Friday, July 19, 2013


Mr. Boehner: How Does Voting To "Legitimize" And Then "Fix" Barack Obama's Dictatorial ObamaCare Employer Mandate Decree Stop ObamaCare?
       Of course, the move comes as no shock. Inside sources have been telling us for some time that John Boehner and House leaders have been diligently working behind the scenes to push Republicans into "fixing" ObamaCare for some time now.

       But sources also tell us that rank-and-file Republican legislators in Washington are seething. They believe that they have a solemn duty to keep the promises made to the American people.

       And these elected officials who are standing firm need your help. We need to send a message to these self-appointed Republican "leaders" that we will not tolerate their secretive efforts to "fix" ObamaCare.

       We're not letting them off the hook. They promised to defund ObamaCare and that is exactly what we're expecting them to do.

Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.
Send My Faxes
If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink or copy and paste into the address bar of your browser.


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

Lightning Rod NYC Pastor’s Stunningly Confrontational Sermon on Trayvon Martin: ‘You See the World Through Your Black Eyes’

Jul. 18, 2013 12:13am Jason Howerton
Controversial NYC Pastor James David Manning Blasts Black Community Over Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman Case
Dr. James David Manning, the notoriously controversial chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church in New York City, recently delivered a bold and controversial message to his congregants about the black community’s perception of the George Zimmerman trial. He urged his mostly black congregation to stop viewing the world through their “black eyes” and start looking at it through the “blood of Jesus.”


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Alexander Rebuts Obama's Zimmerman/Martin Statement

By Mark Alexander · July 19, 2013   
"It is of great importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tell an untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible; and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world's believing him." --Thomas Jefferson (1785)
Barack Hussein Obama walked into a White House press briefing Friday afternoon, unannounced. He used the briefing to deliver his political assessment of the Zimmerman/Martin case.
I have published two comprehensive critiques of this case, "Race Hustlers and Double Standards" last week, and "What Democrats Won't Say About Race" this week. Those columns challenge the Left's promotion and intentional distortion of the case as race bait, to maintain the unyielding sycophantic support of 95 percent of black voters. Without that low-information voter constituency, Democrats would win few congressional elections, and Obama would not be president.

LIFE NEWS 07/19/2013

Hobby Lobby Wins Injunction Stopping Enforcement of HHS Mandate
Today, a federal court granted Hobby Lobby a preliminary injunction against the HHS abortion-drug mandate. The injunction prevents the Obama administration from enforcing the mandate against the Christian company, which does not want to be compelled to pay for birth control or drugs that may cause abortions.
This victory comes less than a month after a landmark decision by the full 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled 5-3 that Hobby Lobby can exercise religion under the First Amendment and is likely to win its case against the mandate. That decision helped the Christian craft store not be force to pay fines while its lawsuit continues.
Did Local Official Help Planned Parenthood Hide Botched Abortion Killing Woman?
After Tonya Reaves died from complications during a botched second-trimester abortion suffered at a Chicago area Planned Parenthood abortion clinic on July 20, 2012 it took months for the medical examiner to release a report on her death.
Once a copy of Tonya Reaves’ autopsy report was made public, it showed the 24-year old woman died from the abortion she obtained at Planned Parenthood. The report indicated Reaves’ injuries were survivable if she had received proper emergency care in a timely manner.


Dear Conservatives,

Is there anything the leftist media won't do to shield the out-of-control, scandal-ridden Obama Administration?

The short answer is no. But it's much worse than you think.

What happened last night was journalistic malpractice at its worst. Despicable, third-world state-run media tactics being wholly embraced by the deceitful Obama propagandists at ABC, CBS, and NBC.

What are we talking about?

The Big Three networks censored the bombshell news coming out of Thursday's congressional hearing that IRS employees were ordered to send Tea Party tax-exemption applications to the office of the IRS's Chief Counsel, which was headed by the only Obama political appointee at the IRS at the time.

You read that correctly—we now have firsthand testimony that the Washington office headed by the sole Obama political appointee at the IRS was directly involved in the scandal that Obama himself called "outrageous."

