Thursday, October 10, 2013


Reid: Raise the Debt Ceiling by a Trillion
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants to raise the debt ceiling by 1.1 trillion dollars, the limit holding until December of 2014. The Reid plan also requires the House to produce a “clean” budget resolution, a blanket-bill to fund the entire government.

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Republicans take stopgap debt-ceiling fix to Obama, partial shutdown unresolved
A delegation of 18 House Republicans is heading to the White House Thursday afternoon to propose a short-term increase in the debt ceiling, which the White House indicated President Obama could sign — but the deal would not resolve the partial government shutdown which is now in its 10th day.

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U.S. shutdown: Citizens denied government services while illegal aliens rally
While the Obama administration barricaded a World War II memorial in order to deny veterans access to its National Mall location in Washington D.C., illegal aliens and their supporters, including several Democrat lawmakers, such as Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., were permitted to hold a rally on Tuesday demanding rights for illegal immigrants, according to a report on Wednesday from a watchdog group that investigates and exposes government and political corruption.

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Alexander's Column

Shutdown Showdown: A Theatrical Review

Excerpts From the Script, Day 10

By Mark Alexander · October 10, 2013   Print
"The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale." --Thomas Jefferson (1816)
The political theatrics over the current furlough of 17% of federal bureaucrats deemed "non essential," and the looming deadline for raising the national debt ceiling, surely will sweep the Emmy Awards this year.
On one side, there is Barack Hussein Obama and his Leftist NeoCom cadres, who treat their political opponents with the same "comity and respect" socialist dictators exhibit with dissenters who question their autocratic decrees.
On the other side are House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and their endangered band of Republicans.
Watching Obama's petulant and paternalistic approach to Boehner in particular, I'm inclined to borrow and butcher a classic line from Strother Martin, the prison warden in "Cool Hand Luke," after his repeated attempts to beat Luke into submission: "What we've got here is failure to negotiate."
For his part, Obama claims:


Submitted by: Donald Hank

New Obamacare Challenge: The Origination Clause

The Pacific Legal Foundation has filed a motion in its pending suit against Obamacare asking the judge (1) to rule that, when it enacted the Senate health care reform bill that includes a “tax” for not purchasing health insurance, Congress violated the Origination Clause, which says that all revenue bills must originate in the House; and (2) that their clients are under no legal obligation to purchase health insurance under the ruling of the Court.
The first of these issues was never litigated before the Supreme Court and remains open; the second concerns the meaning and effect of the Supreme Court’s ruling that the “requirement” to purchase insurance was unconstitutional under the Commerce and Necessary and Proper clauses (and that only the “penalty,” not the requirement, was upheld as an exercise of the tax power).


Liberal Support for Obamacare Starting to Crumble?
image I know what you're thinking. It will be a cold day in hell before those on the left, including the media, turn on their beloved Barack Obama, right? Well take a look at what's happening all over the country. The Obamacare nightmare that was predicted from the beginning has now become reality, and liberals are beginning to notice.

Redskins owner: No!
image Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder says respect goes both ways when it comes to the debate over the team's nickname.

MUTH'S TRUTHS 10/10/2013


Time to Remove Kirner’s “Trigger” Lock, for the Children

In a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, columnist Dan Henninger declared that the ongoing failure of inner-city schools – in which students are passed through the system “without the skills to do much more than achieve a minimal level of lifetime earnings” – “remains the greatest moral catastrophe in the political life of the United States.”

Personally, I think Mr. Henninger is sugar-coating it.

Henninger was writing about the future of public charter schools in New York City, noting that the Democrat candidate for mayor, Bill de Blasio, “under pressure from the city’s teachers union, will start demanding rent payments from public charter schools that now operate rent-free in the same buildings occupied by traditional public schools.”

Apparently New York City public charter schools, which are public schools funded with public taxpayer dollars, are allowed to operate in public school buildings, which, of course, makes all the sense in the world. 

