Thursday, May 3, 2012


Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

Dear Patriot,
It's here and it's shipping. The first printed copies of 69 Obama Lies arrived at our offices yesterday and are quickly being distributed to Grassfire team members.

The balance of our first shipment is due in our offices today. We simply do not have enough copies for the entire Grassfire team.

Here's why this is the most important resource we've ever produced....

+ + Putting the Truth Detector To Obama

About eight weeks ago, our staff set out with the goal of putting the "truth detector" to what Obama has actually said. What we realized is Obama has lied so pervasively and thoroughly that even our staff had forgotten many of his most outrageous fibs! That's when we realized we had to create a written record of the Obama Lies.

+ + The Lies that got Obama elected...

69 Obama Lies is organized in six sections that cover everything from the lies Obama has told about himself (we call these "ObamaLies"), to his campaign lies, his lies about government and taxes, ObamaCare and domestic and foreign policy.

They are all here -- and footnoted so you will have complete documentation. We start with the ObamaLies -- his denial of Rev. Wright.... the "normalcy" of his church... the Bill Ayers lie... the ACORN lie... and Obama's "Brother's Keeper" lie which exposes his Marxist core.

Let's be clear -- it was these  "ObamaLies" along with his campaign lies that got Obama elected in the first place. Obama's ability to cloak his real beliefs and his real associations (with the willing help of the liberal media) kept his campaign moving forward.

But we don't stop there....

+ + Obama's "Big Government" Lies

69 Obama Lies also tracks the BIG LIE that Obama sold to the American people just after Inauguration Day -- that massive deficit spending would "create and save" jobs and restore the economy.

It was all a LIE. We know that now. But it is vitally important to have the facts laid out in an orderly fashion. That's precisely what 69 Obama Lies does. We expose the full range of Obama's Big Government lies...


One of the more outspoken and courageous reformist Muslims in America is Dr. Tawfik Hamid. Dr. Hamid, once a member of a terrorist organization and author of Inside Jihad, brings unique insights to the issue of radical Islam—as evidenced by his recent opinion column below.

Fighting Sharia Law MUST be a Strategic Objective for the US
By Tawfik Hamid

Some see Sharia Law (Islamic Law) as a threat to human rights, discriminating specifically against women, gays, and non-Muslims. This limited understanding of Sharia may lead to a half-hearted response rather than a serious fight for the US's strategic interests. It is, however, difficult for an honest person to deny the fact that Sharia Law is a threat to human rights for the real threat of Sharia goes far beyond infringements of human rights.

1-Saudi Arabia
3-Afghanistan under the Taliban regime

Without a single exception, the US has suffered major troubles from all of these countries.

For example, Saudi Arabia produced Bin Laden who led Al-Qaeda and attacked the US on September 11 2001 which dragged the US into very costly confrontations. These confrontations have cost the US economy trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. In fact, 15 of the 19 hijackers of the planes that attacked the twin towers on September 11 were Saudis. Moreover, petrodollars coming out of Sharia-ruled Saudi Arabia have been used to support Islamists in Egypt and other Islamic countries thus promoting more Islamic-based hatred and animosity toward the US.

Another example of the outworking of Sharia is the Iranian Islamic regime that has shown aggression toward the US and currently aims at creating a nuclear bomb that threatens world stability and security. The relationship between the US and Iran declined dramatically after the Iran regime adopted Sharia Law following the Islamic revolution in 1979.

Afghanistan under Sharia Law created a system extremely hostile toward the West, including the US. The Sharia-ruled Taliban adopted Al-Qaeda fighters and caused - and is still causing -major troubles for the US. In fact, the Islamist threat that originated in Afghanistan has also affected nearby countries such as Pakistan. The honeymoon that existed temporarily between the US and the Taliban during the confrontation with the Russians has ended and the true nature of the Taliban as an anti-American regimen has been exposed.

Furthermore, the relations between Sudan and the US have significantly declined after the implementation of Sharia in the country.

Somalia has shown animosity toward the US and has become a breeding ground for terrorists since it became controlled by the Al-Shabbab Islamic movement that implemented Sharia Law in the land. Several US Muslim citizens also became radicalized in Somalia after Sharia dominated it.

