Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

Obamacare Enrollment Director Releasing Americans' Private Data

Posted on November 21, 2013 

Here is yet another reason to stay as far away from the Obamacare websites as possible: Your private information is being broadcast all over the place. Once you input your private data into Obamacare it simply isn’t safe. And now we see the director of Enroll America actually conspiring to release your private data.
Project Veritas has done it again, exposing the criminal enterprise that is the Obama administration.
James O’Keefe and the gang have found that your private data is being “cross-pollinated.”

JIHAD WATCH 11/27/2013

Nov 26, 2013 09:01 pm | Robert Spencer
"They fear that the herdsmen, with backing from Islamic extremist groups, want to take over the predominantly Christian areas in order to acquire land for grazing, stockpile arms and expand Islamic territory. Hit-and-run, guerrilla-style attacks on Christian villages in which children are shot to death as they sleep support...

Nov 26, 2013 08:53 pm | Robert Spencer
Not a big surprise. The Muslim Brotherhood and jihad groups have the same goal: the imposition of Sharia. They just differ in the means by which to gain power. "Muslim Brotherhood 'financing terror,'" from AFP, November 24: Cairo - Egypt's interior minister on Saturday announced the arrest of dozens...

COWBOYBYTE 11/27/2013

80 Million More Insurance Cancellations on the Way

Fix bill is even a long shot. Check this out: As Fox News recalls, the Administration’s own (carefully suppressed) estimates in 2010 anticipated tens of millions of people would lose their insurance due to ObamaCare, because the old plans don’t … Continue reading

Top Cowboy Headlines

NEWS WITH VIEWS 11/27/2013

Today at NewsWithViews.TV
It is Time to Plant: Instead of spending so much time complaining about the crop we are harvesting our time would be better spent planting into the next generation. The hippies are grandparents now. Let's plant a new crop.
--With Coach Dave Daubenmire

The Great Sucking Siphon of Americas Wealth
It is this great liberal sucking siphon, over the last 100 years, that has so degraded America's wealth to the point where the "pullers" can no longer hold the cart of "free riders" against the force of gravity.  Without a bunch of "free riders" getting out of the cart and joining the "pullers", the cart will crash.  Like family members enabling an alcoholic and thus ruining any chances of recovery, so the liberal government enables the "free riders" purposely, to buy their loyalty and their vote, so that liberals can remain in.......
by Ron Ewart

MUTH'S TRUTHS 11/27/2013


Grading the legislative session: Taxpayers lose big
By Victor Joecks

Three years ago, both Brian Sandoval and Rory Reid ran for governor on a “no new taxes” platform.

Last year, voters in five Nevada counties rejected six efforts to raise taxes — even though Barack Obama was at the top of the ticket, driving liberal voter turnout.

Given the clear will of the voters throughout the state, you’d expect that the governor and legislators would avoid raising taxes at all cost.

Instead, Gov. Sandoval and legislators passed numerous tax increases while pretending — and even outright stating in some instances — that they didn’t raise taxes.

The history of this charade is decades-old. It reappeared brazenly in 2009 when the Legislature passed a series of tax increases, including raising the sales tax and modified business tax, doubling the business license fee and increasing annual car registration fees.

The 2009 tax increases were “temporary,” however. By law, they expired or “sunset” in 2011.

LIFE NEWS 11/26/2013

Supreme Court Accepts Hobby Lobby’s Challenge to Obama’s HHS Mandate
Hobby Lobby’s battle against the HHS mandate is headed to the Supreme Court, as the high court today agreed to hear its lawsuit against the controversial provision in Obamacare. The Obama administration is attempting to make it comply with the HHS mandate that compels religious companies to pay for birth control and abortion-causing drugs for their employees.
However, the U.S. Supreme Court today agreed to take up Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., a landmark case addressing the Constitutionally guaranteed rights of business owners to operate their family companies without violating their deeply held religious convictions. This is good news to the Green family, who own the store.
Pope Francis: Catholic Church Will Never Compromise on Abortion
Today, the Vatican released the text of Evangelii Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel”), an Apostolic Exhortation by Pope Francis that specifically addresses pro-life and pro-family issues.
The text of the message makes it clear that the Catholic Church cannot and will not compromise on its pro-life teachings on abortion.


Obama Wants You To Thank His God - Government
November 26, 2013
By Don Feder

       Obama keeps trying to rewrite American history. The latest was cutting the words "that this nation under God," out of the Gettysburg Address, when he read the document in a PBS special.

       On November 19, 1863 (in a speech that every schoolboy in the land once memorized by heart), Abraham Lincoln said we should "highly resolve… that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom." In the expurgated (Obamaburg) version, Lincoln’s words became "that this nation (under no one in particular) shall have a new birth of freedom."

       This has been a consistent pattern throughout his presidency.

       In 2010 and 2013, the president edited the Declaration of Independence by omitting the reference to "their Creator." Thus, Jefferson’s "That all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" became "That each of us are endowed with certain inalienable rights." When? Where? By whom? The answers might be found in "Dreams of My Marxist, Kenyan Father."


Submitted by: BobJen

Exclusive: Matt Barber blasts feds for joining forces with 'hate' organization

To: The National MiddleClass Network
These columns are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides.
This is crafted to QuickScan to bottom; Then go back and get into what you like.
From: John..."...and put these NewsBriefers in a folder to use them later, as needed".
Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be removed, just ask. So far, those so requesting are virtually zero. Thanks.
National MiddleClass Network DAILY NewsBriefer - 11-27-2013
Note: This is a "DAILY" Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something". THX

And don't forget the last newsbrief at the end......

First...May You and Yours Have a Super Thanksgiving.