Friday, September 20, 2013

COWBOYBYTE 09/20/2013

Cruz open to filibuster to defund Obamacare

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said he’s willing to mount a filibuster in order to defund ObamaCare but repeated Thursday that the burden ultimately lies with the House. [WATCH VIDEO] The comments came after Cruz told reporters that fully repealing the … Continue reading

Top Cowboy Headlines

NEWS WITH VIEWS 09/20/2013

Today at NewsWithViews.TV
Stop Chemical Weapons: For once I agree with President Obama.  It is time to put an end to the chemical weapons.  We just disagree on where we should begin
--With Coach Dave Daubenmire

Pressure Builds on Boehner Over Benghazi
Informed speculation mounted at Monday’s Accuracy in Media conference, which officially launched the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, that House Speaker John Boehner’s opposition to a Watergate-style congressional committee to investigate Benghazi stems from his knowledge of arms shipments to al-Qaeda terrorists in Libya and Syria.......
by Cliff Kincaid

The Obama Reality TV Set From Hell
The Obama spin cycle must use and abuse every crisis event possible, some feel even cause them. The tyrannical agenda Obama is implementing must control our schools, (thus the push for the dreadful Common Core Government curriculum which I fight every week on air), our healthcare (thus the push of Obamacare, its threats and controls) our military (thus shredding free speech for Christian soldiers, pushing the gay agenda and pushing Islamic political correctness over safety and loyalty to our troops). Obama........
by Laurie Roth

CHUCK KOLB 09/20/2013

Yeshua is Born ! Celebrate The Feast of Tabernacles !!!

To my Jewish friends and readers, I wish you a “Chag Sukkot Kasher v’Sameach”
– a Kosher and Happy Sukkot Holiday.

Yes, December 25th is the pagan celebration of the Roman Saturnalia, the god of winter solstice,
and one in the same with the birth of Tammuz/Baal to his mother Semeramis of Babylon.
Thank the Lord we know the TRUTH and are not deceived by the pagan feasts of
Christ Mass Day to honor the "other" messiah of the RC.

† † † † † † †

Jesus born on 15th of Tishri
Argument for a Tishri (Sukkot) Birth

There are several reasons to believe that Yeshua was born during the Fall,
in particular, during the Feast of Tabernacles - Sukkot. Among the reasons cited are as follows:


On ObamaCare, a Life and Debt Struggle

If you tuned into C-SPAN this week and mistook it for the Soap Opera Network, you're not alone. This morning, the ObamaCare-budget drama took another twist, as House conservatives accurately diagnosed one of the major problems facing America: ObamaCare dollars in the federal funding stream.
With the help of two Democrats (Reps. Mike McIntyre and Jim Matheson), 230 members kept their promise to play hardball on a health care policy that could be the downfall of American society. After an hour of debate, representatives moved to pass a $986.3 billion short-term budget that keeps the lights on in Washington and fully funds the government through December 15. What it won't do is devote a single cent to ObamaCare -- ever.
Under Rep. Steve Scalise's (R-La.) amendment, Congress would choke off the health care law before it can inflict more damage than it already has. Almost every day, workers across the country are waking up to the news that their employers (like Trader Joe's, Walgreen's, and Home Depot) are either dropping their health care coverage or dumping them onto the government's exchange. Together this mass exodus spells disaster for the health care industry, which is slowly being commandeered by the federal government. We applaud the House members who voted to defund ObamaCare. For now, the question isn't whether the House will fight, but how far that fight will go.


Submitted by Debbie Beatty:

Did you know this?

Obama, the U.S.A. s destructer, is pleased with his performance!


Submitted by: Ron Branson

COSTELLO: I want to talk about the unemployment rate in America.

ABBOTT: Good Subject. Terrible Times. It's 7.8%.

COSTELLO: That many people are out of work?

ABBOTT: No, that's 14.7%.

COSTELLO: You just said 7.8%.

ABBOTT: 7.8% Unemployed.

COSTELLO: Right 7.8% out of work.

ABBOTT: No, that's 14.7%.

