Submitted by: Nancy Battle
The ungodly state of the union
Much of the occupant of the Oval Office's inauguration speech sounded good, taking the principles of the Constitution and making them real for all Americans. It's pretty easy rhetoric on the ears to those who love God and liberty. But there are key phrases within the speech that serve as anchors for the ungodly truth of this particular Administration. The first clue is his statement: "But we have always understood that when times change, so must we; that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges; that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action." The word "collective" in this phrase is a key signal because it is no less than code for a godless tyranny.


American Patriots, 
Something incredible is happening and I have a plea to all those original Tea Party activists and remaining Tea Party groups.....Don't let them wear you down, not even the people who did it from our own team! 

We've been brutally smeared for years and it's taken a toll on all of us, but THAT'S WHY THEY DO IT.  The establishment wants you to quit.  They want you to get so frustrated with the pettiness, insults, and personal attacks that you forget all about why you got involved in the first place and join the bitch fest.  You don't have to buy into it. 
I am personally reaching out to all of you who once rallied to the principles of limited government, personal responsibility, and fiscal sanity with so much enthusiasm, please take a moment to reflect on how awesome you felt watching the movement take off in 2009 and what a relief it was to see so many people who shared your concerns.  The experience changed my life and opened my eyes. The corruption and intrusion was far worse than I ever imagined but the principles and values renewed my faith in American exceptionalism.  


Would Obama FAIL A Background Check?


WARNING:  The second term of Barack Hussein Obama has officially begun!
Americans are bracing themselves for more government intrusion by the federal government, especially in the area of gun control.  However, a question has arisen, “What would happen if President Obama wanted a gun permit?”
Interesting thought; but highly unlikely that would ever happen, given his detesting of guns, except for the protection of his own family (just like all other American families!).
But an even more sinister plot thickens as we realize this one fact:  Barack Obama could NOT pass a gun background check, or a background check for a job, for that matter!  About ONE-HALF of all Americans still have lingering questions about whether President Obama was born in the United States or not.  That’s right, approximately one-half of United States citizens are not sure if President Obama is “legally” president!!


Take My Liberty And Give Me Money

Jan 23, 2013 01:07 pm

“I, however, place economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared.” “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized [...]

Read More and Comment: Take My Liberty And Give Me Money


Video: Did Obama Stage The Algerian Kidnapping To Trade The Blind Sheik?

Jan 23, 2013 01:23 pm

Hillary Clinton was on the Hill this morning, four months after the Benghazi consulate attack; Congress is still trying to find out what happened on September 11, 2011. Obama vowed to get to the bottom of it; but instead, we got “Pin the tail on the anti-Muslim YouTube video” and a “Benghazi Accountability Report” authored [...]

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Did Obama Stage The Algerian Kidnapping To Trade The Blind Sheik?


Submitted by: Sandra
Hagel Urges US to Turn Over Powers to International Courts
Filed under LawWorld News Posted on January 23, 2013

Chuck Hagel, President Obama’s nominee for defense secretary, sits on the board of fund that is the main financial backer of group urging the U.S. to join the U.N.’s International Criminal Court, which could prosecute American citizens and soldiers for “war crimes” and other offenses.
WND previously exposed Hagel serves on the board of the Ploughshares Fund, a George Soros-funded group that advocates a nuclear-free world.
The Ploughshares Fund has a long history of anti-war advocacy and is a partner of the Marxist-oriented Institute for Policy Studies, which has urged the defunding of the Pentagon and massive decreases in U.S. defense capabilities, including slashing the American nuclear arsenal to 292 deployed weapons.
Aaron Klein’s “Fool Me Twice” spells out Obama’s shocking, radical plans for the next four years
Now WND has learned that Hagel’s Ploughshares Fund is a major financial contributor to something called the Connect U.S. Fund, or CUSF.


Our national press release is going out now. We need more calls made to the targets we sent you yesterday, but today please add calls to these GOP sellouts pushing Amnesty. Remember, they may instruct their office staff to lie to you and claim they "don't support Amnesty" Remember that ALIPAC has always been accurate on this, so feel free to let them know how you feel about their support for Amnesty in a reasonable but firm tone.

Please make more calls using yesterday's activation...
All Americans Against Amnesty Please Join Us on the Phones
Stop Amnesty 2013 Today: All Americans Against Amnesty Please Join Us on the Phones

Please read, understand, and help us distribute today's national press release

MUTH'S TRUTHS 01/23/2013

Rand Paul’s emerging conservative crusade

By Aaron Blake, Washington Post
Updated: January 23, 2013

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is quickly establishing himself as the conservative option in the 2016 Republican presidential primary.

Paul’s statement at Wednesday’s Senate hearing on Libya that he would have fired Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be replayed over and over on cable news in the hours to come. But it’s hardly the first time he’s put himself in the middle of a controversy — and chosen about the most conservative posture possible.

A recent sampling:


Submitted by: BobJen
Absolutely incredible columns below (Tell us we're wrong) for pro-USA Americans.
To: The NationalMiddleClassNetwork & TeaParties...These columns  are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides. So, please keep the feedback coming. ThanksAlso, as many know, we are having IP issues. So, if you've received this NewsMail in error or wish to be removed, please let us know. So far, those so requesting since this inception is virtually zero. Thanks again

Sheriffs are the key to protecting Americans from unconstitutional laws. Did you know
a Sheriff is the highest authority in your county, and that he has even more power there than the President of the United States?