CONBUSTIBLE 07/19/2013

Massie introduces amendments to block unauthorized U.S. Military involvement in Syria and Egypt
Representative Massie offered two amendments to the House Defense Appropriations Act (H.R. 2397) requiring congressional authorization to use taxpayer funds for military or paramilitary purposes in Syria and Egypt. Read More...

Billions spent in Obama climate plan may be virtually useless
As President Obama last month launched a sweeping new national program to combat “climate change,” including tens of billions of dollars in likely new subsidies for solar and wind power and bio-energy, a separate, groundbreaking study by the National Research Council has warned that those kinds of subsidies are virtually useless at quelling greenhouse gases. Read More...

Cruz legislation will close loophole in ‘Motor Voter’ law
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) today presented legislation that will close a loophole in the federal “Motor Voter” law that preempts states from enforcing requirements to ensure those registered to vote are U.S. citizens. Read More...


Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
During hearings held by the House Oversight Committee yesterday, Democrat lawmakers chose to use the occasion to attack the integrity of the Inspector General!  Meanwhile, the liberal lapdog media is chanting, “There’s nothing to see here.” 
The familiar liberal tactics of “accuse; diminish; silence” are being used to try to sweep the intensifying IRS scandal under the rug.  But the IRS abuse has been so widespread and so egregious that it is becoming clear that the management culture of that agency is totally corrupt.
Now that testimony has established a clear link between the targeting of conservative groups and the office of the IRS Chief Counsel in Washington, DC, the entire administration cover story is unraveling fast.  The IRS Chief Counsel is a political appointee approved by the President himself.
Please take a minute today to add your name to our powerful petition calling for a complete investigation headed by a Special Counsel.  Join over 75,000 of your fellow concerned patriots by going here:
Please read my important IRS update below – Mat.
Yesterday, in a venomous attack against Inspector General (IG) J. Russell George, Democrat lawmakers implied that his report on IRS targeting was skewed for political gain.  


Submitted by: Debbie Beatty

'Barry Soetoro' registered to vote in D.C.
"Barry Soetoro," was the name used to register six-year-old Barack Obama at Jakarta's Roman Catholic Franciscus Assisi Primary School by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. The school registration card lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen born Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Now -- amazing coincidence -- a review of the D.C. Board of Elections records shows a 'Barry Soetoro' registered to vote in the nation's capital.

And you won't believe what he lists as his address!
Read the latest now on


Obama blasts ‘stand your ground’ law during press briefing
In keeping with the advice of former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel – to never let a good crisis go to waste — President Barack Obama took to the microphone on Friday and during his comments on the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin tragedy he questioned whether or not Florida’s so-called ‘‘stand your ground’’ law has a positive influence on peace and public safety in American, according to law enforcement officials.

Read More
Justice Department places ‘hold’ on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman’s gun – which Florida law says must be returned to him
The U.S. Department of Justice, overseen by Attorney General Eric Holder, has ordered the Sanford, Florida police department to keep possession of all the evidence from George Zimmerman’s second-degree murder trial – including the exonerated neighborhood watch volunteer’s gun.

Read More


Dear Conservatives,

Just yesterday, we found out through Congressional testimony that the IRS targeting scandal leads directly to D.C. Not only that – it leads directly to an Obama appointee.
This is big. We now have proof that high level officials in the Obama Administration knew the IRS was targeting conservatives.

The IRS scandal is so big and so offensive, we realized we had to create something new to help you protect your rights. We launched the IRS War Room to give you all the materials you need in one place.

We need to know WHO in D.C., from lowly bureaucrats to the President himself, authorized this abuse of power to silence people just like you.


We’re delighted to announce that Governor Bobby Jindal has just been added to our speaker’s list for the 2013 Defending the American Dream Summit in Orlando, Florida.  You can see the full speaker roster here!! Governor Jindal’s addition to our conference makes this year’s summit the must-attend event of the summer!
In his role as Chairman of the Republican Governor’s Association and as the recently re-elected Governor of Louisiana, Governor Jindal has emerged as one of the nation’s most influential voices in promoting the American Dream to all Americans. 
Since being elected the first Indian-American Governor in our nation’s history, Governor Jindal has stood up for economic freedom and opposed unnecessary government expansion.   Recently, Governor Jindal refused to allow ObamaCare Medicaid expansion in Louisiana while fighting to abolish the state income tax, and has successfully cut taxes six times, returning over $1 billion to the citizens of his state. There’s no doubt Governor Jindal will be an important voice for the cause of freedom for many years to come.  


