Monday, June 10, 2013


Submitted by: Donald Hank

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
June 10, 2013 6:05 pm
Tim Tebow’s prayers have been answered. ESPN is reporting the New England Patriots will sign the former New York Jets quarterback and expect him to be at the team’s mandatory minicamp tomorrow.
Financial terms and the length of an impending contract have not been disclosed. Tebow is reportedly on his way to the team facility in Foxborough as the Patriots and Tebow brokered a deal within the last 24 hours.


Dear Conservatives,

Less than a week remains until our Early Bird rate for tickets to the 2013 Liberty Political Action Conference is scheduled to expire!

If you haven't yet obtained your ticket(s), please right away or read the below email for more information.

Don't miss out on your chance to reserve your spot at a deep discount!

In Liberty,
John Tate

Dear Conservatives,

Ron Paul will be there.  So will Senator Rand Paul.  And hundreds of other liberty activists.  Will you?


Submitted by: Donald Hank

DOJ & FBI Raid News Media Offices After Releasing an Alarming Story on President Obama!

<National Report> Within hours of publishing a scathing story on President Obama ( the DOJ raided the offices of the National Report claiming the raid was lawful under the USA Patriot Act but refusing to say why the government was taking the action.
At about 12:50 this afternoon the National Report released a damning story on the Obama birth certificate scandal providing new evidence which clearly shows the document to be fraudulent. According to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, his Cold Case Posse has the evidence to prove the presidents birth certificate was computer generated using Adobe Illustrator.
Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, revealed for the first time that his findings have been confirmed in a 40 page report by Reed Hayes, a Certified Documents Examiner (CDE) from Hawaii . The birth certificate posted to the White House website clearly shows it was forged using cut & paste methods in several layers.


RUSH: There’s A Coup D’etat Taking Place In The US, Being Done By The Obama Team
Jun 09, 2013 02:42 pm 

 Go To Full Post: RUSH: There’s A Coup D’etat Taking Place In The US, Being Done By The Obama Team

Tyranny Alert: The IRS prepares to enforce Obamacare’s contraception mandate.
Jun 09, 2013 02:41 pm 
 By ASHLEY E. MCGUIRE From The Weekly Standard “On August 1, the one-year “safe harbor” for religious charities objecting to provisions of Obamacare will end. Starting then, these nonprofit employers will be forced to violate their religious beliefs or pay large fines. In charge of collecting the fines will be our recently newsworthy friends at [...]

 Go To Full Post: Tyranny Alert: The IRS prepares to enforce Obamacare’s contraception mandate.


Submitted by: Patricia E Jackson

Here's a must read for all those who voted for Obama.  The damage has been done. This article --from a long time liberal publication--took courage to publish. My question to those of you that voted for Obama is do you have the guts to read this and pass it onto others?

Finally someone in the liberal media has their eyes open!

Finally, Matt Patterson and Newsweek speak out about Obama. This is timely and tough. As many of you know, Newsweek has a reputation for being extremely liberal. The fact that their editor saw fit to print the following article about Obama and the one that appears in the latest Newsweek,  makes this a truly amazing event, and a news story in and of itself. At last, the truth about our President and his agenda are starting to trickle through the “protective wall” built around him by the liberal media.


I Too Have Become Disillusioned.

By Matt Patterson (columnist – opinion writer)

Years from now, historians may regard the 2008 election of Barack Obama as an inscrutable and disturbing phenomenon, the result of a baffling breed of mass hysteria akin perhaps to the witch craze of the Middle Ages. How, they will wonder, did a man so devoid of professional accomplishment beguile so many into thinking he could manage the world's largest economy, direct the world's most powerful military, execute the world's most consequential job?


Biometric Database tucked inside Gang of Eight immigration bill
Page 1,318 of the markup bill details the establishment of a “photo tool” – a giant federal database managed by the Department of Homeland Security, supplied with individuals’ biometric information from all of the fifty states.
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Pennsylvania Police Chief Nullifies Gun Control In His Jurisdiction
On January 3rd of this year, Kessler drafted a “Second Amendment Protection Resolution” for his Pennsylvania town which, when passed by city officials a few weeks later, nullified every single gun control law in the nation.
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Do No Harm: Doctors Killing Disabled People?
Ah, the beauty of our progressive society. It seems like only yesterday we were marveling at the UK politician who openly proclaims that disabled children should be killed “like deformed lambs… smashed against a wall.”
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No, We Will Not Let it Go! Who Gave The Order To Stand Down?
Imagine yourself trapped. A vicious gang of Islamist terrorists have already breached the main gate. If captured, you know what they do to infidels – you’ve seen video of beheadings, sodomy and etc.
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Kerry: U.S. Will Sign Arms Trade Treaty
More than 65 nations have added signatures to the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty since it opened for ratification yesterday. Though Obama did not yet add his signature of approval, State Secretary John Kerry did confirm yesterday that the U.S. will sign the treaty.
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Dear Conservatives,

Let's elect Colonel Rob Maness to the US Senate.