COSTELLO: Okay, so it's 14.7% unemployed.

ABBOTT: No, that's 7.8%.

COSTELLO: WAIT A MINUTE. Is it 7.8% or 14.7%?

ABBOTT: 7.8% are unemployed. 14.7% are out of work.

COSTELLO: If you are out of work, you are unemployed.

ABBOTT: No, Congress said you can't count the "Out of Work" as the unemployed. You have to look for work to be unemployed.

ABBOTT: No, you miss his point.

COSTELLO: What point?

ABBOTT: Someone who doesn't look for work can't be counted with those who look for work. It wouldn't be fair.

COSTELLO: To whom?

ABBOTT: The unemployed.

COSTELLO: But, ALL of them are out of work.

ABBOTT: No, the unemployed are actively looking for work. Those who are out of work gave up looking; and, if you give up, you are no longer in the ranks of the unemployed.

COSTELLO: So, if you're off the unemployment rolls, that would count as less unemployment?

ABBOTT: Unemployment would go down. Absolutely!

COSTELLO: The unemployment just goes down because you don't look for work?

ABBOTT: Absolutely it goes down. That's how they get it to 7.8%. Otherwise it would be 14.7%. Our government doesn't want you to read about 14.7% unemployment.
COSTELLO: That would be tough on those running for reelection.
ABBOTT: Absolutely.
COSTELLO: Wait, I got a question for you. That means there are two ways to bring down the unemployment number?

ABBOTT: Two ways is correct.

COSTELLO: Unemployment can go down if someone gets a job?

ABBOTT: Correct.

COSTELLO: And, unemployment can also go down if you stop looking for a job?

ABBOTT: Bingo.

COSTELLO: So, there are two ways to bring unemployment down, and the easier of the two is to have people stop looking for work.

ABBOTT: Now you're thinking like an Economist.

COSTELLO: I don't even know what the hell I just said!

ABBOTT: Now you're thinking like Congress.

CONBUSTIBLE 09/20/2013


People Say No To War
The Constitution did not keep President Obama from attacking Syria. The people did. Read More...

May states limit a convention to a specifically-worded amendment?
We know that the state legislatures may limit the agenda of the convention to a single topic. But does that mean a generic topic only? Read More...

National Geographic encourages culturally induced ignorance
National Geographic is so trusted that if a topic is covered within the pages of National Geographic, it has been accepted without question. Read More...

Republicans unveil Obamacare alternative
The American Health Care Reform Bill, HR 3121, is sponsored by Representative Steve Scalise (R-LA). The plan is subtitled "A Better Way." Read More...

Is the TSA using scripts to push us through its full body scanners?
"My recent experience has been that the security agents are becoming bully boys," says Roberta Ling, a 73-year-old woman from Austin, Texas. Read More...

LIFE NEWS 09/20/2013

Pope Francis Slams Abortion in New Comments: Unborn Babies “Unjustly Condemned”
A day after an interview the mainstream media used to claim Pope Francis is backing down on the Catholic Church’s pro-life teachings, the Pope condemned abortion in strong terms, saying unborn babies are “unjustly condemned” when killed in abortions.
In the text of a message the Pope delivered to a group of Catholic doctors this morning, as distributed by the Vatican today, Pope Francis soundly condemned abortion.
44 Abortion Clinics Closed in 2013 as Two More Close in Cleveland, Montana
In a year of record closures, two more abortion clinics have gone out of business. These two closures bring the tally of out-of-business abortion businesses to 44 so far this year.
Operation Rescue has confirmed that an abortionist who wore a butcher’s apron while injuring a woman during an abortion has closed his Cleveland, Ohio, abortion clinic and is moving out of state.


Submitted by Nancy Battle:

The Greatest Financial Conspiracy In American History
September 18, 2013 -
Dave Hodges
The Common Sense Show
There is a conspiracy being perpetrated against the American people with regard to the true nature of America’s financial situation. To most people, America appears to be on her last economic legs and the future looks hopeless. On the other hand, America has never been wealthier. However, the wealth has been horded and hidden from the American people.
This article exposes why the central bankers and the corporate controlled media are attempting to make it appear as America is dead broke with no hope of recovery. The central bankers, through the government, have indeed hijacked and are hording and hiding substantial assets as they are planning to take the surface economy down as early as this fall/winter. The globalist strategy consists of convincing the people, in advance of the collapse, that there is no hope of economic recovery. Under this scenario, the perpetrators of the collapse will meet with less direct resistance, both in the collapse phase and in the recovery phase in which we will all witness the establishment of a world government and a one world economic system.


TO THE SENATE! -- Update: Friday 9/20
John Boehner and the House of Representatives HAVE PASSED (11:30 a.m.) the Continuing Resolution (summary below), which will fund the federal government through Dec. 15th but DEFUND OBAMACARE. The bill is now before the Senate.
You can follow the details through your favorite news source(s). BUT:
YOUR immediate and full-force influence with the U.S. Senate - conservative and non-conservative Republicans AND Democrats alike - is what will determine the outcome.
The media says it is now expected that the Senate will strip the "defunding" language, and return the bill quickly to the House, for the purpose of tossing the hot potato right back and "making the Republicans responsible for shutting down the federal government." Harry Reid and President Obama have said as much.
What happens after that is an unanswered question.


News for your weekend reading. House voted to defund Obamacare today, but I didn’t include. If you don’t already know that, you are asleep. I’ll be offline for the weekend. Have to help my wife with a sleepover for several girls for our granddaughter’s 13th birthday. Pray for us. ~Bob
Excellent essay on Women in Combat
By LtCol Tom Kratman, USA (Ret), author of the great military science fiction book, The Amazon Legion.
Indirectly Mistaken Decision Cycles. By Tom Kratman
A commentary on the “Boyd Cycle” for those interested in military history ~Bob.
The Fiscal Collapse is Coming: Social Security overpays $1.3 billion in benefits: GAO
Excerpt: An upcoming GAO report obtained by NBC News says the federal government may have paid $1.29 billion in Social Security disability benefits to 36,000 people who had too much income from work to qualify.

GRASSTOPS USA 09/20/2013

"The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle."
~ Stapp's Ironical Paradox
Shhh! Don't Tell Obama!
Muslims Executing Christians For Not Paying Taxes
Posted On America's Conservative News

Don't tell Barack Obama, lest he get any ideas, but reports are coming out of Egypt that members of the Muslim Brotherhood are executing Christians for not paying the Jizya tax.

Read The Full Story

How To Survive When America Collapses
When China freezes our money and the banks collapse... when the power grid shuts down... you'll want to avoid the five most common mistakes that preppers make... critical things that could mean the difference between life and death.

Watch The Video

ALT 09/20/2013

ALT Headlines Featured Stories for September 20, 2013

Politicians can decide whether Im a journalist Good luck
Jon Rappoport: The Free Flow of Information Act, Senate Bill 987, is now under consideration...
Cant Afford the Biometrically Enhanced iPhone 5 Try EyeVerify
As previously reported, the new iPhone 5S will come complete with a biometric fingerprint ID ...


Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
Today the House of Representatives voted to defund ObamaCare while providing funding for a new Continuing Resolution to keep the government running by a 230-189 margin. 
I commend Speaker Boehner and the House leadership for choosing to do the right thing and for bringing this measure to the floor for a vote.  As an important by-product of this vote, the rank-and-file Republican membership praised the Speaker and a crisis of leadership in the House GOP has been averted.
The next stop for the CR is the United States Senate, where procedural maneuvers to take up the bill will begin on Monday. 
The bill could be back in the House as early as next Wednesday depending on a number of factors.  Whatever happens, we can expect the battle of rhetoric to escalate dramatically as a monumental clash of worldviews takes center stage.
++America’s patriots are making a difference! 


