
ceremonial meal called the Seder, in which the story of deliverance from
slavery in Egypt is retold.

This year the Biblical Festival of Passover (Pesach) coincides with the Christian celebration of Good Friday.
On Sunday, as Passover continues, Believers will celebrate Yeshua's victory over death on Resurrection Sunday.
Around the world, as the Jewish People commemorate their exodus from slavery in Egypt, and celebrate the saving power
of the God of Israel, Believers in Yeshua (Jesus)—both Jewish and Gentile—will celebrate freedom from slavery to sin.


BJ3: Hmmm...wonder if Dusty might be purrfect at getting a sealed and vaulted, authentic Birth Certificate?
Just because the media stops reporting on the importation of illegal aliens by the White House does not mean it is not an ongoing policy of Barack the First. He is working hard to depopulate Central America of all its children and bring them to your hometown. “While taking custody of roughly 2,000 illegal alien […]


Resurrection of Christ
God’s Salvation
All Men
The celebration of The Resurrection is upon us. God’s Son has been crucified and died for the unbelief of man. Had only they believed…but God knew that just would not happen.
Let’s get a few things cleared up so as to learn the truth of God’s Word.
Jesus repeatedly told His disciples that He would leave them but return.