Rob is the type of guy who's a natural born leader. He served in the U.S. Air Force for 32 years. AND more importantly he doesn't want to head to Washington. Rob loves Louisiana — he'll only step foot in D.C. to blow up the system and restore freedom. Show your support for his mission.

The political outlook worsens every day:

  • the IRS scrutinizes conservative
  • the NSA breaches the privacy of everyone's phone logs
  • the impending storm of Obamacare & the IRS
Your Tea Party Leadership Fund has offered to give Col. Rob Maness our endorsement, and has contributed the maximum amount allowed by federal law to his campaign.

As everyone gears up for the next election day. Will you support the Colonel's commitment to run? You can be a part of putting another Tea Party leader in Congress. Please, won't you make a contribution of $20, $50, $100, or any amount that you can afford?

The Tea Party Leadership Fund is dedicated to overturning the status quo — sending patriots like Col. Rob Maness to fight the establishment and take our country back.


Elementary School Hosts Toy Gun Buyback

Jun 10, 2013 12:20 pm

The unprecedented overreach of public school administrators regarding the issue of guns continues at breakneck speed. Regardless of context, children now regularly face draconian punishment for even mentioning the word. If rational thought ever again prevails in America, we might look back to one event signaling the point this leftist movement jumped the shark: an [...]

Read More and Comment: Elementary School Hosts Toy Gun Buyback

Video: NSA Whistleblower: Government Could Use Events To Bring Turnkey Tyranny

Jun 10, 2013 12:15 pm

“Government is going to grant themselves powers” Related posts: NSA Whistleblower Shines Light On Government Secrecy Former National Security Agency executive turned whistleblower Thomas Drake was… Obama: Reject Voices Warning About Government Tyranny It is never more important we keep up the heat…

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: NSA Whistleblower: Government Could Use Events To Bring Turnkey Tyranny


June 10, 2013
ALAN KEYES — [As interest in impeachment grows, I offer the following thoughts, reflecting my own ongoing efforts to help people think things through.] Between right and wrong, the intended purpose of just government is to take the side of right. Given the finite nature of human power, the members of civil society may not always have the power to assure that it does so... (more)

CLIFF KINCAID — The fingerprints of America's enemies and adversaries are all over the disclosures about the NSA's terrorist surveillance program. It is significant that NSA contract employee Edward Snowden would flee to Hong Kong - - controlled by China - - and that he would select Glenn Greenwald, a far-left columnist, as his mouthpiece...(more)

TIM CARNEY — "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know," Google CEO Eric Schmidt said in 2009, "maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."... (more)

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE — You do not have to believe in the Templar treasure, chemtrails, or a second shooter on the grassy knoll to believe that what John Eastman is describing is rife with the ingredients of a government intrigue.... (more)

ANDREW STILES — The Obama administration and its defenders have done their best to downplay the IRS's targeting of conservative groups, and to distance the president from the scandal. But in doing so they have made numerous claims that have that turned out to be grossly misleading - - at best.... (more)


Exposing the Enemy of the People 
There is a fable about a doe blind in one eye who was accustomed to grazing as near to the edge of the cliff as she possibly could, in the hope of securing her greater safety. She turned her sound eye toward the land that she might get the earliest tidings of the approach of hunter or hound and her injured eye towards the sea, from whence she entertained no anticipation of danger. 

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The Sierra Club exposed 
In a news cycle where the lack of transparency is revealed daily, it is refreshing when something previously opaque exposes its true motives. Such is the case for the Sierra Club and its desire to block oil and gas drilling.

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Submitted by: Nancy Battle

Obama charges the GOP with, "exporting jobs." He lies through his teeth as he knows GM is leaving (has left) the USA and going to China!