Boom: Judge rules Detroit Chapter 9 bankruptcy filing unconstitutional
Excerpt: A circuit court judge in Ingham County ruled that the City of Detroit’s Chapter 9 bankruptcy filed on Thursday violates the Michigan constitution, according to court orders she issued in three separate cases involving city pensioners.

Detroit goes bankrupt, largest municipal filing in U.S. history
Excerpt: Detroit has become the largest city in U.S. history to file for bankruptcy. State-appointed emergency manager Kevyn Orr on Thursday asked a federal judge permission to place the city into Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection. (Detroit: The Progressive Future of Obama’s Fundamentally Changed America. ~Bob. Let me see... who has run Detroit for the last 2,000 years? Oh, yeah, Democrats. –LLW. Actually, I think there was a GOP mayor in 1951—probably all his fault. ~Bob.)

It's almost like turning your city over to the SEIU doesn't work out very well long-term.

Older but timely: Detroit Gave Unions Keys To The City, And Now Nothing Is Left
Excerpt: While the city population has shrunk (from a peak population of 1.8 million in 1950 to 714,000 in the last census), it has hardly reduced the government that serves it. All you really need to know about Detroit, which is facing a $327 million budget gap, is that last year it was discovered to still be paying for  a “horseshoer” (or farrier) on the Detroit Water & Sewer Department (DWSD) payroll. This individual costs some $56,000 in pay and benefits, despite the city not having any horses to shoe in his department.


The Next President: Who Best Compensates for Obama's Failings?

Four and a half years into his tenure in office, there is no mystery left to the 44th president. We now know the man, warts and all - and as a result, we can already begin to see the deficiencies that may inform who the nation chooses as his successor. ...
There is one man who seems an especially good fit. He's a successful governor. He has a decisively blue-collar mien and a speaking style in which he consistently explains how conservative principles can be put into practice for the benefits of the everyday citizen.

After Zimmerman: In Defense of "Stand Your Ground" Laws

Since its earliest days, the Obama administration has been guided by the mantra, "never let a crisis go to waste." At the time, the phrase helped explain why President Barack Obama and his advisors used the economic crisis to ram through a costly and completely unrelated overhaul of the nation's health care system.
Now, Attorney General Eric Holder is using a similar sleight-of-hand to turn George Zimmerman's acquittal into an activist agenda to repeal a law that had no bearing on the outcome of Zimmerman's trial.

Obama Ties Nixon for Lowest Public Approval at This Point in Presidency

In 2008, Barack Obama immodestly cited Ronald Reagan as the type of "transformative" president he intended to become. "Ronald Reagan," he said, "changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not, that Bill Clinton did not."
Bold words, but what's equally notable is that Obama highlighted Nixon as a comparatively futile president. Today, Obama ties Nixon for the lowest public approval at this point in a presidency in Gallup's recorded history.
Read more Read more now.


On Monday, the House will meet at 12:00 p.m. for morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. Votes will be postponed until 6:30 p.m.
Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the Rules:
1) H.R. 697 - Three Kids Mine Remediation and Reclamation Act (Sponsored by Rep. Joseph Heck / Natural Resources Committee)
2) H.R. 1300 - To amend the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 to reauthorize the volunteer programs and community partnerships for the benefit of national wildlife refuges, and for other purposes (Sponsored by Rep. Jon Runyan / Natural Resources Committee)
3) H.R. 1411 - California Coastal National Monument Expansion Act of 2013 (Sponsored by Rep. Jared Huffman / Natural Resources Committee)
4) H.R. 2353 - To amend title 23, United States Code, with respect to the operation of vehicles on certain Wisconsin highways, and for other purposes (Sponsored by Rep. Thomas Petri / Transportation and Infrastructure Committee)


Submitted by: Debbie Beatty

Secrets Buried In The Immigration Reform Bill

Why exactly are RINO Republicans, supposedly on the Right, like Marco Rubio appearing in a national multimillion dollar ad campaign to push so-called “Immigration Reform”? And who exactly is paying for these 60-second infomercials that are li...

