Friday, June 28, 2013


Submitted by: Debbie Beatty


Florida Moves to Recall Marco Rubio

by Tim Brown
Earlier in the week, we told you how Arizona has had it with Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake over their persistent push of the Senate’s amnesty bill and began petitions to recall them. Well it looks like the people of Florida have had their fill of Senator Marco Rubio. A petition has been set up to recall the Florida […]


The bells toll for thee
by Doug Hagmann

Designated by Congress as the “National House of Prayer” and often identified as the church of our national leaders,
the National Cathedral in Washington DC celebrated Wednesday’s Supreme Court decisions regarding same-sex marriage
by ringing its bells for 45 minutes at noon ET, followed by a celebratory prayer service that evening. [...]

An Abomination before Lord God Almighty !

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?
Should a Christian oppose gay (same-sex) marriage and partnerships? What does the Bible say about gay and lesbian sex?
How should I treat a gay or lesbian person? Should I shun a gay or lesbian person? What does the Bible say about gay or
lesbian pastors, ministers and priests? Will homosexuals go to heaven? These are among the questions we are asked most often,
 and this article is the most frequently read Bible FAQ on our Website.


Climate Expert von Storch: Why Is Global Warming Stagnating?
Excerpt: Climate experts have long predicted that temperatures would rise in parallel with greenhouse gas emissions. But, for 15 years, they haven't. In a SPIEGEL interview, meteorologist Hans von Storch discusses how this "puzzle" might force scientists to alter what could be "fundamentally wrong" models.
Bike Lanes to Nowhere. By Daniel Greenfield
Excerpt: The biking adult cares, which is the chief hobby of the leisure class. The more someone cares, the less he works. Caring is a full time job for people who don't have full time jobs.
Nigel Farage and the Lunatic Mainstream. Mark Steyn
Excerpt: [The United Kingdom Independence Party's] leader, the boundlessly affable Nigel Farage, went to P. G. Wodehouse's old high school, Dulwich College, and to a sneering metropolitan press, Farage's party is a déclassé Wodehousean touring company mired in an elysian England that never was, populated only by golf-club duffers, halfwit toffs, rustic simpletons, and hail-fellow-well-met bores from the snug of the village pub. When I shared a platform with him in Toronto a few months back, Mr. Farage explained his party's rise by citing not Wodehouse but another Dulwich old boy, the late British comic Bob Monkhouse: "They all laughed when I said I'd become a comedian. Well, they're not laughing now."


Submitted by: Doris Parker


Iran: Syrian crisis prelude to coming of Mahdi

'One can smell … the end of times and the last Islamic messiah'

A high Iranian politician believes the Syrian revolution could be the catalyst for sparking a worldwide conflagration that will usher in an era of Muslim domination of the world.
“One can smell from the crisis in Syria the coming … of the end of times and the coming of the last Islamic messiah,” said Ruhollah Hosseinian, a member of the Islamic regime’s parliament. Previously he was deputy of the Intelligence Ministry and a member of board of trustees of Islamic Revolution Document Center.
Shiites, whose clerics rule Iran with an iron fist, believe that at the end of times, the 12th Imam, Mahdi, a 9th century prophet, will reappear with Jesus Christ at his side, kill all the infidels and raise the flag of Islam in all four corners of the world. Many analysts believe Iran is seeking nuclear capability to bring on that Armageddon.


Libyan Intelligence Confirms Egyptian President, Muslim Brotherhood Involved in Benghazi

by Tim Brown
Just two days after the attacks on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, reports were already coming out that the Muslim Brotherhood led Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was somehow involved in the attacks. At the beginning of June, journalist Cynthia Farahat, linked Morsi to Benghazi from the same video in the link above and recently one […]


Video: ‘Der Führer’ Barack Hussein Obama
Jun 28, 2013 01:37 pm

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: ‘Der Führer’ Barack Hussein Obama

Million-dollar Program Turns Students Into Obamacare Shills

Jun 28, 2013 01:34 pm

Leftist indoctrination has become so ubiquitous within the American public school system that students themselves are now feeling pressure to become propagandists for the progressive cause. Such is the case with a nearly $1 million program designed to ensure that… Continue to Post

Read More and Comment: Million-dollar Program Turns Students Into Obamacare Shills


“THAT’S RETARDED, SIR!”: From the Lips of Star Witness, Rachel Jeantel The star prosecution witness in George Zimmerman’s murder trial finished her testimony today – leaving behind serious doubts as to her credibility after the defense attempted to pick apart her testimony. During an ... READ MORE


  • Submitted by: BobJen
    To: The National MiddleClass Network...These columns are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides.
    Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be removed, just ask. So far, those so requesting is virtually zero. Thanks.
    "You can not let any of your people avoid the brutal facts. If they start living in a dream world. it's going to be bad."...SO..."Fight with a happy heart and strong spirit".- General James Mattis, USMC,
    From: John..."Put these NewsBriefers in a folder and use them against the enemy or training, as needed".
    PLEASE Click "FORWARD", scroll down and SCAN the columns first to verify a complete edition (about 20 top selecteds).
    National MiddleClass Network DAILY NewsBriefer - 6-28-13
    * This is a "DAILY" Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something", PLEASE. THX.  

    Comment: Couldn't have come at a better time, especially the lyrics.  He and Clint were great.  Rx...We needed it about 5-10 times.  Do NOT miss this. Spread it wide.
    From: A Special Friend....
    Hold On Partner......(2+ min.)

    (Daniel Halper) "Nothing but the same tired illusory promises"

    JIHAD WATCH 06/28/2013

    Jun 27, 2013 02:53 pm | Robert
    Geert Wilders' Freedom Party has issued this statement in our defense: "PVV: Engeland behaagt weer eens de islam door critici de mond te snoeren" (thanks to Pamela Geller). Here is my cleaned-up version of the Google Translate version of the statement. Corrections gratefully received. Sign the petition asking that we...

    Jun 27, 2013 01:09 pm | Robert
    Which one's Pamela? "Anti-Muslim speakers BANNED from entering UK to speak at EDL rally" in the Express, June 27, is just another viciously biased mainstream media report, but I was particularly amused by the photo above. While both Pamela Geller and I are named in the caption, neither of us...

    RedState Briefing 06/28/2013

    Morning Briefing
    For June 28, 2013

    1.  Rick Perry Praises Wendy Davis. Political Left Gets Outraged
    Rick Perry had kind things to say about Wendy Davis at the National Right to Life meeting going on in Dallas.  The Left is now fully outraged. Wendy Davis is fundraising against it. They’re calling it “surprisingly personal criticism of Davis.”

    What a gross and intentional misreading of his point. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

    2.  “Progressive” Sideshow Trivializes IRS Victims for Political Theater
    In a letter sent to congressional investigators yesterday the Treasury Inspector General that exposed the targeting of Tea Party groups confirmed that conservative Tea Party groups, not “progressive” groups, were intentionally targeted by the IRS. . . . please click here for the rest of the post