If we compare the above countries to Islamic countries that did not make Sharia Law the main law of the land - such as Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Tunisia, Malaysia, and Indonesia - we notice that the former countries did not cause as much trouble for the US as the Sharia-ruled countries did. This is unlikely to be just a coincidence.

Sharia causes animosity toward the US (as a symbol of the highest power of western civilization) in several ways as we see below:

1- Sharia Law creates hatred toward the values of freedom and equality that are the founding principles of the US. For example, Sharia allows beating women, polygamy, and paedophilia. Additionally, it promotes killing apostates, gays, and adulteries. Islamists who adopt these Sharia values cannot have anything but hatred toward the countries that promotes freedom and liberty.

2- Sharia induces a notion of the supremacy of Islam above all non-Muslims. Several Quranic verses have been used to promote this principle of supremacy of Muslims and Islam (See: Quran [i] 48:28). Also, Sharia rules necessitate that Non-Muslims in Muslim society MUST pay a special form of Tax of humiliation 'Jizia' to the Muslim rulers. Non-Muslims-according to Sharia- MUST by disgraced [ii] during paying such taxes. The psychological contradiction in the mind of Islamists between their sense of the supremacy of Islam, and the reality of their weakness and inferiority, creates frustrations that lead to a desire to destroy or erase the world power (i.e. the US and other western countries) that 'deprives' them of their superiority.

3- Sharia principles teach the values of Jihad to spread the religion and subjugate non-Muslims to Islamic laws. With no single exception, all schools of Islamic Jurisprudence (Shafeii, Hanbali, Maleki, and Hanafi)-until today-promote that Muslims MUST declare war on and fight Non-Muslims until they subjugate to Islam.

The integration of the previous 3 factors can explain to some extent the observed positive correlation between implementing Sharia and creating hostility toward the US and other western countries.

To conclude; The trouble that has faced the US from countries that adopted Sharia Law in the last few decades, and the enormous costs that were paid by the US in these confrontations, should make the US consider Sharia not only an infringement to Human Rights but, more importantly, a serious threat to its national security and strategic interests.


Defection Denied

May 03, 2012 11:38 am

The office of Vice President Joe Biden overruled State and Justice Department officials in denying the political asylum request of a senior Chinese communist official last February over fears the high-level defection would upset the U.S. visit of China’s vice president, according to U.S. officials. The defector, Wang Lijun, was turned away after 30 hours [...]

Read More and Comment: Defection Denied


Video: Obama’s Defacto Anti-Bullying Czar: “I Wish Republicans Were All F*cking Dead”

May 03, 2012 12:43 pm

(Editor’s note: video contains some graphic language) Dan Savage made headlines last week when, at a national high school journalism conference in Washington DC (one I attended once upon a time, now that I think of it), he went on a rant about the Bible and Christians then called his audience “pansy asses” when they [...]

Read More and Comment: Video: Obama’s Defacto Anti-Bullying Czar: “I Wish Republicans Were All F*cking Dead”


Are Unions Using Stimulus Money To Recall Walker?

May 03, 2012 01:35 pm

When Obama pushed through his stimulus package shortly after taking office, the money going to bail out GM andW Chrysler was not so much intended to shore up those corporations as it was intended to shore up the unions at those corporations. In other words, although one of the ubiquitous reasons given was saving these [...]

Read More and Comment: Are Unions Using Stimulus Money To Recall Walker?


Video: Obama’s Broken Promises: Jobs And The Economy

May 03, 2012 01:45 pm

In 2008, President Obama said he measures progress by how many people can find a job. Today, the unemployment rate is still over eight percent, and nearly twenty-three million Americans are unemployed, underemployed, or have stopped looking for work. Related posts: Painful-Sebelius Speechless, Cornered On Obamacare Costs, Waivers, Broken Promises … Continue to Post… Lame [...]

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Obama’s Broken Promises: Jobs And The Economy


Video: Tales From Fast And Furious Part 6: Obama Administration Cover-up

May 03, 2012 01:53 pm

Dynamo CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who broke the Fast and Furious Scandal in the MSM February 23, 2011, and who was literally screamed at over the phone by DOJ spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler and White House spokesman Eric Schultz for doing so, has continued to hit hard on the government’s so-called ‘botched’ gun-walking program. On March [...]

Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Tales From Fast And Furious Part 6: Obama Administration Cover-up


Did Terror-Promoting CAIR Shut Down Pro-Constitution Event?

May 03, 2012 02:33 pm

A Michigan police department has made it clear that freedom of speech and the Constitutional right to peaceably assemble may only be enjoyed upon approval by the terror-promoting, Islamic group CAIR. On January 26th, Michigan State Representative David Agema and others hosted an event entitled “Constituting Michigan—Founding Principles Act” in the Allegan High School auditorium. [...]

Read More and Comment: Did Terror-Promoting CAIR Shut Down Pro-Constitution Event?


How Daley beefed up his pension payouts: Former mayor took advantage of state's convoluted system
Excerpt: Two years into his reign as Chicago's longest-serving mayor, Richard M. Daley took advantage of the state's convoluted pension system to significantly increase his potential payout while saving $400,000 in contributions, a Tribune/WGN-TV investigation has found. Daley, a former state senator, made it happen by briefly rejoining the legislative pension plan in 1991. He stayed there just one month before returning to Chicago's municipal pension fund, but the switches made him eligible for benefits worth 85 percent of his mayoral salary — a better rate than all other city employees receive. (That Daley? The former Baron of Blagobamaville? He looks so honest. I can't believe this stuff goes on in Chicago. I'm shocked, shocked, I say. ~Bob.)

Worth Reading: Daley pension deal: You've got to be kidding by John Kass
Excerpt: The city of Chicago is near insolvency. City workers are bracing for pay and benefit cuts. And Rich Daley, the former mayor who had his behind kissed by the powerful in this town and by much of the media for two decades, has an inside deal that should make sane people sick to their stomachs: An eventual pension of more than $180,000 for life, according to a Tribune/WGN-TV investigation. 


The Hypothetical PresidentBy David Harsanyi
Plenty of Americans believe that the president's rhetoric runs counter to facts, but actually, it's the president's own counterfactual arguments that matter most. Which is to say, nearly the entire case for President Barack Obama's second term is based on not what has happened but what could, would or might under different circumstances. Things, as you've surely heard from one official after the next, would have been a whole lot worse without the president's guidance.

Read the Full Story


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

You recall I wrote of Russian troops being on US ground end of May?  Well I got word today that they are already here, at Ft. Carson, CO – engaged in who knows what!
Further, also got a report today that there are Puerto RIcan troops in Salem Oregon, going through an ‘exercise’ to train for TORNADOES?  Gee, when was the last tornado in PR?  Further, there were ‘victims’ hired from daily work sites, and the soldiers were in ‘hazmet’ suits; some victims reported to reflect ‘gun shots’ to the head (certainly one of the common injuries from tornados, right?)


Submitted by: Donald Hank

An Examination of Minority VotersN" Views on Immigration


By Steven A. Camarota February 2010

While it is sometimes assumed that minorities, particularly Hispanics, favor increased immigration and legalization for illegal immigrants, a new Zogby survey finds that minority votersN" views are more complex. The poll of Hispanic, Asian-American, and African-American likely voters finds some support for legalization. But overall each of these groups prefers enforcement and for illegal immigrants to return home. Moreover, significant majorities of all three groups think that the current level of immigration is too high. These views are in sharp contrast to the leaders of most ethnic advocacy organizations, who argue for increased immigration and legalization of illegal immigrants. The survey used neutral language, avoiding such terms as $B!H(Bamnesty,$B!I(B $B!H(Billegal alien,$B!I(B or $B!H(Bundocumented.$B!I(B
Among the findings:
In contrast to the leadership of many ethnic advocacy groups, most members of minority groups think immigration is too high.

Obama Signs Executive Order Declaring International Law for the United States

Submitted by: Sandra

'On May 1, 2012, our Glorious Leader, Premier Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, signed yet another Executive Order – Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation. This dictate is designed to standardize regulations between the United States and it’s so called trading partners.
What is a regulation? A law. So what is actually being attempted here is a standardization of international law. It is an absolute violation of the Constitution for the United States to legislate our law outside of our borders.'



