Tuesday, May 28, 2013


by Lee S Gliddon Jr

We have watched as the Left, led by Barack Obama, wasted 2 years passing and enacted the Affordable Health care Act only to learn our worse warnings were true!

Obama said, and Democrat Senators and Congressmen and women parroted his words, "if you like your Health Plan nothing will change to get you off it, you will be able to keep your preferred doctor."

True only if you want to pay double for the right to do so!

Many of the strongest proponents of the Affordable Health Care act now honestly identify it as, "the worse train wreck imaginable." Unions supported this dastardly piece of Legislation and now demand it's repeal!

Then came Operation Fast and Furious. Guns were allowed to be bought by 'straw purchasers' and sent into Mexico. When this came to light both Obama and his chosen Attorney General, Eric Holder, claimed to have, "no knowledge of any such happenings whatever." Although knowledge was had by Holder his lie continued and Congress knows it as does any sane American citizen. As if Obama is 'hell bent' on hiding the truth about Operation Fast and Furious he declared, through Holder, "information about what was known is privileged communication.


Gang of Eight plans makes border insecurity ‘worse’, says Cruz 
The Gang of Eight immigration “fix” will soon face a full vote in the Senate. The 844-page monster, which few Senators are likely to have actually read, passed from the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. This bill is not “reform” – it is simply a government-growing scheme pushed in the name of “fixing our broken immigration system.”

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Leave Syria to Syrians, Mr. McCain 
On Memorial Day, Senator John McCain met with Gen. Salim Idris, chief of the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army, and over a dozen rebel commanders. According to an Associated Press report, Jay Carney said that the Administration was aware of McCain’s Memorial Day Excursion, but declined to say whether or not the Armed Services and Foreign Relation committees member was delivering any message on their behalf. Short of sending American soldiers, the Arizona Senator is pushing to provide U.S. weapons to the Syrian rebels in addition to creating a no-fly zone.

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From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, Grassfire

Dear Conservatives,

There is growing evidence that President Obama may be committing an impeachable offense related to the growing IRS scandal.

Let's be clear -- this is a scandal of monumental proportions, the largest since Watergate. The IRS has admitted that it specifically targeted Tea Party and conservative groups. We know these attacks began in February 2010 (three years ago) and continued right through the 2012 election.

The elephant in the room is:

What did Obama know and when did he
know it?


Video: Obama’s IRS Spies

May 28, 2013 01:32 pm

Floyd Brown, in his prescient exposé Obama’s Enemies List, shouted from the highest mountain, warning of a rogue Obama administration and its mammoth enemies list; but the Establishment refused to listen. Now that the IRS scandal and attack on the Press has proven him right, the mainstream media is playing catch up. As long as [...]

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Obama’s IRS Spies

The Impeachable Offense

May 28, 2013 01:22 pm

The Muslim Brotherhood in the White House! White House tours apparently compromised their free run of the place! Where is the impeachable offense? Arif Alikhan – Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Mohammed Elibiary – Homeland Security Adviser. Rashad Hussain – Special Envoy to the (OIC) Organization of the [...]

Read More and Comment: The Impeachable Offense


Heller: Both parties must work to fix system

(Washington, D.C.) – In an op-ed posted in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Sunday, U.S. Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) outlined his thoughts regarding the immigration debate currently before Congress.
Las Vegas Review Journal Both parties must work to fix system 
By Senator Dean Heller 
May 26, 2013-05-28
“Obama Wants to Split the GOP,” “The Era of Partisanship Isn’t Over,” “The Senate and the House are on a Collision Course.” These are just a few of the foreboding headlines as immigration reform moves forward in the Senate. But while some may derive stories from conflict, I believe the comprehensive immigration proposal currently under consideration in the Senate is actually very much a product of bipartisanship.
Our nation needs comprehensive immigration reform, and the immigration reform proposal championed by the “Gang of Eight” just may be our answer. When it comes to fixing our immigration system, I believe that most Nevadans actually agree on about 80 percent of the policy. It’s that other 20 percent where we disagree that tends to become the focus. I’ve been encouraged to see this particular piece of legislation continue to move through the regular legislative process and hope it continues.


1. The Lady and The Snake




3. But It’s Not Muslims!



4. America the Vulnerable – History Warns We’re Sleepwalking Towards Collapse





6. Jim Sinclair: Entire US Banking System Missed A Bail-In Collapse By A Hair Tuesday!


7. There is Word For This Kind of Market… It’s BUBBLE



8. “Mr Global” and Gold – Catherine Austin Fitts & Ty Andros Video


9. All Eyes On Japan!! They’re Headed For The Mother of All Crashes





11. Wash DC Capitol of a Dying Empire – From a Retired Military General




12. Construction & Destruction Of World Trade Centers Video
13. New 9/11 Photo’s – WTC 9/11 Footage Video


14. Never Ending Proof Boston Marathon Actors Video


15. Boston Bombing Picture Comparison: Where's The Burnt Buildings?
Because It Was Just A Smoke Bomb, Not A Real Bomb?



16. Cannot Debunk Boston Bomb Proof – Smoke Grenade/
Staging Photos/False Information 100000% – Video



17. Memorial Day: Visualizing America’s Wartime Veterans


18. To Our Fallen Soldiers Mansion of the Lord Video


19. How Low Will We Go? “Today, not only is disrespect shown Almighty God,
but downright hatred for His name and anything He stands for.”