CHUCK KOLB 10/10/2013

My Dear God, It Is 1917 Russia Here In Amerika !  Our Country 35 Years to the Present !!!

Previously posted ...
Dates That Destroyed America / 4.5 EQ - East of S. Carolina !!!

I have been called a Conspiracy Theorist my whole life (and I wear it proudly), trying to teach and
explain to everyone of these dates since 1977, when I first was taught about them, and the Shadow Government of the
Illuminati, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the International Bankers. They are all Luciferians.
Just remember... When the Devil offered Jesus all
of the kingdoms of the world, if he would just bow down and worship him.
Jesus said, no. Well,
these other guys of the Shadow Government, said "Yes". The Brotherhood of Darkness.
~ CS Larry



I'm disgusted about this government shutdown. It's completely reckless and un-American of the Democrats to refuse to come to the table and work across the aisle to sort out this mess.

Throughout my life, I've always relied on my principles to guide me through tough times. This nation has as well – during the Great Depression, World Wars, September 11, 2001, and every other time of crisis. But today when we so urgently need our government leaders to rally together and solve the problem at hand, the Democrats in Washington have abandoned their principles and gone MIA.

More than ever before, America needs more principled, conservative patriots serving in our government – in Washington, state houses, and city and town halls throughout the country. That's why I created the Allen West Guardian Fund to elect 14 new hard-charging constitutional conservatives in 2014 who are either minorities or veterans to help put this nation back on track.

Over the past several months, the Guardian Fund has been building up a grassroots army of conservatives, in addition to vetting and meeting with conservative candidates across the country. Today I'm proud to announce our first round of Guardian Fund endorsed candidates:


BOMBSHELL: Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Had Breitbart and Clancy Killed Brandon Walker- Doctor Jim Garrow, philanthropist and worker for one of the largest non-profit organizations on the planet to save female children from slaughter in China. He has been featured on several media outlets throughout ... READ MORE

ALT 10/10/2013

ALT Headlines Featured Stories for October 10, 2013

Fiery Explosions Rock New NSA Spy Center (VIDEO)
Fiery explosions, caused by massive electrical surges inside the data storage facility, have resulted in the destruction of extremely expensive machinery worth hundreds of thousands of dollars...
Forbidden Land Of Fukushima A Photo Journal
Richard Wilcox, Ph.D. - In July of 2013, journalist Yoichi Shimatsu and I made a trip to the vicinity of the wrecked reactors at Fukushima nuclear power plant no. 1 (FNPP#1). We traveled through the area ...
Over 24,000 Chemicals In Bottled Water: Which Ones Are Harming You?
German researchers have discovered endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), that could adversely affect development and reproduction ...


Border Safety Bill Passes the House, Awaits Action in the Senate
WASHINGTON, DC – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement after the House adopted H.J. Res. 79, the Border Safety and Security Act:
“I’m pleased the Senate unanimously adopted our bill to honor our commitment to the families of fallen soldiers – I hope they’ll pass this one too, as well as bipartisan legislation funding other priorities like veterans benefits, cancer research, and assistance for low-income women and children. Senate Democrats sidelined all of these services instead of giving the American people the same break the president’s given big businesses under ObamaCare. So we’re going to keep working to get them back up and running, and to bring Democrats to the negotiating table so we can reopen the government and focus on strengthening our economy, providing fairness for all under the president’s health care law, and addressing the real drivers of our debt and deficits.”
NOTE: You can see the full list of House-passed measures funding critical government programs and services at


Freedom of Speech AND Religion Beatdown Hard to believe we live in an America that is so efficient that it can beat down freedom of speech and religion at the SAME time! Welcome to Bizarro World, aka ObamaNation. Too bad the guys preaching in the town […] ... READ MORE 

The Home of the Brave” is No Longer the “Land of the Free” Arresting people for visiting the Grand Canyon and the travesty of forbidding America’s veterans from going anywhere, let alone to a war memorial, brings to mind the words from The Star Spangled Banner,"Land of the Free," ... READ MORE  



ALERT: U.S. Foreign Aid continues during Government Shutdown. Take Action! Tell Congress to start making cuts!

Conservative American, idiotcy

While our overgrown government continues to punish Americans by making a grand show out of the government shutdown -- barring veterans from visiting memorials, even throwing people out of their homes -- they are, at the same time, shipping our tax dollars all over the world in the name of "helping the poor" and humanitarianism.

That's right, during this "shutdown" our government is furnishing foreign governments with our money while so many are agonizing here at home.

It's true. The State Department confirmed that foreign aid programs for the world's poor will continue even as states are cutting local aid programs for America's poor for want of funds.

Welfare programs are a bad idea - but prioritizing foreigners first is unacceptable. It's time for this madness to end.

Fax U.S. Lawmakers and demand that they start cutting foreign aid commitments! The federal government's "global welfare programs" are unnecessary, unaffordable, and unwise - it's time to rein them in!


Submitted by: Suzanne 
Love of Christ
On the "Today Show", Matt Lauer interviewed one of the wives of one of the
Navy Seals killed along with the US ambassador in Libya . He asked, "What she
would say to her children about their dad and how she would want them to
remember him." 

Her answer, and I quote, "His love for Christ", and then
continued on with a few other things. 

Throughout the day and on MSN homepage,
replaying the story they have edited the "Love of Christ" part out.


Because using the word Christ might offend someone! 


Unity and Integrity

Added by Zeeda Andrews on September 29, 2013.
Greetings American People. We are Anonymous.We come to you with a plea to stand United as one.
For together we are Strong, divided we are Weak,
The time has come to rise together as one. We can no longer be consumed by our petty differences, for We are all Americans, Truck drivers, teachers, students, wives, husbands, Anonymous, Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force.We are all Americans. We are all in a cycle of debt that can never be paid. We are losing our freedoms as American Citizens, day after day, our rights slip away silently while we was diverted elsewhere.
We must stand as one, put aside our differences with other groups that want the same as we do: Peace and Freedom from Federal Government tyranny.

NEWS WITH VIEWS 10/10/2013

October 10, 2013
Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right
Sadly, on October 13, 2006, 85 year-old Lucy Miller was killed while making a reckless U-turn. In April of 2007, Jamie Clark, the other party to the accident, was charged with D.U.I. Manslaughter. Now, evidence has emerged showing prosecutors withheld evidence of Clark's innocence. Justice is not being served here. More-so, this case exemplifies the old adage “Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right.”......
by Ed Snook

Hegelian Dialectic on the Right
That description of a public unapologetic conservative in California doesn’t fit the Fiorina known here in Silicon Valley. The record shows no evidence of Fiorina Republicanism being aligned with the conservative wing of the GOP. She worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger’s transition team when he was elected Governor. San Jose Mercury News headlines (3/2/2005) “shouted,” “FIORINA A STRONG CONTENDER FOR WORLD BANK CHIEF JOB.” That was just three weeks after her dismissal as..........
by Mary Thompson


Oct 10, 2013 06:00 am  

By Rush Limbaugh  
The president's at 37%. The shutdown is going on. Now we learn that five military families were insulted profoundly with the way the deaths of their service member relatives were treated. Folks, it is obvious that this administration is acting purposely to inconvenience and to harm people it considers its political enemies.
Limbaugh: Obama’s Approval Down to 37% and Republicans Still Think They’re Losing?

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 10/10/2013

McGrath: “Somebody In Government Is Afraid Of What Is Coming” *Video*

McGrath: “Somebody In Government Is Afraid Of What Is Coming” *Video* CONTRIBUTOR: Mac. While the average American may have been convinced that the economy is recovering and happy days are dead ahead, few are talking about the reality of what’s going on behind the scenes. They act as if the crisis of 2008 has long passed, and whatever was responsible for it has...


