Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Obama ‘Hypocrite Of Century’ Video Goes Viral

Tuesday, July 9, 2013 16:37

‘Unprecedented slobbering’ over America’s first family

Joe Kovacs
A speech by an Irish lawmaker scorching Barack Obama as a “war criminal” and “hypocrite of the century” as well as lamenting the “unprecedented slobbering over the Obama family” has become a global sensation on YouTube, collecting well over a million views in just three weeks.
Clare Daly, an independent member of Parliament representing Dublin North, went on a no-holds-barred mission to flay Obama following the conclusion of the G8 summit last month in Northern Ireland.
“Is this person going for the hypocrite of the century award?” Daly asked of Obama. “Because we have to call things by their right names, and the reality is that by any serious examination, this man is a war criminal.”


Amnesty Update, DC March For Jobs, and FreedomFest


Here are a few announcements for the remainder of the week.

Amnesty Update:
The Amnesty Bill passed the Senate and is now being debated in the House. Right now there are 4 separate bills being considered in the House Judiciary Committee, and tomorrow House Speaker Boehner is planning to hold a closed door meeting to discuss strategy. We have heard rumors that there is a deal in the works for Amnesty to ultimately pass. We cannot let this happen. Be sure to make a call to your Representative to let them know that before we discuss any kind of immigration reform, we ensure that the border is secure! There will be more info later in the week and calls to action related to this legislation. In the meantime, you can find our weekly toolkit at http://www.teapartypatriots.org/nomoretrainwrecks. Help us stop this train wreck!


House must STOP Big Brother
With the Senate having made their decision – passing S. 744 with 68 yays and 32 nays – the future of immigration legislation lies with the House of Representatives. This said, it’s time for the House to lead. U.S. Representatives must avoid duplicating the Senate’s mistakes and restart immigration reform legislation from the ground up, tackling issues individually through short, straightforward bills.

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Privacy group files Supreme Court petition challenging NSA spying
A public-interest research organization based in Washington, D.C., on Monday became one of the first major groups to take legal action with regard to a National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance operation that was discovered when a contracted NSA systems analyst, Edward Snowden, illegally released classified information.

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 Submitted by: Hi

BREAKING:  Strange Planes
Landing At U.S. Air Force Bases
Written by: B.K. Hyland Current Events July 8, 2013
There have been multiple civilian sightings of strange planes landing at American Air Force bases, all carrying UN troops and/or having UN markings (or none). My husband, a Vietnam vet, has been back and forth to Overton-Brooks VA Medical Hospital three times a week this month. Barksdale Air Force Base, one of the most secure Strategic Air Command (SAC) bases in the nation, has had unusual C-130s or C-136s fly into Barksdale AFB and land at all hours. The interstate runs in front of the side and front of the base and is clearly visible with no restraints. (Barksdale is where President George W. Bush landed on 9/11, it is such a safe, secure, and well-guarded installation.) These flights have been reported by other citizens and several of the military men who work inside the base have reported that the UN troops are given US military clothing and name tags. When our servicemen question this, the soldiers are told they did NOT see what they just saw. Base operations refused to confirm or deny or discuss these sightings.


Spygate Bombshell: Did Obama Secretly Bug The Prince Of Wales?
Posted On America's Conservative News

Obama "was terrified the Prince and his wife, with their huge popularity, we're planning to bad-mouth him to the millionaire pals they were visiting--and he pulled out the stops to find out what they were up to."

Read The Full Story


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

Suspicions Growing Over Death of Journalist Probing NSA and CIA Abuses

in Breaking News 20 hours ago

Weeks after the fiery death of investigative journalist Michael Hastings, who was probing abuses by the CIA and NSA and had recently informed others that he was being investigated by federal authorities, suspicions about his mysterious car crash are still swirling around the Internet. While police officially ruled the death an “accident,” serious questions are still surfacing ­ even in the establishment media and among prominent officials. Based on e-mails Hastings sent out shortly before he died about working on a “big story” and needing to go “off the radar,” it has become clear that he was worried, too.


Dear Conservatives,

40,000 babies.

That’s the number of babies Charles Benjamin admits to aborting in his 30 years of being in the “pregnancy termination“ business.

The abortionist divulged this sobering fact to a hushed courtroom as a witness for the prosecution during the recent trial of his peer, abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

40,000 babies! The sheer number is staggering, but in reality that’s probably on the low end. Many abortionists churn out an abortion in less than 10 minutes, and roll straight from one to the next. The myth of a good abortionist versus a bad abortionist defies logic.

And this is just one man. If his partner keeps pace that means 80,000 little babies have been suctioned, burned with caustic chemicals or starved to death in the solitude of their mother’s womb.

Yet when Benjamin revealed this amount the media shrugged and looked away, apparently because he left no blood on the floor or babies bodies in his refrigerator.