20. Fox News Report Dec 2001: Bin Laden Already Dead


21. We Are Now One Year Away From Global Riots, Complex Systems Theorists Say


Submitted by: Joan Biz
FMDs, Foods of Mass Destruction, being released across U.S. without safety testing
Sunday, May 26, 2013 by: S. D. Wells
(NaturalNews) GMO food is a chemical weapon of mass destruction, infecting bees, worms, beatles, plants, vegetables, fruits, soil and human beings. As Obama tries to ensure "humanity" overseas in third world countries that hate America, he puts the former Monsanto Vice President in charge of the FDA and the legalization, distribution, and pollution of up to 90 percent of all crops that are eaten regularly by Americans, those who don't know about glyphosate and the "Roundup Ready" disease implications.
In outposts all over the United States (conventional grocery stores), the public remains misinformed or simply uneducated about the dangers of genetically mutated food like corn, soy and canola. Hybrid seeds are being sold at FMD franchises and corporate mass supply stations (Home Depot and Lowe's).


Submitted by: Donald Hank

In his second term, as scandals were exploding all around him, President William Jefferson Clinton boarded Air Force One along with a few close personal friends, like BET CEO and richest black man in America Robert Johnson, and a bunch of other businessmen and politicians, along with the ubiquitous Jesse Jackson, for a jaunt to Africa.
The trip cost a mere $42.8 million, which would have been enough to feed a sizable chunk of Africa, and featured an entourage that would have shamed Alexander the Great or Jay-Z. It took 1,300 people to make Clinton’s Great African Getaway possible including 205 personnel from the Office of the President, 60 from the State Department, 9 from the Department of Transportation and 1 from the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Somehow Fish and Wildlife stayed at home.


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Proof That Speaker Rubio Blocked Six Enforcement Bills In 2008 That Had Public Support And Would Have Made The Sunshine State Safer And Would Have Created More Jobs For Citizens
by Dave Levine

On April 15, 2013, I posted the following piece titled "The Smoking Gun: Proof That Marco Rubio Is A RINO" using the flimen.org alert from 2008, an "alert" to anti-Invasion activists to pressure Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio and other RINOs to pass one or more of the six important enforcement bills they listed at


Obama's IRS And The Tax Monster We've Created
GrassTopsUSA Exclusive Commentary
By Don Feder

       It’s hard to say what was funnier – congressional testimony by Obama’s I-saw-nothing/I-know- nothing stooges or comments of late-night TV hosts. 

       Jay Leno: "A lot of critics are comparing President Obama to President Richard Nixon, which is unfair. Nixon’s unemployment rate was only 5%." Another host suggested that the way for the right to defeat ObamaCare was to declare it a conservative foundation and wait for the IRS to take it down. 

       Last week, we were treated to Theater of the Absurd performances by Acting IRS Commissioner Steven T. Miller and Lois Lerner, formerly in charge of the IRS division that dealt with foundations. 

       Lerner did a short monologue, telling the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee: "I have not done anything wrong" but "I will not answer any questions or testify today." Taking the Fifth is just what you’d expect from someone who did nothing wrong – like the guys with organized-crime ties. Lerner also did nothing wrong when she ran the Enforcement Office at the Federal Election Commission and went to war with the Christian Coalition.

MUTH'S TRUTHS 05/28/2013


Heading north this morning for a brief visit to the Nevada Legislature to witness the debacle as it winds down (see next item), and then over to Oakland, California for a two-day visit with our new BFF, Dr. Ben Chavis, to personally visit his award-winning, super-spectacular charter schools…that the local school board is closing down.

Film at 11…


With a week to go in the 2013 session, Republicans in the Assembly hold all the cards…but if history is any guide, we can expect them to fold the minute it comes time to bet without even looking at their hand.

In a Las Vegas Review-Journal story this morning, it was again noted that none of the GOP’s most important reform bills – including construction defect reform, public employee benefit reform, prevailing wage reform and school voucher reform – have been given so much as the time of day. 

But here’s the thing…

RedState Briefing 05/28/2013

Morning Briefing
For May 28, 2013

1.  Congress should rein in the Export-Import Bank
Another sign of the blatant cronyism involving the Export-Import Bank emerged this week.

First Solar, a solar panel manufacturer, is by most standards a failing company. It suffered a net loss of $39 million in 2011, and an even greater loss of nearly $100 million in 2012. The company threw away $215 million at one point on solar panels that ended up failing at high temperatures. (A solar panel that can’t withstand heat?)

But First Solar has political connections within the Obama Administration. And it also has a trump card: First Solar is a member of the “Business Alliance,” a secret clique of corporate donors to the Center for American Progress (CAP). CAP, in turn, lobbied Capitol Hill for First Solar, without disclosing the financial support it receives from the flailing solar energy company . . . please click here for the rest of the post