Saturday, May 11, 2013


Submitted by: Donald Hank

I agree that our original sin was failing to vet this imposter and make him produce docs. But what could a morally bankrupt nation do? We had already collectively agreed (even under Bush) that bankers no longer had to require documentation when handing out mortgages like candy or needed to accept responsibility for selling worthless securities all over the world. Nor did the rating agencies have to accept any responsiblity for issuing sterling ratings to junk. Likewise, most major cities became sanctuary cities where police no longer turned crimals over to ICE or asked for proof of legal residency. Law and order was malleable, to be decided at the moment and on whims. The age of responsibility was over years ago. But maybe we can still take an object lesson from the chaos that ensued and that we now live in. No matter what, we will all benefit from damage control if the rascal in chief can be held accountable for his crimes. Obama's house appears to be falling down. Don Hank

Sen. Inhofe Says Obama Could Be Impeached Over Most Egregious Cover-Up In American History (by Madeleine Morgenstern at

Sen. Inhofe ALMOST has it right!

The most egregious cover-up in American history was covering up Obama's ineligibility to be President. Allowing a usurper to be President was the fault of the Republicans in Congress like Sen. Inhofe who worried about being blamed for blacks rioting if they questioned his eligibility. Every single bill and EO signed by Obama is null and void. Porkylus is void, Obamacare is void and so will be Amnesty for 40 to 60 million illegals if that bill passes Congress. The constitutional crisis will be massive.


Full Repeal of Obamacare in House next week 
I was just on a conference call with the national Tea Party Patriots.  Their legislative advisor told us that next week HR45 (Sponsor - Michele Bachmann and 82 co-sponsors) will be on the floor for a vote.  We know this bill will get shot down in the Senate but it is important to send a strong message that Americans DO NOT WANT Obamacare!!!  If our response is weak that lets the progressives know they are wearing us down.  Here's the contacts:
It is expected the vote will take place on Thursday. So get on the phone to your US Representative and let him/her know America hates Obamacare more today than we did when it was first passed.

Lee Adds: The purpose ( yeah, right) of Obamacare was to provide health coverage for 19 million uninsured. The result of it's being enacted will cause 100 million to lose their existing coverage! 

What was Congress thinking?


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

State ordering girls' locker rooms open to boys

Homosexual former teacher pushes bill through state assembly

Are you OK with naked boys showering with your daughter?

The California State Assembly passed a bill Thursday mandating schools permit boys to play on girls’ athletic teams and utilize the ladies’ locker room if they gender identify as girls – or vice-versa for girls identifying as boys.
The bill’s author, openly homosexual San Francisco Democrat Tom Ammiano, has been an activist for lesbian, “gay,” bisexual and transgender, or LGBT, issues for decades and reportedly became in 1975 the first San Francisco public school teacher to make his homosexuality public. Ammiano later co-founded an LGBT organization with Harvey Milk, the homosexual activist about whom Hollywood made a recent feature film and California schools celebrate an annual day of remembrance.


Submitted by: BobJen
To: The NationalMiddleClass Network & TeaParties...These columns are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides. Also, we have IP issues. So, to be removed, just ask. Those so requesting has been virtually zero. Thanks

From: John Curley
Department of Homeland Security Thugs raid Christian Pastors home for his guns…By Tim Brown   By Fred Brownbill on May 9, 2013 in Constitution Legal Watch
    Save America Foundation campaign to save the 2nd amendment.   I spoke with Tim Manning, a popular Southern Nationalist and Christian pastor from Greensboro, North Carolina, over the weekend. Mr. Manning’s home was raided late Wednesday evening into early Thursday morning. According to Manning, the raid consisted of at least one police officer form Kernersville Police Department with a Department of Homeland Security vest, along with 6 to 10 or more law enforcement officers in heavy body armor. Mr. Manning says they confiscated “$25-30,000 worth of my handguns, all in absolutely new condition some worth $2,000+ each.”     LINK

Colorado Health Insurance Exchange Wants Another $125 Million to Implement Obamacare
      California has a doctor shortage, possibly 32,000 as of this time.  In January, 2014 when ObamaCare is implemented, hundreds of thousands of MORE patients will be lining up, government is mandating MORE “free” services, and illegal aliens will not be stopped from getting in line.  If you are going to be sick, be sick now.  In 2014, if you are sick, make sure you have an Internet connection and a source of medicine—qualified medical professionals will be in very short supply.   LINK


Paul: The moment of responsibility for Hillary Clinton 
Her fatal mistakes mirror the disaster at Mogadishu 

By Sen. Rand Paul, Friday, May 10, 2013 

When I took Hillary Clinton to task in January for the mishandling of security in Benghazi, I told her that if I had been president at the time I would have relieved her of her post. Some politicians and pundits took offense at my line of questioning. 

During those hearings, I reminded Sec. Clinton that multiple requests were sent to the State Department asking for increased security measures. I asked if she had read the cables from Ambassador Chris Stevens asking for increased security. She replied that she was busy and had not read them. I find that inexcusable. 


Submitted by: Arnie Rosner

Seal Team 6 families call for investigation of Obama Administration in deaths of their sons.


Video: NJ Senators CAUGHT Mocking Gun Owners

May 11, 2013 01:38 pm

Who do these people think they are? Related posts: Hot Mic: Reporters Overheard Mocking NRA, Praising Code Pink Reporters waiting for the daily State Department press briefing were… CAUGHT ON TAPE: Routine Traffic Stop Ends In Trooper Conducting ‘roadside Body Cavity Search’ I don’t care that these people are in law enforcement…this…

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: NJ Senators CAUGHT Mocking Gun Owners

A Terrible Fraud Perpetrated On The American Public

May 11, 2013 01:30 pm

No government activity is more notoriously fraudulent than budgeting. The system is a farce. Take the sequester cuts, for example. If you listen to the media, Congress, agency heads, and even the president, you might get the impression that the budget is being cut. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In gross and real dollars, [...]

Read More and Comment: A Terrible Fraud Perpetrated On The American Public

MUTH'S TRUTHS 05/11/2013


The following guest commentary further explains why Republican elected officials should OPPOSE the so-called "Marketplace Fairness Act," a bill passed out of the U.S. Senate and now making its way to the House.

If you haven't signed our online letter urging Nevada GOP Reps. Joe Heck and Mark Amodei to vote against this "Internet Tax," CLICK HERE

Senate Republicans dropped the ball on the Internet tax mandate
by Glenn Jacobs

On Monday, the Senate passed a measure that would subject Internet commerce to state sales taxes for the first time. The misleadingly titled “Marketplace Fairness Act” enjoyed bipartisan support with 22 Republican senators voting “yea” on the bill.

Currently, states cannot force Internet retailers outside of their borders to collect sales tax on their behalf. The Marketplace Fairness Act would change that.


Submitted by: A Concerned Conservative

The President of the USA is the Commander in Chief of the US military. The Benghazi event was a terrible incident, but the bottom line is that Obama was AWOL. He deserves to receive the punishment for being AWOL and he neglected his duty as Commander in Chief, and he has violated his Oath of Office. Let the chips fall.