Comment: The info in this column is exactly why many of us have been urging the Republicans, Senator Paul especially (in turning over that last unturned rock), the gun manufacturers (all have easily demonstrable "standing"), the Catholic Church (has easily demonstrable "standing"), the anti-illegal immigration groups, the voters, etc. etc. to promptly demand that Mr. Obama provide HIS own valid, rightly-certified as such, Original Hawaiian Birth Certificate....to prove that he has the "natural born citizen", POTUS-eligible authority per The U.S. Constitution to legally impose anything upon any American citizen.
Excerpt: "He only had one bitter pill left to swallow when he graduated from Harvard and took his bar exam. He lied on his bar membership application. His supporters claim he lost his law license for inadvertently claiming he held he title of "Professor of Law" at Harvard when he fact he was a temporary part-time instructor. The real lie? He responded "no" to a question on the application which said: "Have you ever used an assumed name?"
From: Kathy L.  
Article 2? Obama Got Rid of That. http://www.jonchristianryter.com/2013/130113.html


Submitted by: Sandra
Let’s review…OBAMA is relieving the Generals who refuse to turn on Americans.  

That’s ok… we will take the Generals on OUR SIDE!

Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns


1. Why We Are Ungovernable
Macro Analytics – Gordon T. Long Video
Once a country's total debt exceeds a certain level, the required interest payments become a headwind, making economic growth virtually impossible. Since economic growth is a foundation to political stability, excessive debt pushes a free society towards the limits of governability. This is now the case in most of the developed world. As a consequence we are quickly losing our ability to democratically govern ourselves.

We will likely continue to be delusional and hide our problems from ourselves, but we can no longer hide the effects. As a consequence the public has lost confidence in the system and we now have an insidious Crisis of Trust. A Crisis of Trust in our leadership and the system.

As a consequence, every major country will now have no choice but to monetize its debt going forward.

Expect the results to be:

Currency Wars

Rising Political Instability

Rising Inflation (currency depreciation)

A Bond Market Debacle

A Crack-up boom followed by devastating collapse of the U.S., Europe, Japan


Submitted by: BobJen 
Things have absolutely ratcheted up a few notches.
To: The NationalMiddleClassNetwork & TeaParties...These columns  are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides. So, please keep the feedback coming. ThanksAlso, as many know, we are having IP issues. So, if you've received this NewsMail in error or wish to be removed, please let us know. So far, those so requesting since this inception is virtually zero. Thanks again

From: Frank P
Will there be a media mutiny in Obama's second term?
   Ship of State Obama (conveniently SOS Obama) sailed forward Monday on the next leg of its journey amidst battles over guns, immigration, debt and pretty much everything else. The big question is whether the media will continue to serve as crew for another four years.    Link
 Sher Zieve-News and Commentary-In All Things Trust God“Thou shalt have no other gods before me”
From: new elwest
BREITBART Breaking News - - - Where are the 23 SIGNED Executive Orders ???http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/20/Where-Are-The-23-Executive-Orders      It appears there has been another Obama government deception
concerning what was claimed to be 23 Executive Orders for gun control !!! 

RedState Briefing 01/23/2013

Morning Briefing
For January 23, 2013

1.  Arrogance and Overreach
Barack Obama was able to get Obamacare passed largely because he had a group of Democrats in Congress who were not running for re-election and thus had no fear of the voters. They overreached and the Democrats were swept out to the minority in the House of Representatives. In fact, the voters in 2010 wrecked devastating losses on the Democrats nationwide.

When politicians, regardless of party, are no longer accountable to the voters they tend to do extremely arrogant things, they tend to overreach badly, and they tend to collapse.

Barack Obama is, going into his second term, already one of the most arrogant politicians in America. Remember how his team told the public unconvincingly that Barack Obama was “among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet’? Remember how Obama viewed himself all the way back in 2008?   . . please click here for the rest of the post


Submitted by: Sandra
The following warning has been going around Facebook this week. Make up your own mind.
INTEL ALERT! ATTENTION: On January 15, 2013 a law enforcement officer in the north end of the Greater Houston area stopped a semi tractor-trailer driver, who was heading in a southerly direction, during a routine check for drugs. During a search of the cargo of the trailer, he discovered packages of road signs that read the following: “Martial Law in effect”. The driver had a bill of lading in his possession stating that this cargo’s destination was to the Department of Homeland Security.
This was just emailed to me.
Traffic signs are devices placed along, beside, or above a highway, roadway, pathway, or other route to guide, warn, and regulate the flow of traffic, including motor vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, equestrians, and other travelers.
Signs, like any other traffic control devices, must meet five fundamental requirements:
  • Fulfill a need
  • Command attention
  • Convey a clear, simple meaning
  • Command respect from travelers
  • Give adequate time for proper response

I hate to burst your bubble martial law doesn’t protect the citizens it only secures the power of the government.
The exercise of government and control by military authorities over the civilian population of a designated territory.


Submitted by: Nancy Battle
Trevor Loudon: The Real Obama Agenda – Destroying the US Military:  80,000 Views So Far
Submitted by Trevor on October 19, 2012 – 12:09 pm EST61 Comments

I recorded this video a month ago. It is my message to America. In it, I attempt to explain the global implications of a second Obama presidential terms
This election was the most crucial in modern American history. It was not primarily about jobs and economics, it is about national security and, to be blunt, national survival.
America, and indeed the entire Western World, faces possible destruction now communist sympathizer Barack Obama is returned to office.