But as sordid and shocking as Gosnell’s dirty abortion mill was, it’s results are just the same in Benjamin’s squeaky clean private office – dead babies.


Submitted by: Donald Hank

 Written by Matt Ridley   
Tuesday, 09 July 2013

Exciting as Britain's latest shale gas estimate is - 47 years' supply or more - it pales beside what is happening in the United States.

In the US shale gas is old hat; it's the shale oil revolution that's proving a world changer, promising not just lower oil prices worldwide, but geopolitical ripples as America weans itself off oil imports and perhaps loses interest in the Middle East.

One of the pioneers of the shale gas revolution, Chris Wright, of Liberty Resources, was in Britain last month. It was he and his colleagues at Pinnacle Technologies who reinvented hydraulic fracturing in the late 1990s in a way that unlocked the vast petroleum resources in shale.

Within seven years the Barnett shale, in and around Forth Worth, Texas, was producing half as much gas as the whole of Britain consumes. And the Barnett proved to be a baby compared with other shales.


FBI pulling advertisements off 46 Seattle metro buses after some complain of Muslim stereotyping
  Controversy surrounds pictures of wanted terrorists on Seattle buses

By Graham Johnson



The FBI says it's pulling advertisements off 46 Metro buses in the Seattle area, after some people complained that they stereotyped Muslims.

The ads, which began running this month in connection with a State Department program, features pictures of 16 men wanted around the globe for terrorist activities below the words: "Faces of Global Terrorism."

Among those criticizing the ads was U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott of Seattle, who suggested they gave the impression that "terrorism only comes from one religion or one color of people," and said the ads might increase the risk of hate crimes against Middle Eastern, South Asian and Muslim Americans.


Video: Obama: “We’re Doing Things Right”

Jul 09, 2013 01:29 pm

Read More and Comment: Video: Obama: “We’re Doing Things Right”

Anti-Obama “Witch Hunts?”… Or “WHICH Hunts?”

Jul 09, 2013 01:24 pm

Surprise, surprise!!  Left-wing Congressman Elijah Cummings, senior Democrat on the House Investigations Subcommittee, is trying to end the ever-expanding House investigation of the Internal Revenue Service’s illegal “political targeting” of conservative applicants for 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status, by loudly insisting that… Continue to Post

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Dear Friend,

For 40 years, nine unelected men and women on the Supreme Court have played God with innocent human life.

They have invented laws that condemned to painful deaths without trial more than 56 million babies for the crime of being "inconvenient."

In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade ruling forced abortion-on-demand down our nation's throat.

In the past, many in the pro-life movement have felt limited to protecting a life here and there -- passing some limited law to slightly control abortion in the more outrageous cases.

But some pro-lifers always seem to tiptoe around the Supreme Court, hoping they won't be offended.

Now the time to grovel before the Supreme Court is over.

MUTH'S TRUTHS 07/08/2013


As I noted on Friday, I have a written statement from Dave McKeon’s ex-wife, Monica McKeon, in response to the Clark County GOP chairman candidate calling her a liar on Alan Stock’s radio show last Monday. 

I’ve withheld the statement for a few days after sending Dave an email last Thursday evening offering him an opportunity to end this fiasco and avoid further embarrassment for himself, the party and especially his children. 

You can read my offer by clicking here

Unless Dave accepts the offer by 7:00 a.m. (Pacific) tomorrow morning (Tuesday), I will release Monica’s statement and discuss it on the air with Stock.  Tune in to KDWN 720 AM or www.kdwn.com.


Submitted by: Suzanne

Benghazi-SpecOps Colonel George Bristol is Missing

by Maggie
The U.S. House of Representatives' Benghazi investigation needs to talk with Marine Corps Colonel George Bristol who was in a key position in our Africa Command (AFRICOM) on September 11, 2012, the night of the attacks on our Benghazi "Special Mission." Bristol's AFRICOM superiors Rear Admiral Brian Losey (still on active duty) and General Carter Ham (now retired) have been questioned by the House, but Bristol is nowhere to be found. He is missing in retirement.

CBS reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, indicates that the Defense Department, perhaps, is not allowing Bristol to testify, although that is not a clear point:
Bristol, a martial arts master, was commander of Joint Special Operations Task Force-Trans Sahara based in Stuttgart, Germany until he retired last March. In an article in Stars and Stripes, Bristol is quoted at his retirement ceremony as telling his troops that "an evil" has descended on Africa, referring to Islamic militant groups. "It is on us to stomp it out."
At the time of his retirement, Colonel Bristol was the Joint Special Operations Task Force-Trans Sahara Commander.

