Sunday, January 19, 2014

LIFE NEWS 01/19/2014

40,000 Pro-Lifers Line the Streets of Paris, France During French March for Life They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, so there are several thousand words on the March for Life in Paris, France today.
There’s no better report on today’s March for Life in France that could display the job of thousands of people marching for pro-life values in Europe than the pictures below.
Andrew Cuomo Faces Calls to Resign After Saying Pro-Lifers Not Welcome in New YorkGovernor Andrew Cuomo of New York is facing calls to resign following his comments saying pro-life people have no business living in the state.
As LifeNews reported Friday, Cuomo said the following: You’re seeing that play out in New York. … The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE Act — it was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate! Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Revealed: how Jimmy Savile abused up to 1,000 victims on BBC premises

Executives turned a blind eye to attacks, according to former judge's 'shocking' finding

Jimmy Savile is said to have committed his crimes 'under the noses of BBC staff for more than 40 years'. Photograph: Murdo MacLeod
The BBC will be plunged into a major crisis with the publication of a damning review, expected next month, that will reveal its staff turned a blind eye to the rape and sexual assault of up to 1,000 girls and boys by Jimmy Savile in the corporation's changing rooms and studios.
Dame Janet Smith, a former court of appeal judge, who previously led the inquiry into the murders by Dr Harold Shipman, will say in her report that the true number of victims of Savile's sexual proclivities may never be known but that his behaviour had been recognised by BBC executives who took no action.


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

Watch the short video 
This will set your hair on fire. Obamas real agenda.


Submitted by: Mary Fatzinger

 A movement has been started by our armed forces, to get out the vote in 2014.  They are organizing themselves, but this can be done by all of us.  
The President, the Commander in Chief, has made the Rules of Engagement (ROE) so difficult, that our troops are often killed before they can even get permission to fight.  Nothing has been done to stop our troops from being murdered by Afghanis they are training, either.  
Now, the President wants the US to sign on to the Un's International Criminal Court (ICC), which would allow the UNs ICC to arrest and try US troops for War Crimes, without the legal protections guaranteed under US Law, and from which there is no appeal.  
The President, with his Democratic control of the Senate, has nearly all the power.  If the Non-Establishment can take back the Senate in 2014, our troops can once again be protected from unnecessary danger. Please consider this, and send it on to your mailing lists.  Thank You!!
Interestingly enough, when GWB was president you heard about the the military deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan almost daily.  With Obama in the White House, the mainstream media has been strangely quiet. --- More than 1,000 American soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan in the last 27 months. This is more than the combined total of the nine years before.  Thirty have died in August.  During the last month, over 50 additional NATO and US servicemen have been murdered, inside jobs by those who are hired to be a force for good in Afghanistan .  
The commander in chief is AWOL.  Not a peep, although he ordered the White House flag flown at half-staff for the Sikhs that were killed.  There is a deep disgust, a fury, growing in the ranks of the military against the indifferent incompetence of this president.  It has taken on a dangerous tone.  No one knows what to do about him, but the anger runs deep as the deaths continue with no strategic end in sight to the idiocy of this war.  
Obama has had 4 years to end this futile insanity, during which time he has  vacationed, golfed, campaigned, and generally ignored the plight of our men and women in uniform.  But, there is now a movement afoot in the armed services to launch a massive get out the vote drive against this president.  Not just current active duty types, but the National Guard, Reserves, the retired, and all other prior service members.  This is no small special interest group, but many millions of veterans who can have an enormous impact on the outcome of the November election if they all respond.  The million military retirees in Florida alone could mean an overwhelming victory in that state if they all show up at the polls.  It might not keep another one hundred U.S. troops from dying between now and November, but a turn out to vote by the military against this heart breaking lack of leadership can make a powerful statement that hastens a change to the indifference of this shallow little man who just lets our soldiers die. 
Veterans: Please forward to your lists. High Priority!