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Incredibly, no one who writes about 'immigrants' ever mentions that Mexico has about half the unemployment as the US and twice the economic growth rate. There is a racial bias in the media that suggests that living in Mexico is like living in the Sahara desert. That there is no food or water and that people can't find work there. It is a perverse lie that is perpetuated on both sides of the border.
This article, if it were in the least fair, would state the obvious, namely, that the US no longer has the economic power to satisfy the American dream, and ask the question: Why don't these people just go back and live in their country where there is still plenty of work to be found?
Don Hank

LIFE NEWS.COM 06/10/2013

Cleveland Kidnapper Ariel Castro Charged For Killing Two Babies in AbortionsdCleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro not only subjected women to sexual slavery in his home for years, but he assaulted them to the point of causing abortions of their unborn children when they became pregnant.
Castro starved and kicked one of the kidnapped pregnant women, Michelle Knight, resulting in her miscarrying five children.
Ireland: Record Numbers of Pro-Lifers Attend National Vigil Against AbortionA record number of people attended the National Vigil for Life in Dublin Ireland to show there is a large contingent that is opposed to the government’s abortion plan. The Vigil in Merrion Square was the largest ever pro-life demonstration in the country and one of the biggest gatherings so far this year, event organizers said, with well over 40,000 people in attendance.
The Government must stop misrepresenting its proposed abortion legislation as restrictive and face up to the dangers in its abortion plan, Pro Life Campaign spokesperson Caroline Simons told the National Vigil for Life this afternoon.


Submitted by: Arnie Rosner

I would say every US fighter pilot, retired or on active duty, knows that Panetta and Dempsey both are full of crap when they said there was no time to send help to Benghazi.  They claim it was a problem of "time/space" All my friends and I said, "Bullshit." We know they could have gotten F-16s there from Aviano.
"Hands" Handley is a well-respected USAF fighter pilot. Here is his short resume and what he just wrote about Benghazi below that. If anything, Handley is pessimistic in his timeline of when F-16s could have reached Benghazi. I think they could have been airborne even sooner and turned quicker at Sig. The decision to not try was not based on capability. We had the operational capability in every way.
Eagle Biography: Colonel Phil "Hands" Handley is credited with the highest speed air-to-air gun kill in the history of aerial combat. He flew operationally for all but 11 months of a 26-year career, in aircraft such as the F-86 Sabre, F-15 Eagle, and the C-130A Hercules. Additionally, he flew 275 combat missions during two tours in Southeast Asia in the F-4D and F-4E. His awards include 21 Air Medals, 3 Distinguished Flying Crosses, and the Silver Star.
I hope Handley's taxes are in order. His IRS audit is forthcoming.

COWBOYBYTE 06/10/2013

NSA Contract Worker is Surveillance Source

Risking prosecution by the U.S. government, a 29-year-old intelligence analyst who claims to have worked at the National Security Agency and the CIA was revealed as the source of The Guardian’s and The Washington Post’s disclosures about the U.S. government’s … Continue reading 



Concentration Camp Obama
GrassTopsUSA Exclusive Commentary
By Don Feder

        In the 1942 Jack Benny/Carole Lombard movie "To Be Or Not To Be" – about a troupe of Polish actors trying to flee the Nazis – one villain, a Col. Ehrhardt, is referred to as "Concentration Camp Ehrhardt," to which Benny quips, "He does the concentrating. The Poles do the camping." 

       Since he came to office 4 1/2 long years ago, Obama has been concentrating on destroying the conservative movement – eliminating any opposition to the socialist republic he’s creating. In a few years, many of us could be "camping" in a very real sense. 

       If that sounds alarmist, read on. And try to see the big picture – not snooping, secret e-mail accounts, official harassment and intimidation, sundry assaults on the First Amendment and using the IRS as a presidential goon squad in isolation– but as a deliberate, coordinated, far-reaching plan to use the machinery of government to crush dissent. 


#TrainWreck: ObamaCare Sticks Ohioans With Nearly $200 More in Health Care Costs - Every Month 
Posted by Don Seymour | June 10, 2013 | Permalink

"The president sold his health care law to Ohioans as a way to bring down costs, but instead, many will pay nearly $200 extra every month while also paying higher taxes. It’s unfair to struggling families and taxpayers, and it’s another reason why we have to repeal this law and focus on patient-centered reforms that will actually lower health care costs and protect jobs."  - Speaker John Boehner

Three years ago, President Obama promised a crowd in Strongsville, Ohio that his new health care law “would reduce most people’s premiums.” Unfortunately for the Buckeye State, that’s another promise by the president that isn’t panning out: a new report shows individual premiums in Ohio will spike by 88 percent under ObamaCare. In ForbesAvik Roy writes: