Tuesday, October 16, 2012

ALABAMA - We The PEOPLE Newsletter #200

“That the sole object and only legitimate end of government is to protect the citizen in the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property,
and when the government assumes other functions it is usurpation and oppression.”
(Art. 1, Sec. 35, Alabama State Constitution)

WTP-Alabama Signature.jpg


Dear Conservatives, 

Let me get right to the point.

In 2012 the union bosses' over-reaching power grabs -- perpetrated with the help of the Obama Administration -- are draining the National Right to Work Foundation's resources in what has been our most intense year in our over 40 year existence.

That means you and I face some difficult decisions going forward.

First, the good news: I'm increasingly encouraged that America is waking up to just how dangerous Big Labor's forced-dues empire is -- how it corrupts our politics, strangles businesses, penalizes taxpayers, mocks our Constitution, and extorts the precious wages of hard-working men and women as a condition of employment.

This year, Indiana became the 23rd Right to Work state, and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker prevailed when the union bosses tried to recall him for daring to take on their corrupting monopoly bargaining and forced-dues powers in the state and local government sector.

Not only that, our recent victory at the United States Supreme Court in the Knox case set yet another vital precedent for workers nationwide.


Video: Another Obama Green Energy Stimulus Company Going Bust

Oct 16, 2012 01:05 pm

Fox News reports that another company, A123, received energy stimulus from the Obama administration and is going broke. Related posts: More Troubles At Obama Stimulus Green Energy Company More trouble is uncovered at the A123 battery firm. Recalls,… Another Obama Green Energy Company Goes Belly-up A123 Systems Inc. (AONE), the electric car battery maker that…

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Another Obama Green Energy Stimulus Company Going Bust


Video: Congressman: Al-Qaeda A Bigger Threat Than They Were On 9/11

Oct 16, 2012 01:30 pm

New York Republican Congressman Peter King appeared on CNN  yesterday to make this startling claim. Related posts: Video: Congressman Stands Tough On Impeachment Threat This author reported yesterday that Congressman Trent Franks endorsed the… Congressman Scott On Fast And Furious And Executive Privilege Congressman Tim Scott of South Carolina appeared on Fox News…

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Congressman: Al-Qaeda A Bigger Threat Than They Were On 9/11


Volunteer For Group Opposing WI Voter ID Law Charged With Election Fraud

Oct 16, 2012 01:44 pm

A Florida woman charged Monday with two counts of election fraud in Milwaukee appears to have once worked for a community-organizing group that is fighting to stop Wisconsin from implementing its voter ID law. Yadira Colon, formerly of Wisconsin, pled no contest to charges that she illegally registered to vote in 2008 (lying about where [...]

Read More and Comment: Volunteer For Group Opposing WI Voter ID Law Charged With Election Fraud


Submitted by: Kathy7 Hawkins

Ground under Fukushima Unit 4 sinking, structure on verge of complete collapse

Ethan A. HuffNatural News
Oct 16, 2012
Though the mainstream media has long since abandoned the issue, the precarious situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility in Japan is only continuing to worsen, according to a prominent Japanese official. During a recent interview, Mitsuhei Murata, the former Japanese Ambassador to both Switzerland and Senegal, explained that the ground beneath the plant’s Unit 4 is gradually sinking, and that the entire structure is very likely on the verge of complete collapse.

This is highly concerning, as Unit 4 currently holds more than 1,500 spent nuclear fuel rods, and a collective 37 million curies of deadly radiation that, if released, could make much of the world completely uninhabitable. As some Natural News readers will recall, Unit 4 contains the infamous elevated cooling pool that was severely damaged following the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that struck on March 11, 2011.


AFL-CIO, Florida Democratic Party Coordinate Voter Intimidation Efforts
By Brandon Darby

Documents detailing multiple legal threats from the AFL-CIO and Florida Democratic Party operatives indicate a new effort to keep citizens from acting as election observers and assisting in the maintenance of their local voter rolls.
Read the Full Story



Democrat Clark County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani is quoted in today’s Las Vegas Sunas saying that the sales tax rate here of 8 percent “is already too high.” 

We agree.  So why not cut it?  Why not refuse to re-impose Gov. Brian Sandoval’s sales tax hike that’s supposed to expire next June?

And I couldn’t help but notice that liberal Assemblywoman Sheila Leslie recently said in a debate that we should “phase out the modified business tax, which is a job killer. And we could lower the sales tax, eventually.”

Wouldn’t it be fun to see Democrats in the Legislature oppose the Sandoval tax hikes that are supported by Republicans?  Now THAT would be bipartisanship.


Another major Obama foreign policy disaster/cover-up is
unfolding, this time in Syria, as The New York Times reports
that with full knowledge of the White House, most of the
lethal arms given to rebels in Syria have gone to hard-line
Islamic jihadists openly hostile to American interests.


You Know You're An Obama Voter If... 
GrassTopsUSA Exclusive Commentary
By Don Feder

         Who are these Obama voters? They can’t all have head injuries, have been in a coma for the past 4 years, or own stock in an electric car battery company. Besides having “stupid” stamped on their forehead, here’s a handy guide identifying these clueless creatures.

         You know you’re an Obama voter if:
• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think our dismal economy is all the fault of George W. Bush, who left office 45 months ago, and whose average unemployment rate was 6.3% – almost 2 points lower than under his whiz-kid successor.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think lack of adequate regulation is responsible for the home-mortgage meltdown of 2008, rather than a Democratic Congress that (in the name of fairness) made banks to give sub-prime mortgages to unqualified lenders.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the Muslim Brotherhood is a fraternal order. Their initiation rite is killer.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you believe Joe Biden’s claim that the intelligence community initially told the administration that our Benghazi consulate was attacked by a spontaneous mob – a spontaneous mob of al-Qaeda fighters armed with AK-47s, rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and gun trucks. 


America’s Fraud President

We need you to commit now…
time is running out

In just a few weeks we will be called, as Americans and as Patriots, to vote for the nextPresident of the United States.

We have a responsibility and a duty as Americans to depose of the malignant growth that riddles the White House and Washington.

Our current president, Barack Hussein Obama has made a mockery of our great country.

He is a flat-out fraud.

The Tea Party asks you to commit like never before -- donate now to Expose ‘America’s Fraud President’ To American Households! 

For years he has continued to keep all of his vital records sealed: birth certificate, college, selective service…spending $3 million to keep them shielded from the American public.

And he has the nerve to present a forged birth certificate to the American citizens.

America’s Fraud President holds multiple social security numbers and passports. He’s a card carrying member of the New Socialist Party.

You have watched as he opened the floodgates to illegals, has been fighting every effort to clean up voter fraud, and has run up the largest deficit in the history of our country—while 1 in 7 live in poverty.

RedState Briefing 10/16/2012

Morning Briefing
For October 16, 2012

1. Thomas Peterffy and the Freedom to Succeed
Thomas Peterffy is the founder of Interactive Brokers, an online brokerage firm. But he wasn’t always.

In 1956, Thomas Peterffy, unable to speak English, fled Hungary as the Iron Curtain was lowering on Eastern Europe. By the time Peterffy left Hungary, the communists were in charge. Around 350,000 people, many intellectuals and politicians, were purged by the communists. In 1956, Hungary went through a revolution that pushed out the Soviets until November of that year when the Soviets sent in 150,000 troops killing 20,000 people with a quarter million more fleeing for their lives.

Thomas Peterffy was one of those refugees. He went on to be an American success story. Now, this registered independent voter, has felt compelled to tell the world about the horrors of socialism and how it destroys success and erodes a nation’s work ethic. He has, out of his own pocket, produced an ad of him talking. He is, again with just his own money, running the ad on national news networks and in Ohio.

It is one of the most powerful ads you will see this campaign cycle. A refugee from a communist state has put his money where his mouth is and wants the world to know what happens when a nation punishes success. . . . please click here for the rest of the post