On ObamaCare's Birthday, Ballooning Problems

The President can blow out the candles on ObamaCare's birthday, but he can't put out the fire over his signature policy. When ObamaCare turns four this weekend, White House officials will have blown through $52 million of advertising propaganda to promote the policy -- but with little to show for it, pollsters say. According to the latest Pew Research Survey, ObamaCare may be older, but Americans don't believe it's wiser. Despite a 48-month adjustment perior, the toll on families' wallets, lives, jobs, and freedom remains a major drag on the President's health care law.

NEWS WITH VIEWS 03/22/2014

Can Any REAL Conservative Win in America?
Clearly, current members of CPAC, like current members of the Republican National Committee (RNC), have totally lost sight of what it is to be a “conservative.” When even the conservative PACs are promoting non-conservatives and ineligible candidates, how in the hell can anyone take a serious stab at electing a real American conservative today?......
by JB Williams


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

No intelligent American citizen, Left or Right would condone
the actual process that will be exposed in this video. It's
almost unbelievable. Please watch at least the first 45
seconds... your eyes will be opened. Every American needs to


Submitted by: Donald Hank

What do you think, a reincarnated soul?

This is crazy beautiful. Take a moment and watch it.


Now why is it that these judges were all so astounded? Not because, as they suppose, it is abnormal for a child to imitate other people's voices. No, because that is normal in a child that has not been 'acculturated.'

ALT 03/22/2014

ALT Headlines Featured Stories for March 22, 2014

Mumps Outbreak in Ohio May Prove Something
Catherine Frompovich - Ohio State University reports a outbreak of mumps, a communicable infectious disease that affects the salivary [parotid] glands that also can cause other health problems, some serious, e.g., meningitis and ...


Submitted by Donald Hank:

Detroit School District beaks law as it give preferential treatment for being 'NON-CHRISTIAN!'

Never would have believed this if I hadn't seen it in print.  Unbelievable!!!!



Vote “NO” on Sarasota school tax: It won’t help the children, never has and never will

This special election is how the Sarasota County School Board gets what it wants by suppressing the vote with an off cycle election costing property owners $500,000 that could be used for school programs. It has worked before and these school board members like it because they can now raise teacher salaries with historically no impact on student performance.

Read testimonials from Sarasota residents on this school tax referendum 


Drudge Has Twitter Exchange With White House Aide Over Obamacare
A White House aide set off a stampede of liberal media criticism for Internet news pioneer Matt Drudge over Obamacare – but his critics don’t seem to understand how small businesses pay taxes. The brouhaha started when Drudge tweeted: Jesse Lee, the Director of Progressive Media at Barack Obama’s White House, responded that that was […] READ MORE

This Map Ranks The States From Best To Worst On Tax Rates
Hate paying taxes? Then consider a home on the range, and keep as far away from New York as possible. The tax burden the average American pays varies tremendously, and depends a lot on where you live, according to a study by financial social media company WalletHub. The study ranked all 50 states and the […] READ MORE

CLASH DAILY 03/22/2014

ANGRY MOM: Lady Destroys Common Core by Writing This on Son’s Test This mom has a few select words for her son’s math homework. See how she utterly destroys common core in just a few sentences. Via Allen B West ...READ MORE
THEY’RE RUDE: Beijing Hotel Workers Say The Obama’s and Entourage Are a Pain in the Butt in $8,350-per-night suite Michelle Obama and three of her family members are staying in a $8,350-per-night Beijing presidential suite, but despite a 24-hour butler and other perks that come with the lodging, her entourage has inconvenienced ‘pretty ... READ MORE


Dear Conservatives,

Do you remember June 28, 2012?

I do. That was the day the Supreme Court incorrectly ruled that Obamacare could stand as law of the land.

That dark day is etched permanently into my memory having ignited a fire within me that'll burn until the day Obamacare is repealed.

In Washington, Democrats and Republicans both have accepted Obamacare and have moved on to other "issues of the day" as if they never really cared.

But I refuse to allow Obamacare to stand.

I'm still mad as hell, as if I just heard the decision this morning.

GOP USA 03/22/2014

Feminist Professor Charged with Assaulting Pro-Life Teen
image Once again, we see a perfect example of how liberals operate by a different set of rules. They preach tolerance, yet are intolerant of any opposing views. They advocate free speech, as long as the speech proclaims left-wing ideals. Just look what happened when a pro-life group set up signs on a college campus and a liberal professor became "offended."


Obama carps on minimum wage yet fails to improve jobs creation. He is really testing the patience of all Americans.


National MiddleClass Network DAILY NewsBriefer - 3-22-14
Note: This is a "DAILY" Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something". THX

And don't forget the newsbrief at the bottom: "A Black Woman Embarrassed by Obama "

From: DON HANK...Our thanks to Jean. I feel the best thing we can do now is pray.  Never would have believed this if I hadn't seen it in print.  Unbelievable!!!! Never thought I would see anything like this... 
In writing for all to see . . . in the very same contract that prohibits religious discrimination. Whathttp://www.caintv.com/suburban-detroit-school-distri

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 03/22/2013

Cold, Hard Proof US Is A Military Police State (Videos) (video)

Cold, Hard Proof US Is A Military Police State (Videos) CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America. By Susan Duclos The videos below come secondary to the facts and figures that have been researched and will utterly astound those that deny that the United States of America has rapidly turned their police forces from "protect and serve" to an "above the law," military police state....

CHUCK KOLB 03/22/2014

Our Last Lent - Death of the Apostles !!!

Previously posted ...
ELECTRIC UNIVERSE NOW w Fly Me to the Malaysian Moon !!!


Do we have the strength and faith they did - pray we do ...
and a hastening forth that the last name be written in the
Lamb's Book of Life - henceforth the rapture before tribulation !

Thus the song of Maranatha ...

JIHAD WATCH 03/22/2013

Mar 21, 2014 07:29 pm | Robert Spencer
Tarek Mehanna was convicted in 2011. Then in 2013, an appeals court upheld his conviction. Now he is appealing again, to the Supreme Court. Whether he wins or loses, he has tied up untold amounts of Infidel money and resources with these appeals, and that is a jihad in itself. His lawyers say that he […]
Like Massachusetts: Convicted jihad terrorist appeals to Supreme Court on Facebook  Google Plus One Button  share on Twitter


Mar 22, 2014 07:30 am  

By Matthew Boyle 
A White House aide set off a stampede of liberal media criticism for Internet news pioneer Matt Drudge over Obamacare – but his critics don't seem to understand how small businesses pay taxes.
‘LIBERTY TAX’: White House, Media Attack After Drudge Pays ObamaCare Opt-Out Penalty
Like http://joemiller.us/2014/03/liberty-tax-white-house-media-attack-drudge-pays-obamacare-opt-penalty/ on Facebook   share on Twitter   Google Plus One Button


Dear Fellow Believer, 
1. Some of the brightest lights in the business world are looking for relocation
Garnering nearly one billion readers monthly, the Drudge Report is able to literally shift public sentiment.
Matt Drudge, arguably the most influential media personality in the world, tweeted, "Have an exit plan."
Like her comments on tobacco as a "malignant poison" in 1864, 100 years before the US Surgeon General, 
Ellen White, (like Matt Drudge now), said "Out of the cities is my message." You can type that line into the
Search Box at http://whiteestate.org/ to see about 100 places where she said it. I imagine many "Yes, buts..." 


What About
Your Country
There are Christian groups that teach their followers that they are not to enter into military service and plead their case base upon being a Conscience Objector. They base their belief on, “turn the other cheek,” and little else.
I have read and studied God’s Word and would like to tell each of you what God has said.
Ecclesiastes 3: 8 a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.