“Self-defense Shouldn’t Be Practiced By The Common Folk”

Video: 3 Men Told Of Obama’s Manchurian Presidency In Advance, Part 3

College Students Say Abortion Support Translates To More Sex


Dear Avaaz community,

Across the planet, millions of people young and old are flooding the streets and mobilising online to reject corruption and injustice and speak of a more beautiful world. A new Twitter hashtag in Brazil tells the story: #OGiganteAcordou. Translation: “The sleeping giant has awoken".

And Avaaz - now nearly 25 million strong! - is there almost everywhere it's happening. In one example, the Brazilian Senate repeatedly cited our community last week when they voted to give any 500,000 citizen petition the power to directly introduce measures to the government.

We're growing by well over 1 million people per month, and it's accelerating. As more citizens shake off the slumber we are realising that the world really is ours and, while we face great challenges, what happens next, depends on all of us.

Because when we come together, and stay together, we win. Scroll down for victories and updates, just from the last several weeks:


July 19, 2013
Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Meehan (R-PA) – Amendment No. 23 - Provides a funding condition for state or local educational agency to be eligible for funds, agency personnel cannot facilitate the transfer of an employee if they know, or have probable cause to believe, that the employee has engaged in sexual misconduct with a minor. Agencies must also require employees be subjected to background checks in compliance with the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. – ADOPTED BY VOICE
Cantor (R-VA), Bishop (R-UT) – Amendment No. 25 –  Allows Title I funds to follow students to other public schools or charter schools, upon the state opting to allow it. – ADOPTED BY VOICE
Culberson (R-TX) – Amendment No. 22 – Empowers States by giving them the opportunity to accept or reject federal grant money. Grant money rejected by State legislatures would be dedicated to paying off our outstanding national debt. – ADOPTED 227 - 196

(3 articles) AMERICA - WE HAVE A PROBLEM! (many of them)

Submitted by: Debbie Beatty

Hillary Gets 'Liberty Medal' After Lying About Benghazi

Ann Kane
What do you receive for getting four Americans killed in Benghazi, including our ambassador? Just ask Hillary Clinton.

On September 10--exactly a day short of one year after she and Obama allowed their own officials to die in real time--Clinton will be awarded the National Constitution Center's Liberty Medal.

"The Liberty Medal recognizes individuals who have furthered the ideals of freedom, democracy, and equality, often against great odds," said National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen. "Hillary Clinton has devoted her life to expanding opportunities for 'We the People' not just in this country but around the globe."
As the 67th Secretary of State, Clinton broke national and global barriers. She was the first First Lady to serve in a presidential Cabinet...As Secretary of State, Clinton advocated for "smart power" in foreign policy, elevating diplomacy and development and repositioning them for the 21st century--with new tools, technologies, and partners, including the private sector and civil society around the world.

MUTH'S TRUTHS 07/19/2013


Nevada Republicans have now come full circle. 

In 2008 it was the GOP establishment in Nevada that generally treated the Ron Paul people like lepers.  But the lepers got organized and fought back, gaining operational control of the party in the 2012 election cycle.  Now, after a very brief absence, the establishment is well on its way to regaining full power.

The short Clark County GOP chairmanship of Cindy Lake - a principled conservative and Paul supporter - came to an end on July 17 when the establishment wing of the party hoisted Dave McKeon, a relatively unknown, transplanted son of a California congressman, upon the throne as their new Grand Imperial Pooh-Bah.

So intent was the establishment in regaining power that they would have supported a pedophile priest as long as long as it meant getting rid of Lake.  But remember the old saying about being careful what you wish for.

McKeon made a lot of grandiose promises to get elected; promises he’s unlikely to fulfill.  Like raising a ton of money, registering a ton of voters and winning the hearts and minds of Hispanics everywhere. What’s going to happen if/when he comes up short?

But even if McKeon is successful beyond everyone’s wildest LSD-induced dreams operationally and organizationally, a philosophical drift back to the mushy-middle will now take place.  And that’s nothing to cheer about if you’re a conservative, especially if it spreads up to the state party level.



