Submitted by: Sandra
225,000 American patients die in doctors' hands: silence of the lambs

by Jon Rappoport

March 3, 2013


In my previous article, I examined the silence of the lambs (media)  concerning 
the collusion between Monsanto and the FDA.

In the case of medical care in America, that purposeful silence reigns supreme as

By the most conservative estimate, researched and published by mainstream medical
sources, the US medical system kills 225,000 people each year.

That's 2.25 MILLION deaths per decade.


Increasing Number of Reporters Claim Threats from Obama Regime
Posted By Sharon Rondeau On Sunday, March 3, 2013  Submitted by: Donald Hank


by Sharon Rondeau

Woodward had accused Obama of attempting to “move the goalposts” in order to present the sequester, which began on March 1, as damaging to the U.S. economy, particularly impacting low-income individuals.  Woodward had correctly reported that sequestration was Obama’s idea, although Obama tried to blame it on Congress and even termed it “dumb.”(Mar. 3, 2013) — Since Bob Woodward of The Washington Post revealed last week that he had received a “threatening” email from an Obama operative telling him that he would “regret” having characterized Obama’s sequester claims as inaccurate, several more mainstream reporters have related similar incidents dating back to 2008.
Obama economic adviser Gene Sperling and Woodward had had a heated telephone conversation on February 22, after which Sperling apologized in an email but used the word “regret” in regard to how Woodward had presented Obama on the sequestration cuts.


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

Illegals bringing drug-resistant TB to U.S.

Once-defeated disease now surging, lethal for 60 percent of those infected

byJack Minor
Jack Minor is a journalist and researcher who served in the United States Marine Corps under President Reagan. Also a former pastor, he has written hundreds of articles and been interviewed about his work on many TV and radio outlets.More 913
A member of Congress who for more than 30 years worked as a doctor says the baggage that illegal aliens are bringing into the United States now is killing people.
Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, told WND that it’s not suitcases, clothes or the like – it’s the highly infectious cases of drug-resistant and lethal tuberculosis that are walking across the Mexican border.
“It is something I am aware of and it is definitely a factor to consider in the immigration debate,” Burgess said.
Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that generally attacks the lungs, although it can attack any part of the body. The disease is easily spread when an infected individual coughs, sneezes or even talks in the presence of another person. If not properly treated the disease can be fatal.


Submitted by: John Butler

Compromise Again

By admin ~ March 2nd, 2013 @ 14:07
Aaron Cantor USAF (ret)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Just hours after across-the-board spending cuts officially took effect, President Barack Obama pressed Congress on Saturday to work with him on a compromise to halt a fiscal crisis he said was starting to “inflict pain” on communities across the United States.
I am sick to death of hearing that word come out of the mouth of every Demorat that ever was.
Why is it that all the compromising has to come from the Republican side of the aisle?
Republicans insist that any deficit-reduction replacement deal include only spending cuts. Democrats want a mix of spending cuts and tax increases.
O-idiot wants more tax revenue to counter the cuts, which doesn’t make any sense that is playing a zero sum game, cut here and raise there and what you have is nothing, zero, zip, nada.
I would bet my most expensive pair of engraved silver spurs that Congress will not be taking a pay cut, nor will their staffers any time soon.
The only ones who will be grabbing their ankles will be “We the PEOPLE”.
We need to get rid of the 546 vermin who reside in the Cesspool known as Washington D.C. while we still have a country, because it appears that these snakes don’t care what happens to the country as long as they keep getting theirs.


Submitted by: BobJen
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860) 
To: The NationalMiddleClass Network & TeaParties...These columns  are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides. So, please keep the feedback coming. Thanks. Also, as many know, we are having IP issues. So, if you've received this NewsMail in error or wish to be removed, please let us know. So far, those so requesting since this inception is virtually zero. Thanks again

National MiddleClass Network NewsBriefs
Let's start this one with somethin' a liitle upliftin'.....
Comment:  Yep.  Thx. He is really good...and they are very talented.  Catch some of the other clips too.
From: Red Caboose.....This is a hoot!!
Baptist Church Meeting
You'll Enjoy This - A Must See!!     Enjoy!

Jim Kouri, CPPBoard MemberNational Association of Chiefs of Police (201) 941-5397 or copmagazine@aol.com  
House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) late Thursday questioned Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano using the current budget crisis as rationale to release...  


Submitted by: Tony Caputo
Obama, his team struggling with accuracy when explaining impact of sequester cuts
Published March 02, 2013
  • http://global.fncstatic.com/static/v/all/img/vp-overlay-118.pnghttp://global.fncstatic.com/static/managed/img/fn2/video/030213_anhq_facts_640.jpg
President Obama and top administration officials are struggling with accuracy in explaining the impact of billions in federal budget cuts known as sequester that kicked in Saturday morning  -- even getting called out by a Capitol Hill superintendent about furloughs for support staffers.
Carlos Elias, the Capitol Building superintendent, sent out a memo Friday reminding staffers that the current sequestration plan does not include “reductions in force or furloughs” and that “pay and benefit of each of our employees will not be impacted.”


"Why Government Is Your Enemy!"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.
We are helping to spread freedom and liberty around the globe.
© Copyright Sunday, March 3, 2013 - All Rights Reserved

This article is also available at: http://www.narlo.org/articles/030313.html
As most of you know, we have been writing weekly articles about the issues that face America and Americans for almost 10 years, from the perspective of a conservative.  Over that time period we have become acutely aware of just how divided America really is and how that very division stops us from fixing the serious and vexing problems we face.  Americans seem to be hopelessly divided by race, age, gender, religion and rich and poor, while the government profits and gains more power from our divisions and manipulates us like puppets. 
In analyzing where those divisions came from, we keep coming back to the government.  Because of direct government actions of parceling out money and services to different constituent groups, paid for from the public treasury, those groups have become divided among themselves, each fighting the other over the "spoils" of government largess.   Those "spoils" are exchanged for votes by government to keep them in power.