Saturday, November 2, 2013

LIFE NEWS 11/01/2013

12 Texas Abortion Clinics to Close Thanks to New Pro-Life Law
Now that a federal appeals court has allowed a new pro-life law in Texas to take effect, as many as 12 abortion clinics are slated to temporarily close because they can’t comply with the law’s requirements to protect women’s health from dangerous abortions.
The law requires abortion practitioners to have admitting privileges at a local hospital within 30 miles of the location of the abortion clinic to be able to transport women quickly and easily in medical emergencies when they are injured by botched abortions. As many as 12 abortion clinics across the state can’t comply with that requirement that is expected of legitimate medical centers.
Appeals Court Restores Texas’ Pro-Life Law Stopping Abortions
In a big victory for pro-life advocates in Texas, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has overruled Judge Lee Yeakel of the Western District Court in Austin and restored key portions of a pro-life law in Texas that will ultimately stop abortions and could close abortion clinics.
As LifeNews reported, the judge issued an opinion striking down two parts of a Texas pro-life law that protects women from dangerous abortions.


Barack Obama Lied... And Now... He Must Be Impeached.
       But Barack Obama DIDN'T simply lie to the American people. Barack Obama SWINDLED the American people.

       You've already heard the news that Barack Obama KNEW, back in 2010, that approximately 13 MILLION people in the individual health care marketplace would lose their coverage,

       BUT... what you may not have heard is that Obama presently KNOWS (repeat... KNOWS) that another 80 MILLION people, who are enrolled in health care plans through their employers, will lose their coverage when the employer mandate kicks in a matter of months.

       Make no mistake, hubris and incompetence are not at play here.  What is transpiring is SABOTAGE, plain and simple. ObamaCare is only the symptom. Barack Obama is the disease. And IMPEACHMENT IS THE ONLY CURE.


Obamacare’s Marriage Penalty and Divorce Incentive

President Obama’s reelection campaign raised the hackles of conservatives last year when it released an interactive web graphic called the Life of Julia. The graphic depicted “Julia’s” cradle-to-grave reliance on government, and many viewers felt it offered a disturbing glimpse of the President’s ideology.
It was particularly striking that Julia seemed to lack any family or friends. At one point she “decides” to have a baby, but she never marries. And now perhaps we know why: under Obamacare, being married would likely have cost Julia thousands of dollars a year.
Many couples buying insurance through the Obamacare exchanges will face huge premium increases if they choose to get married, according to a tool created by the Kaiser Family Foundation. That’s because jointly they’ll lose substantial tax credits or subsidies they were eligible for individually.


IRS’s Lerner illegally sent conservative group data to FEC: Watchdogs
Emails sent between the Internal Revenue Service’s Lois Lerner and attorneys at the Federal Election Commission revealing that the IRS gave the FEC confidential information regarding conservative groups, especially those calling themselves Tea Party organizations, were released on Halloween by a Washington, D.C., public-interest group that investigates government corruption.

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Some are in, some are out of Obamacare on Capitol Hill
Members of Congress had to decide by Thursday which of their staffers would be kicked off their congressional health care plan and forced to buy coverage through the Obamacare exchanges, leading to a mishmash of legal strategies and recriminations on Capitol Hill.

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NEWS WITH VIEWS 11/02/2013

November 2, 2013
Without Morals, Everything is Normal
He went on to explain during the 1930’s the “Workers Child,” a Communist magazine for teachers and children’s group leaders suggested “the best method to combat the effects of religion among children was to introduce Scientific ways that blast religious teaching. Enter sex expert Alfred Kinsey, who we now know was a pedophile using science as a cover for the indulging of his perversion. He claimed that children are......
by Betty Freauf
The Coming Battle
Click on the banner and order this historic masterpiece
If the GOP Won't, We'll Get It Done for Cuccinelli
Hello! GOP! Anybody home? In case you guys in DC do not know, there's a gubernatorial race happening in Virginia in a week. While our guy Conservative Republican Ken Cuccinelli is amazingly holding his own, in terms of campaign spending, the Democrats are kicking our butts.........
by Lloyd Marcus


Fellow Conservatives:

Remember this name: MATT BEVIN. He's the man the Washington establishment fears most.

Matt Bevin (R-KY)Matt Bevin (R-KY) is the conservative candidate running against U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in Kentucky. He is attempting to defeat a party leader in a primary election, something that has never been done in the history of this country.

Mitch McConnell refuses to listen to the grassroots and has sided with the Democrats to pass bailouts, debt increases, tax hikes, and Obamacare funding.


Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins

Posted: 02 Nov 2013 09:49 AM PDT
State-run media claims the Chinese military has missiles capable of hitting cities all across the U.S. China’s submarine fleet currently is on ‘routine patrol.’ According to Chinese media, this is the first time China has possessed ‘effective underwater nuclear deterrence against the United States’ Chinese news agencies also reported on the Army’s lethal intentions should [...]


Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins


Urban Shield is being coordinated by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG).
The NCTCOG is a “regional” government whose representative body is made up of self-appointed city councilmembers, county commissioners, and mayors.
“This exercise is designed to assess the region’s ability to successfully respond to and manage multiple terrorist events and other emergencies occurring simultaneously throughout the region,” NCTCOG explains through its website.
REGIONAL GOVERNMENT??­ipate-massive-terrorism-exerci­se


Submitted by: Debbie Beatty

Nov 02, 2013 05:05 am  

By Perry Chiaramonte 
Through the stroke of a pen, President Obama on Friday used his executive powers to elevate and take control of climate change policies in an attempt to streamline sustainability initiatives – and potentially skirt legislative oversight and push a federal agenda on states.
Obama’s Adds Climate Change Initiatives to List of Executive Branch Power Grabs
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Random Thoughts for November, 2013
Robert A. Hall

Get the collection! My “Random Thoughts” from 2008 through July, 2013 are now collected in this book: The Old Jarhead's Journal: Random Thoughts on Life, Liberty, and Leadership by Robert A. Hall
The Old Jarhead’s Journal is a collection of Random Thoughts on politics and life and Conservative Political Essays, mostly published on the author’s blog, including the essay “I’m Tired” which went viral on the Internet in 2009, “The Hall Platform,” “This I Believe,” and “Why I’m a Republican.” While they will be of interest to conservative thinkers, they are collected here in book form as a service to readers who wish to give a copy to a favorite liberal and watch his or her head explode. All royalties are donated to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.


Virginia Governor’s Race: Cuccinelli Eating Away at McAuliffe’s Lead in the Final Days In the increasingly “purple” state of Virginia, it wasn’t long ago that former Democrat party national chairman and corrupt Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe(who has never been elected to any public office) enjoyed ... READ MORE

HORRIBLE: Soldier Serving Abroad See’s His Pregnant Wife STABBED as They Talk on FaceTime During Home Invasion A pregnant Texas woman has been stabbed multiple times by an intruder as her horrified soldier husband serving overseas helplessly watched the attack play out in real time on video chat. Rachel Poole, 31, was […] ... READ MORE  

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 11/02/2013

CNN Exposed – Emmy Winning Former CNN Journalist, Amber Lyon, Blows The Whistle

CNN Exposed – Emmy Winning Former CNN Journalist, Amber Lyon, Blows The Whistle CONTRIBUTOR: - We teach you the truth. Perhaps this one of the most important discussion threads ever regarding Legacy Media manipulation.   We sincerely hope you will take the time to digest the content, think about the ramifications to what is here, and then share the information with others. This is not a matter of opinion, the CNN stories are documented,...


Targeted Individuals' 24/7 Nightmare: NSA Whistleblower Tells EU Parliament

Targeted Individuals' 24/7 Nightmare: NSA Whistleblower Tells EU Parliament CONTRIBUTOR: Deborah Dupre. The European Parliament recently got a glimpse of the life-threatening living nightmare that thousands upon thousands of targeted individuals (TIs) experience daily. A high-profile NSA whistle blower's testimony to the lawmakers included what surveillance really means, far more than government watching every move and listening every word of every individual....

ALT 11/02/2013

ALT Headlines Featured Stories for November 02, 2013

Are Constitutional Conservatives Really The Bogeyman
Power, or perceived power, is a viciously addictive narcotic. It doesn't matter what political or philosophical background a person hails from, very few have the self discipline or the self awareness necessary ...
Demon Baby Won't Kiss You Unless You Get Your Vaccines
These scary billboards are all over town telling people no [whooping cough] vaccination, no kisses. Not sure anyone would even want to be kissed by that creepy baby anyway ...

JIHAD WATCH 11/02/2013

Nov 01, 2013 07:25 pm | Robert
"On the campaign trail last year, [Obama] repeatedly boasted that all of 'al Qaeda was on the run' and during a fundraiser after the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, declared that 'al Qaeda is on its heels.'" -- Washington Times, May 23, 2013 Perhaps this...


Submitted by: BobJen
To: The National MiddleClass Network
These columns are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides.
Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be removed, just ask. So far, those so requesting are virtually zero. Thanks.
From: John..."Put these NewsBriefers in a folder and use them later, as needed".
PLEASE Click "FORWARD", scroll down and SCAN the columns to verify a complete edition (about 20)National MiddleClass Network DAILY NewsBriefer - 11-2-2013
*This is a "DAILY" Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something". THX

And don't forget the last newsbrief at the end...... by Arlen Williams.

BJ3: We agree...."Not so fast..."
From: Devvy
Not so fast.  I looked at the cover letter (if you click on it, it enlarges) and the letter to Dirty Harry Reid. The only U.S. House member on the Judiciary Committee is Rep. Louis Gomert [R-TX]. I called his office this morning (1 Nov) and ask his aide if a hearing is scheduled for January to impeach the fraud in the White House. He said he is not aware of such a hearing and besides that, the Senate is Democrat controlled and they sure as heck aren't going to vote to impeach the imposter usurper.   If Mr. Cody has something, an email or snail mail, other than what's on the link above which can verify such a hearing, I would recommend he get it posted. Otherwise, this is just another 'bombshell' claim on the Internet.