On Monday, the House will meet at 11:00 a.m. in pro forma session. No votes are expected.
On Tuesday, the House will not be in session.
On Wednesday, the House will meet at 12:00 p.m. for morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. Votes will be postponed until 6:30 p.m.
Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the Rules:
1) H.R. 1961 - To amend title 46, United States Code, to extend the exemption from the fire-retardant materials construction requirement for vessels operating within the Boundary Line (Sponsored by Rep. Steve Chabot / Transportation and Infrastructure Committee)

2) H.R. 3095 - To ensure that any new or revised requirement providing for the screening, testing, or treatment of individuals operating commercial motor vehicles for sleep disorders is adopted pursuant to a rulemaking proceeding, and for other purposes (Sponsored by Rep. Larry Bucshon / Transportation and Infrastructure Committee)

3) H.R. 2600 - To amend the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act to clarify how the Act applies to condominiums (Sponsored by Rep. Carolyn Maloney / Financial Services Committee)


Heartless Dems Walk Out of Benghazi Hearing before Families of Victims Testify All but 2 Democrat member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee walked out of the Benghazi hearing before family of the victims testified. ... READ MORE 

Why I Love America It's the little stories that make you understand what it means to be American...what it means to really love America. ... READ MORE 


JIHAD WATCH 09/20/2013

Sep 20, 2013 12:01 am | Robert
Hamas-linked CAIR is pushing the "Islamophobia" myth in a big way today, expanding its list of targets in a new report to include everyone, everyone, including your Aunt Gertrude, who has ever dared to speak a remotely critical word about jihad terror and Islamic supremacism. Maybe they're trying to deflect...

Sep 19, 2013 11:49 am | Robert
The pious Karki Obaid Karki is nuts, as is clear from the briefest perusal of his website. This post, however, crosses the proverbial red line in calling for someone to shoot me in the head -- and anyway, people who are nuts can and do kill other people. And by...

BEFORE ITS NEWS 09/20/2013

Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Hillary Clinton: Our 1st Lesbian President?

Hillary Clinton: Our 1st Lesbian President? CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. According to Bryan Fischer who is citing a Gennifer Flowers interview in this video, Hillary Clinton may soon be our 'first lesbian president' if she runs for office and is somehow elected in 2016. After the disastrous terms of Barack Obama, is America REALLY ready for our first lesbian president...


Submitted by BobJen:

To: The National MiddleClass Network...These columns are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides.
Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be removed, just ask. So far, those so requesting is virtually zero. Thanks.
From: John..."Put these NewsBriefers in a folder and use them against the enemy or training, as needed".
PLEASE Click "FORWARD", scroll down and SCAN the columns first to verify a complete edition (about 20 top selecteds).
National MiddleClass Network DAILY NewsBriefer - 9-20-2013
* This is a "DAILY" Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something", PLEASE. THX

And don't forget the last newsbrief at the bottom......

From: CommieBlaster
Is GOP Serious About Repealing Obamacare?

From: CommieBlaster
The Money in Your Wallet is Now Worth Less as Planned

Radio Interview 

RedState Briefing 09/20/2013

Morning Briefing
For September 20, 2013

>> Today's Sponsor

1.  Remember when Obama promised to bankrupt coal? That’s today.
Dear Leader is set to unveil a regulation that forms the centerpiece of his “anti-climate change” policy announced awhile back to much green fawning.

This new regulation will reportedly ban all future coal-fired power plant construction.

Yes, you read that right.

Obama is set to ban all future coal-fired power plant construction tomorrow by regulatory fiat.


September 20, 2013
Democrat Motion to Recommit – REJECTED 190 – 228
Final Passage of H.J. Res. 59 — "Making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2014, and for other purposes." – PASSED 230 – 189
Daines (R-MT) Amendment No. 1 - Protect forest reserve projects from frivolous litigation by precluding Court -issued injunctions based on alleged violations of procedural requirements in selecting, planning, or analyzing the project. – ADOPTED 219 – 196  
McClintock (R-CA), McCarthy (R-CA), LaMalfa (R-CA), Denham (R-CA) Amendment No. 3 -Waives judicial review to prevent frivolous litigation on any timber salvage project resulting from a wildfire occurring in 2013. – ADOPTED 243 – 172