Over the last several years, citizens across our great state have urged me to consider running for the Senate in 2014. As I have traveled to every corner of Wyoming, seeing old friends and meeting new, I have been honored to have the chance to speak with many of you about your concerns, fears and hopes for the future. I have listened carefully, and discussed the possibility of running for office at length with Phil and the kids.

I am launching my candidacy for the United States Senate.

We are blessed by our heritage in Wyoming - a heritage built on the values brought here by our forefathers and mothers. These were people like those in my own family who first came here in 1852 in search of religious freedom; people like my great grandfather and his brothers, who came as ranch hands and settled at Lysite in 1907; people like my grandmother who was raised in the Salt Creek oil fields and grew up to become Natrona County's first female deputy sheriff. These men and women and thousands of others like them built our state on their hopes for freedom, their search for opportunity, their belief in independence and equality, and their dedication to the values of our founding documents. They understood the responsibility of neighbor to neighbor and of one generation to the next. Today, these values are under assault by a federal government grown far beyond anything the pioneers of our great state could ever have imagined - or would have tolerated.


IRS Scandal Now has a Direct Link to Obama!!!

Carter Hull, formerly of the IRS is telling all he knows about the targeting of conservatives and he knows a lot.  He was ordered to review Tea Party cases from the Cincinnati office, which wasn’t unusual.  He is an expert in tax exempt status and had been with the IRS for over 45 years at the time.  That’s when it began to get weird.  (Or clear, depending on your viewpoint)
Lois Lerner ordered him not to make the decisions on the cases but to pass them on to her senior advisor and to the Chief Counsel’s office.  The chief counsel is one of two political appointments within the IRS.  William J Wilkins was appointed by Barack Obama.  Therefore, he had a vested interest in Obama’s reelection.  No Obama, no job.  When asked how often this type of arrangement was used, Hull replied never in his 48 years at the IRS.
Hull’s testimony was used in a letter yesterday from the committee to acting head of the IRS, Danny Werfel.  


Jul 19, 2013 09:00 am  

By News Editor 
The IRS scandal was connected this week not just to the Washington office—that had been established—but to the White House's office of the chief counsel.
Bombshell Drops in IRS Scandal: Obama’s IRS Chief Counsel Directly Involved (+video)
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Dear Conservatives,

I'm pleased to report after collecting thousands of signatures through the Draft Liz Cheney petition, Liz is in!

Yesterday, Liz announced her candidacy for U.S. Senate in Wyoming through a YouTube video asserting, "We can get our nation back on track. Instead of cutting deals with the president's liberal allies, we should be opposing them every step of the way."

While Liz is a great candidate and we both know she'll be a terrific U.S. Senator, she faces an uphill battle against a sitting U.S. Senator just to win the Republican nomination! If One Nation PAC doesn't have the resources to help her every step of the way, it may all be for nothing.

America needs Liz to win this race and that's why I'm asking you to donate $25, $50, $100 or more to One Nation PAC today so we can send a check to Liz's campaign right away.


Kelly S. Eustis
Executive Director


President’s “Last Campaign” - ObamaCare - Off to a Rocky Start
Posted by Mike Ricci | July 19, 2013 | Permalink

If selling ObamaCare is indeed President Obama’s “last campaign” with all kinds of “legacy-defining” consequences, it is off to one rocky start.   “Anxiety” runs through his ranks.  Key support is “eroding.”  There’s “trouble in the states.”  The whole thing is a “train wreck” in the making.  Let’s review the lowlights: 
  • Divided base.  The White House has been telling congressional Democrats “that it helps no one to run from legislation the party already owns,” Kim Strassel writes in today’s Wall Street Journal, but that’s exactly what many of them are doing.  “Recently elected Senate Democrats have enthusiastically joined efforts to kill portions of the law,” she notes, while this week’s bipartisan House vote to protect all Americans from ObamaCare mandates was “a psychological break, one that lays the potential groundwork for a bipartisan coalition to defund or repeal the law, if things continue to deteriorate.” This, she writes, is “what the White House truly fears.”  Indeed, as the same paper notes in an editorial, “more may defect when their constituents get a load of ObamaCare in practice.”