Submitted by: Ron Branson, VICTORY USA

Top Doctor: The Flu Vaccine is Worthless

Thursday, 16 Jan 2014 04:33 PM
By Sylvia Booth Hubbard
Regardless of all the advertising touting the effectiveness of the flu vaccine, it's worthless, says board-certified family practitioner Dr. David Brownstein. When you cut through the hype and take a good, close look at the facts, you'll discover that the vaccine just plain doesn't work, he tells Newsmax Health. What's more, he says, it can be dangerous.
Dr. Brownstein recently saw an interview with a well-known physician who was extolling the virtues of the flu vaccine. "I was shocked at what the doctor said," he says. "She said that the high-dose flu vaccine for seniors aged 65 and older called Fluzone, which is four times as strong as the standard flu dose, was more effective in seniors and was 24 percent more effective at preventing flu than the standard flu shot."


Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins

I saw this on NBC News last night and thought I should send it to all my friends on Medicare as fair warning. I've included the segment for you to view. Basically, if I understand it correctly, do not let the hospital admit you with the words, "Under Observation." Insist on "In-Patient"designation. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the hospital expenses. It might be wise to inform family members too.


157 Babies Killed in Abortion Every Single Hour
Dear Readers,
This week our nation marks 41 years of legalized abortion -- where unborn children are killed in every state in our country.
For most Americans, the 41st anniversary the Supreme Court handed down its decision will be a day to mourn — a day to mourn the loss of tens of millions of unborn children — sons and daughters, brothers and sisters lost to a world that values choice over compassion. It will be a day to mourn the damage abortion does to women — the medical problems, the mental health issues, the damaging of relationships with friends and family, and the destruction of relationships with God.
Since that fateful day in 1973, there have been an estimated 56,662,169 abortions.
Each abortion is more than just a number -- it's a tiny baby whose life was snuffed out and a mother injured in the process. Each abortion is a father who will ever experience the joy of holding his baby, watching his son play on the high school football team or watching his daughter graduate from college.
If you run the math on those terrible figures, the numbers are absolutely chilling:


Submitted by: Lady Byrd

Notre Dame Professor on Obamacare:

Obamacare Should Remind Us We Are Not 'Subjects,' We Are People
Laura Hollis is a professor at the University of Notre Dame
November 20, 2013|10:42 am

The unveiling of the dictatorial debacle that is Obamacare absolutely flabbergasts me. It is stunning on so many levels, but the most shocking aspect of it for me is watching millions of free Americans stand idly by while this man, his minions in Congress and his cheerleaders in the press systematically dismantle our Constitution, steal our money, and crush our freedoms.

GRASSTOPS USA 01/19/2014

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it."
~ Thomas Paine
Out Of The Mouth Of Dotage
Calling All Tea Party Hobbits. McCain Rips Into You Again
Posted On America's Conservative News

He spared no ire when he called Tea Party members "schizophrenic," but he lauded both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Read the Full Story

Join Us, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Steven Seagal, Ted Nugent, Neal Boortz And The Movers And Shakers Of The Conservative Movement At The Western Conservative Conference.
GrassTopsUSA is a proud co-sponsor of the 2014 Western Conservative Conference will be held in Phoenix on February 21st and 22nd at the Phoenix Convention Center. Get your tickets now.


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

I encourage all who receive this to please follow the link and watch the 8 minute video:  I had no idea of the happenings in Max, Nebraska, but have checked out what this man says.   It is fact!!!   Why can our towns and cities follow this example???


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Cochise County on alert, violence reported in Agua Prieta

January 18, 2014 ADI News Services

Bullet holes riddle victim’s vehicle
On Saturday January 18, 2014, at approximately 12:45 a.m., the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office was contacted by the Douglas Port of Entry regarding what sounded like a gun battle with automatic weapons and possibly hand grenades south of the United States/Mexico border. The Port of Entry advised that the sounds lasted until just after 1:00 a.m., and there were no requests for medical personnel or ambulances to respond to the port.
Information, which was received throughout the day, indicates that a gun/weapons fight did occur in Agua Prieta, Sonora, south of the US/Mexico border, where several fatalities occurred in two separate incidents. All information received indicates that this is probably cartel related with massive amounts of munitions used to include automatic weapons, 50 caliber weapons, and hand grenades. Reports of the death toll range from 8-13 people, none of whom are listed as US Citizens.


"Why Are Thousands of Producers Not Paying Taxes?"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues.
© Copyright Sunday, January 19, 2014 - All Rights Reserved
As published on Newswithviews, January 15, 2013
This article is also available on our website at:
DISCLAIMER:  We make no warranties, express or implied, that the information presented in this article is accurate in all respects.  Much of it comes from anecdotal accounts by individuals who have contacted us in response to our previous articles about the IRS.  As they are personal accounts, there is no way we can adequately corroborate their stories.  It is the sole responsibility of the reader or taxpayer to verify the information for his or her own particular situation.  The material provided is for information purposes only and there is no attempt by the author to provide legal or accounting advice to anyone whatsoever.  Under no circumstances are we advocating that any American break the law.

COWBOYBYTE 01/19/2014

Lawmakers: Fear Silicon Valley and data brokers, not NSA

Did you know that your shopping habits can be tracked and sold? Check this out: Voters should be much more concerned about what private companies are collecting on them than about the National Security Agency, say several congressional defenders of … Continue reading

Top Cowboy Headlines

TEA PARTY NEWS 01/19/2014

American Patriots, 
President Obama and Eric Holder want to know everything about your business.  They want Obamacare doctors to collect every piece of information they can about your life.  When you have newborn the hospital gives you a questionnaire that includes questions like: Do you have any firearms in your home? 
At the same time the Obama administration is blatantly hiding information about some of their guns, specifically the guns they handed to the drug cartels in an operation known as Fast and Furious.  See our government has an obligation to furnish information to the governed when requested and when a patriot group called Judicial Watch filed a freedom of information act request, a request the tyrant administration stonewalled.  This is no surprise considering that after months of us applying pressure Holder was called to testify before the House Oversight Committee.  His testimony led to him being held in contempt of congress, which the media mostly ignored except to label it as a ridiculous witch-hunt, another fabricated scandal.


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Our thanks to Jim S. for this important reminder.
YES, Boehner is the logical next candidate for censure. I know that some of you are writers, bloggers or radio personalities and all of you are activists in one way or another. Let's all work on reminding people that McCain and Graham have both been censured in their respective states and now it is John Boehner's turn. Boehner has been working hard behind the scenes for amnesty (immigration reform). He also never saw a spending bill he didn't like. And as though that were not enough, Judicial Watch just named him one of the top 10 corrupt officials in America for accepting bribes. He probably should be in jail or participating in the Lancaster-York Necktie Party, but we'll settle for the censure for starters.
Work and pray hard, folks. Their money and power can only go so far. And for those who feel that we need to forgive them, remember that none of them ever repented. And if they do, then remember that they WILL go back to their old behavior. It's what they do. So pity them if you want. But not as much as you pity the next generation saddled with the bills for their drunken party. They're the ones who will censure US if we sit back and do nothing.
SEND THIS TO YOUR OHIO CONTACTS. The Ohio Republican Committees must rattle his cage big time.


Submitted by: Richard Cunningham
Finally the ANAA
The Americans With No Abilities Act (ANAA)
President Barack Obama and the Democratic Senate are considering sweeping legislation that will provide new benefits for many more Americans. The Americans With No Abilities Act is being hailed as a major legislative goal by advocates of the millions of Americans who lack any real skills or ambition.

"Roughly 50 percent of Americans do not possess the competence and drive necessary to carve out a meaningful role for themselves in society," said California Sen. Barbara Boxer. "We can no longer stand by and allow People of Inability (POI) to be ridiculed and passed over. With this legislation, employers will no longer be able to grant special favors to a small group of workers, simply because they have some idea of what they are doing."


Submitted by: Suzanne

January 17, 2014

Obama's Unexceptionalism: U.S. Plummets from Economic Freedom Index Top 10 for First Time

Remember how Barack Obama, following his inauguration in 2009, infamously disparaged the concept of American exceptionalism? ... Five years hence, his presidency has succeeded in degrading America toward the unexceptional status in which he held it all along.
A vivid illustration of that lamentable reality arrived this week, as The Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation released their annual Index of Economic Freedom. What it revealed is disturbing and alarming, to put it mildly.
Read more Read more now.

Will the Supreme Court Rein in Obama's Lawlessness?

In office, Obama has demonstrated an attitude toward the Constitution that could generously be described as dismissive. More accurately, it has revealed an instinct for the kind of lawlessness one would expect of a tin-pot dictator. ...
All is not hopeless, however. A case argued before the Supreme Court earlier this week presents the prospect that Obama may finally be brought to heel for his lawlessness.


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

Jan 18 at 8:09 PM
This is an amazing man.......he has invented a way for the world to own a share in his patents and inventions.....his foundation is non-profit.  He wants to share his knowledge with all the countries in the world FOR FREE.  All he is seeking is for the world to be at PEACE and he would like for countries to sign a PEACE AGEEMENT so we will never feel the need to war with one another.  Of course he has offered THIS TO BOZO but of course BOZO is resisting his invitation to participate !  Imagine that ?  Nancy
Here is a short introduction to him:


Submitted by: BobJen
These columns are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides.
This is crafted to QuickScan to bottom; Then go back and get into what you like.
From: John..."...and put these NewsBriefers in a folder to use them later, as needed".
Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be removed, just ask. So far, those so requesting are virtually zero. Thanks.
NOTICE: If clicking on the title does not work, just copy and paste the actual link (if shown) into your browser, possibly changing "http://" to "www." If NG, just let us know.  THX
National MiddleClass Network DAILY NewsBriefer - 1-19-14
Note: This is a "DAILY" Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something". THX

And don't forget the last newsbrief at the end......especially this one...Mel Blanc

leaves prez only 1 way to govern


TODAY! Gen. Vallely offers way to save nation

South Carolina Tea Party Coalition convention livestreamed

From: Savage...
(The Catholic Thing) In unguarded moment, governor reveals himself as 'totalitarian

From: ORYR
Col. Riley: Everything In DC Lawless; Enough Is Enough; Obama Needs To Go    - image credit: conservativebyte - Col. Harry Riley : Everything In DC Lawless;  Enough Is E...
From: ORYR
Report: What Was Fuddy’s Cause Of Death; Inconsistent Reports Raise Questions   - image credit mcclatchy - What Was Loretta Fuddy’s Cause of Death? VAGUE, INCONSISTENT

Anti-socialist Hispanics:Here's how to take Latino vote
South Carolina Tea Party convention plots conservative outreach

'Doing what she is doing is against what we believe'


Israel picking up
tab for abortions

'You can't bring a curse on your nation
and not expect repercussions'

Actress out of job for supporting tea
'Doing what she is doing is against what we believe'
From: Devvy...The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice - 3.5 million people have viewed this 5 minute video:

From: Carl Swennson...
leaves prez only 1 way to govern  
DHS corruption - -Helping the money making economy: Drugs, human trafficking, and slave labor voting block   Laurie Roth
Should SB 1 pass, the only purpose of a city councilmember or board of supervisor is to cut ribbons a couple times a year for new businesses.  Mostly they will hold hearings on how to stop the exodus of jobs and families from communities where government, unelected government decided where people can live, can work, how they get to work and to shop.  Instead of single family homes Rialto, Susanville and Mariposa will be turned into mini-versions of Manhattan—stack and pack high rises, jobs within a few blocks where you live and an economy based on government goals—like the old Soviet Union.
“A city mayor or county supervisor forms a new joint powers authority called a “Sustainable Communities Investment Authority” (SCIA), they appoint elected officials to serve on the SCIAs board.   LINK
From: John Rolls...
Why Are Dozens Of High Ranking Officers Being Purged From The U.S. Military?  Michael Synder
From: Unfiltered News... US: A federal judge has upheld "Constitution-Free Zones" as constitutional. [The government now can search anyone’s portable computer or communication device without a warrant or even suspicion of wrongdoing so long as it is done within 100 miles of the national border. Now that the principle is established, it will be easy to extend the zone to 200 miles, then 500 miles, then the entire country. Why not? It’s for national security, you know.] Fox 2014 Jan 13  

From: Sher...MUST READ from Walt!...From: "Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III"
BJ3: A true change of pace...a lite note... for those who haven't seen this.
Mel Blanc: The Man of a Thousand Voices