China Ready To launch Full Scale Invasion Of Taiwan In 2020

China Ready To launch Full Scale Invasion Of Taiwan In 2020 CONTRIBUTOR: Mort Amsel. China plans to enhance its combat capabilities to a level sufficient to mount a full attack against Taiwan by 2020, showing that its military threat to Taiwan has not diminished, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) has concluded in a report. First published in 1992, the 12th National Defense Report...


Submitted by: Suzanne

White House, IRS exchanged confidential taxpayer info
1:17 PM 10/09/2013
Patrick Howley

Top Internal Revenue Service Obamacare official Sarah Hall Ingram discussed confidential taxpayer information with senior Obama White House officials, according to 2012 emails obtained by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and provided to The Daily Caller.

Lois Lerner, then head of the IRS Tax Exempt Organizations division, also received an email alongside White House officials that contained confidential information.


Dear Patriot,

It seems we have met the enemy -- and he has no clothes.

I'm talking about Emperor Obama specifically, and more generally the very concept of Big       Government. Consider what has happened in recent months to expose Big Government as a naked tyrant.

 1. The Sequester. Can you recall the "doom and gloom" predictions that came from Obama    and the Left if even a modest cutback in government spending actually took place? Well, we survived the sequester just fine. The sky didn't fall.

 2. Government Shutdown. Then this month, it was the need for a "clean CR" and Harry
Reid's government shutdown. Nine days into the partial shutdown, society marches on
despite all the despicable efforts by Team Obama to make us feel the pain. Again, the sky
didn't fall.

LIFE NEWS 10/10/2013

Writer Mourns Friend’s Lost Opportunity to Abort Her Down Syndrome Child
Since October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Jane Brody wrote a piece for the New York Times detailing advancements in prenatal testing. And while I’ve spoken multiple times about not blaming prenatal testing for the disgustingly high Down syndrome abortion rate, the two will seemingly always be linked. Brody’s article serves as a perfect case in point: she starts off her piece lamenting that a friend of hers was not given the choice to abort her child with Down syndrome.
More than 30 years ago, a 37-year-old friend of mine with an unplanned fourth pregnancy was told by her obstetrician that an amniocentesis was “too dangerous” and could cause a miscarriage. She ultimately bore a child severely affected by Down syndrome, which could have been detected with the test.
The Unmistakable Parallels Between Abortion and Slavery
Whenever a pro-lifer dares to compare abortion to slavery, pro-aborts go apoplectic. Candor about abortion’s horror is a major no-no, and besides, don’t we know that liberals have a monopoly on invoking bad things done to minorities? But fortunately, apologists not liking something isn’t a good enough reason for the rest of us to stop making a comparison that fits like a glove.

RedState Briefing 10/10/2013

Morning Briefing
For October 10, 2013

>> Today's Sponsor

1.  House GOP Preparing to Give Up
I’m being told by several sources that Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor are plotting to give up trying to either defund or delay Obamacare.

This comes at the same time the Obama administration admits it will be months before their Obamacare website will be fixed and Kathleen Sebelius is saying if people want out of the mandate they can pay a fine.


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Clint Lorance
Twenty eight year old First Lieutenant Clint Lorance of North Texas was recently found guilty of two counts of murder in the July 2012 killing of two suspected Taliban fighters in a remote sector of Kandahar Province Afghanistan. Lorance was sentenced to 20 years inLeavenworth, dismissed from the army and must forfeit all pay. He was found not guilty of making a false official statement.
Prosecutors insisted Lorance ordered his men to open fire on unarmed civilians which violates the U.S. military‘s officialrules of engagement – a policy that requires them to hold their fire unless there’s evidence of hostile action or direct hostile intent.  Capt. William Miller, a government prosecutor, told the jury “Lt. Lorance used his rank and position to harass, intimidate, threaten and murder Afghans.”