Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Old Jarhead's Political SitRep for October 18, 2012
Robert A. Hall

My initial take on the presidential debate
I'm writing this immediately afterwards, without reading what the pundits thought, or listening to the talking heads on TV. I'd rate it a draw. Not that Romney was bad, but that Obama was much better than the first debate, which will encourage his supporters, even though he channeled “Rude Joe” Biden a bit. Of course, I tend to discount much of what he says, just repeating already-refuted talking points, but doubtless liberals do that for Romney. I thought the moderator did a better job than I expected despite her obvious bias, but I felt the questions she picked were about two to one pro-Obama, at least. The one that infuriated me was the old canard that women make 72% of what men make. If you control the studies for hours worked, years of experience and education, that difference disappears. But if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the conventional wisdom. What she was saying was that women should get paid as much as more experienced, better educated men who work longer hours. Romney missed the chance to point out the disparity in the White House pay scale. Also I noticed that Obama got the second opening statement and the second closing statement. Not fair--in my debates, one candidate got to go last on the opening, one on the closing. It will be interesting to see what the polls say, rather than the spin from partisans. Of course, fact checkers on both sides will tear some of their statements apart, but I suspect the public ignores them.

Debate take—the morning after
Both sides spinning that their guy won, as expected. Watching the news, I had missed the moment when the moderator defended Obama—wrongly—on his Rose Garden comment about the Libya murders. Clearly put Romney off his game. Must have been getting more wine—the debates are not good for my diet. I saw a Nevada focus group of supposedly undecided voters who said Romney won. Most said they voted Obama in 08, were for Romney after the debate. You can’t make too much of this type thing, but it’s still encouraging. I also saw that despite his whining about time Obama spoke over three minutes more than Romney did, just as Biden spoke more than Ryan, but whined about his time.


Get ready for the execution. Dire consequences in store for Americans. Obama set to put evil Executive Order 13603 into motion
URGENT: A few days ago we sent you a warning about a secret plan Obama and his one-world comrades are cooking up. Obama, “America’s Fraud President” is still planning the overthrow of all we hold dear, all that is constitutionally sacred and all that we believe in. How can this be?

Obama is about to order the execution of his Executive Order 13603. This is not an “if” but a “WHEN”!

Executive Order 13603 was recently uncovered by the Tea Party Research Team—it’s one of those stealth maneuvers America’s Fraud President likes to pull as he pulls the wool over the eyes of innocent Americans.

DOG FOOD ALERT 10/17/2012

Dear Dog Owner,
At your request, I'm sending you this special alert.
On October 17, Kasel Associated Industries announced a voluntary recall of some of its pig ears and dog treats due to possible contamination with Salmonella bacteria.
To learn which products are affected, please visit the following link: 
Please be sure to share the news of this alert with other pet owners.
Mike Sagman, Editor
The Dog Food Advisor



I am so excited to announce I have received the endorsement of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Thank you Bob Brown, Michael Hengel, Glenn Cook and Vin Suprynowicz for meeting with me and giving me your support. 

I also want to take this opportunity to thank my family. My girls, Sheena and Savanah, my grandson, Jake, and my mom, Lill. 

We all will have the opportunity to voice our opinions about the direction of our Nevada and country in the upcoming election. Early voting starts Saturday, and I cannot say enough about how important it is to participate. You should have received your sample ballot, but if you haven't or need more information, click here to visit the Clark County Elections Department

Do you know the candidates on your ballot? If not, give me a call at (702) 210-8460, and I will introduce you. 

Thank you all for your support and encouragement during this campaign. I couldn't do it without you.

All my love, 
Michele Fiore
Michele Fiore



In last night’s slugfest between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, give Obama the win in a split decision.  Not so much because he beat Romney, but because he was so much better than he was in the first debate when he stunk up the joint.

In the first debate, Romney stopped Obama’s momentum.  In this debate, Obama maybe stopped Obama’s skid.  Maybe not.