CLASH DAILY 07/09/2013

 Clashdaily.com’s Ceo, Doug Giles, Noted As “Hot Conservative New Media Superman” By Politichicks With all the popular “hot conservative women” lists floating around the Internet (including this one from RightWingNews.com) we figured turnabout’s fair play. We are proud to announce a few lists of our own: ... READ MORE

Zimmerman Trial Update: State’s Attempted Railroading Goes Off The Rails It’s George Zimmerman’s defense team’s turn to put forth their case, and quite frankly, they have a fairly easy path ahead. The wind is at their backs because no real, compelling evidence was brought before ... READ MORE 


GOP Leaders Ask President Obama for Further Information on ObamaCare Delay
WASHINGTON, DC – House Republican leaders and committee chairs sent a letter to President Obama today requesting further information regarding the implications of his administration’s decision to delay implementation of ObamaCare’s employer mandate.  The letter also asks the president to justify delaying the employer mandate while leaving in place the mandate on individuals and families.  “We agree with you that the burden was overwhelming for employers,” they write, “but we also believe American families need the same relief.”

The text of today’s letter is below, and a printable PDF version is here.
Dear Mr. President:
Last week, your administration announced it would unilaterally delay another provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).  This part of the law imposed penalties on employers if they did not comply with the new regulations included in the law.  As you know, this was only the latest unilateral delay or change to the law taken by your administration.

JIHAD WATCH 07/09/2013

Jul 08, 2013 08:57 am | Robert
More evidence of looming civil war. "Egypt closes Freedom and Justice Party HQ over weapons find," from Middle East Online, July 8 (thanks to Axomiya): CAIRO - Egypt's prosecution ordered the closure of the Cairo headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party after police found weapons inside it...

Jul 08, 2013 07:57 am | Robert
Civil war looming. "Egypt’s Islamists call for ‘intifada,’" from Ya Libnan, July 8 (thanks to Murad): Pro- and anti-Morsi factions staged competing rallies in Cairo, with those who supported last week’s military intervention attacking US President Barack Obama for his alleged support of the Muslim Brotherhood. Mr Morsi’s supporters marched...


Submitted by: BobJen
To: The National MiddleClass Network...These columns are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides.
Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be removed, just ask. So far, those so requesting is virtually zero. Thanks.
"You can not let any of your people avoid the brutal facts. If they start living in a dream world. it's going to be bad."...SO..."Fight with a happy heart and strong spirit".- General James Mattis, USMC,
From: John..."Put these NewsBriefers in a folder and use them against the enemy or training, as needed".
PLEASE Click "FORWARD", scroll down and SCAN the columns first to verify a complete edition (about 20 top selecteds).
National MiddleClass Network DAILY NewsBriefer - 7-9-13
* This is a "DAILY" Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something", PLEASE. THX.  

BJ3 Comment: Yeah, right. Just as we had said about GB2 (and the fam).  Real ties run deep...all NWO party lefties. Besides, GB1 was the first that I heard publicly say "New World Order" and getting it done. Still, let's review. If you'll recall, on BHO's "inauguration" day, GB2 gave BHO a really big congratulatory hug. That didn't escape some people. Going further back, y'all remember GB2, don't 'ya? That's right, he's the POTUS that let the approved border fence be stopped, the gazillion dollar Stimulus Package be done.. and did other "Hmmmm" things.  But's all those were let slide by republicans and conservatives because he GB2 "was"..."one of us". And now/below, GB2/ fam are dragged out of the "closet" (and publicly exposed) to back and support BHO's actions, which the majority of republicans/conservatives oppose. 
    Hmmmm, might that be the first REAL sign that BHO, boss(es), cohorts and retinue are starting to feel the heat? (and I don't mean "climate change"...which also went belly up.)
From: Sher Zieve
Fw: Bush: Obama Acted 'To Protect The Country'
I believe that former President George W. Bush  dishonored himself with this statement.  Truly distressing...
From: Patriot Update <news@patriotupdate.com>

COWBOYBYTE 07/09/2013

IRS posted thousands of Social Security numbers on website

The IRS mistakenly posted the Social Security numbers of tens of thousands of Americans on a government website, the agency confirmed Monday night. One estimate put the figure as high as 100,000 names. The numbers were posted to an IRS … Continue reading

Top Cowboy Headlines

RedState Briefing 07/09/2013

Morning Briefing
For July 9, 2013

1.  Drawing the Battle Lines
Washington Republicans have deluded themselves into thinking Democrats in charge of government is the problem and not government itself. The party elite more and more advocate a technocratic paternalism with business like efficiency instead of putting trust in the people.

The Republicans in charge of the party at the national level show too much love of their super rich donors, too much contempt for their base, and too little investment in changing the way Washington works since so many of their spouses, children, and friends profit from the city like Harry Reid’s family.

To paraphrase Mr. Lincoln to Gen. McClellan, if the GOP doesn’t intend to use the party, the base would like to borrow it for a time. The party elite, we should remember, often holds its base in the same high regard Gen. McClellan held President Lincoln.