The biggest losers were sentient voters subjected to both a stupid debate format and a moderator, CNN’s Candy Crowley, who insisted on proving she wasn’t Jim Lehrer by repeatedly stopping the candidates from, you know, debating each other and, at one point, injecting herself as judge, jury and executioner.

Did the president call the attack on our Libyan embassy an act of terrorism in the Rose Garden the day after the attack?  Read the transcript and watch the video.  It’s, at the very least, arguable.  He did use the words “no acts of terror,” but it seems this was more of a general statement relating to the 9-11 anniversary than to the Benghazi attack specifically.

But that didn’t stop Crowley from declaring that Obama was right and Romney was wrong. No, Crowley was wrong.  She should have kept her mouth shut and let the candidates, the campaigns and the media determine who was correct and who wasn’t.


Video: CNN’s Candy Crowley: Romney Was Actually Right On Libya

Oct 17, 2012 12:33 pm

CNN’s Candy Crowley admits that Romney was actually right during the debate on the Libya remark. Related posts: Ron Paul Confuses Candy Crowley By Telling Her The Truth CNN’s Candy Crowley asks Ron Paul in this short video… RNC Chairman: Candy Crowley May Have Helped Obama Lie On Libya … Continue to Post…

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: CNN’s Candy Crowley: Romney Was Actually Right On Libya


Video: If You Dislike The “Green” Movement, You Must See This Film…

Oct 17, 2012 12:56 pm

In the name of the environment, the Green Movement is swinging a dangerous hatchet at liberty, prosperity, and the free world. People everywhere have been programmed to think that the green movement is good for the earth and humanity. This film has an axe to grind with these myths. Related posts: Breitbart Film Bares Roots [...]

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: If You Dislike The “Green” Movement, You Must See This Film…


Where Are The 5 Million “Green” Jobs You Promised, Obama?

Oct 17, 2012 01:28 pm

In Thursday night’s Vice Presidential debate, the Administration’s green agenda was, once again, part of the verbal sparring. The exchange ended with Congressman Ryan’s unanswered question: “Where are the 5 million green jobs…?” Moderator Martha Raddatz cut him off mid-question, steering the conversation elsewhere: “I want to move on here to Medicare and entitlements. I think [...]

Read More and Comment: Where Are The 5 Million “Green” Jobs You Promised, Obama?


Video: White House Covering Up Weapons Pipeline Supplying Arms To Al-Qaeda In Syria

Oct 17, 2012 01:43 pm

Is this potential scandal a Syrian version of “Fast and Furious”? Watch the latest video at Related posts: House Oversight Committee Files Contempt Suit Against Holder Darrell Issa has filed a lawsuit against Eric Holder over… New Hearing Set On Fast And Furious Scandal A new hearing for the Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal…

Read More and Comment: Video: White House Covering Up Weapons Pipeline Supplying Arms To Al-Qaeda In Syria


Video: Biased Moderator Candy Crowley Sides Incorrectly With Obama

Oct 17, 2012 02:05 pm

Clip from Obama-Romney Presidential Debate where the biased debate moderator, Candy Crowley, jumped in incorrectly on Obama’s side regarding Benghazi and the administration’s failure to acknowledge that the attack was due to terror. Related posts: CNN’s Candy Crowley: Romney Was Actually Right On Libya CNN’s Candy Crowley admits that Romney was actually right during… Ron [...]

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Biased Moderator Candy Crowley Sides Incorrectly With Obama


Video: Luntz Focus Group Member Unloads On Obama

Oct 17, 2012 02:37 pm

Contains brief strong language… Related posts: Limbaugh Unloads On Obama’s Foreign Policy Rush Limbaugh has had it with Obama!… Continue to Post… Geithner: You’re Right, Obama Was A Member Of The Congress Obama and his minions are always trying to lay blame…

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Luntz Focus Group Member Unloads On Obama


Obama: I Am Coming After The Guns And I Will Screen Gun Owners

Oct 17, 2012 02:37 pm

Crowley cuts off Romney’s Fast and Furious remarks at Obama’s behest In the Oct. 16 presidential debate between President Barack Obama and GOP challenger W. Mitt Romney, when the president dropped the pretense of being neutral on restricting gun rights with a key assist from moderator Candy Crowley, hostess of the CNN program “State of [...]

Read More and Comment: Obama: I Am Coming After The Guns And I Will Screen Gun Owners


MEMO TO: Conservatives in a Fighting Mood
FROM: Chuck Muth, Irritator-in-Chief
DATE: October 2012

("Mount Reagan," Nevada) - If you live in Clark County, you’ve no doubt noticed the growing number of electronic billboards along the highways.

Unlike the old-fashioned billboards of days gone by, these new-fangled hi-tech billboards rotate a series of digital messages every 7-8 seconds or so.

Which has the additional benefit of dramatically reducing the cost of advertising on these highway billboards…including the money saved by not having to print and install the old-fashioned glue-and-stick boards.

And with that in mind, I thought now might be an ideal time for a little public education/liberal irritation on some important public policy issues as people are paying more attention with Election Day drawing near. Which brings me to…

Operation Irritation!

At the suggestion of our friend George Harris, I’ve decided to run 3 public service messages on these new electronic billboards in the southern Nevada area during the two weeks of early voting, leading up to the Election Day.

The first message will read:


Dear Conservatives, 

With only weeks remaining before the elections, you and I have an ongoing problem . . .

. . . wolves in sheep's clothing.

By that I mean politicians who come from pro-life districts, who talk pro-life, and who even vote pro-life . . . UNLESS their vote would make a difference saving lives.

These political "wolves" will protest that they are "personally opposed" to abortion.  Some have recently voted for some minor regulations of abortion.

Knowingly or not, they help the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and Planned Parenthood in their deadly mission every bit as much as Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

These "wolves" are the politicians who work behind the scenes to bury any actions of any kind on the most realistic solutions to overturning Roe v. Wade . . .

. . . like passing a Life at Conception Act.

I pray that you will help me expose these "wolves in sheep's clothing" by signing your petition to Congress that I will link to in a moment.


Dear Conservatives, 

Our TV ads have been on the air for a week in Florida, Ohio, and West Virginia. 

And already, they're having a tremendous impact. 

In West Virginia, Democrat incumbent Joe Manchin held a press conference in response to our TV ads, calling me "callous" for simply exposing his big-spending record.

Even a member of my own Party joined the press conference by phone in support of Senator Manchin

And over the course of the weekend, dozens of national news outlets featured headlines and stories about our TV ads. 

Since the establishment is squealing over our TV ads, it means they're making an impact - which is why I've decided to expand our ad buy into the key battleground state of Missouri.

Can I count on you to make a generous contribution to our Double Down Money Bomb to help expand our ad buy into Missouri? 

RedState Briefing 10/17/2012

Morning Briefing
For October 17, 2012

1. At Best a Fleeting Tie for Obama. The Reality is a Cancer on His Campaign
I think Mitt Romney won the debate, but not by much. He flubbed a few good opportunities to really score decisive blows on the President, but definitely drew more blood. The CNN polling and CBS News polling confirm it. While more thought Barack Obama won the debate, largely because his last performance was so bad, clear majorities outside the margin of error thought Mitt Romney would be best on the economy, jobs, the deficit, etc. In fact, while other areas of the debate may overshadow this point, Romney deftly dispatched Obama on his economic record. That is the one issue that matters. It got so bad, Obama had to trot out Planned Parenthood and Big Bird.

Additionally, if you ever wondered who could be undecided at this point in the election, well now you know. Fear for the Republic. Why the debate commission thought it a good idea to go to Long Island, NY to hear from undecided voters in an area not considered a swing state is really beyond me.