For years the auto industry has had a closely guarded secret: the price of electric vehicle batteries. They didn't want you, the consumer to know how much they cost because they know that one day (if you purchase an electric car) you will have to pay to replace them.

Well Ford's Chief Executive Alan Mulally let the cat out of the bag.

While speaking at a forum on green technology last week, Mulally revealed that the battery packs for the electric Ford Focus costs between $12,000 and $15,000 a piece:

"When you move into an all-electric vehicle, the battery size moves up to around 23 kilowatt hours, [and] it weighs around 600 to 700 pounds," Mr. Mulally said at Fortune magazine's Brainstorm Green conference in California.

"They're around $12,000 to $15,000 [a battery]" for a type of car that normally sells for about $22,000, he continued, referring to the price of a gasoline-powered Focus. "So, you can see why the economics are what they are."

The Ford Focus EV costs $39,200. The Regular Ford Focus costs $22,000. Even with President Obama's $7,500 taxpayer-funded electric vehicle subsidy, the EV will cost $31,700, roughly $10,000 more than the regular model (which gets between 35 and 40 miles to the gallon and does not eat up your electricity bill because it needs to be charged.)

One third of the cost of this vehicle is its battery. And at some point during the vehicle's lifespan that battery will need to be replaced. That brings the total cost of the vehicle, with subsidy, to $46,700.

Gas would need to be, as President Obama's Energy Secretary Steven Chu put it, at the "levels in Europe" for a prolonged time (many, many years) for this car to eventually pay for the difference in price.

And yet President Obama and his Administration are trying to make us all buy these.

Electric vehicles are far more expensive than regular vehicles, do little to help the planet (since they're charged by coal-powered electricity) and tend to catch fire.

It's time we tell President Obama to stop pushing these vehicles, and stop giving taxpayer dollars to the wealthy people who buy them.

H.R.3768 is a bill in Congress that would eliminate the wealthy's taxpayer giveaway. It is a perfect example of what needs to be done in our country. By eliminating subsidies like those for plug-in electric vehicles like the failed Chevy Volt and other expensive plug-ins, we send a message to President Obama that we are serious about cutting spending, and serious about ending the reliance on subsidies. Issues like these can defeat liberals who believe that YOU should pay for someone else's car.

CLICK HERE to fax Member of the House of Representatives and tell them to co-sponsor and support H.R.3768. Tell them that ending subsidies like this one is the right thing to do and will help cut spending and rescue our economy.

Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA) has introduced legislation that would stop our tax dollars from going to fund these vehicles, which are inefficient and costly.

The average income of those who buy plug-in electric vehicles (like the administration's failed Chevy Volt) is $170,000 per year. Why are middle class taxpayers subsidizing high income subsidies?

President Obama and his allies on the left want to push energy prices higher so that expensive vehicles - like the Focus EV or the Chevy Volt - seem more reasonable. But Americans can't afford that scenario.

Currently, high gas prices are stalling our economy and making everything from getting to work to groceries more expensive. We can't keep going down this road of high energy costs, and we can't afford sustained high energy.

And we certainly can't afford to pay for other people to drive expensive cars.

H.R.3768 is a bill in Congress that would eliminate the wealthy's taxpayer giveaway. It is a perfect example of what needs to be done in our country. By eliminating subsidies like those for plug-in electric vehicles like the failed Chevy Volt and other expensive plug-ins, we send a message to President Obama that we are serious about cutting spending, and serious about ending the reliance on subsidies. Issues like these can defeat liberals who believe that YOU should pay for someone else's car.

CLICK HERE to fax Member of the House of Representatives and tell them to co-sponsor and support H.R.3768. Tell them that ending subsidies like this one is the right thing to do and will help cut spending and rescue our economy.

While the Administration touts China as an example of why we should be subsidizing "green" energy, the truth tells a different tale.

In reality, China is ratcheting down its "investments" in "green" energy and focusing on what will actually power the economy: fuel efficiency, coal and natural gas. Meanwhile, the United States is deceived into thinking wind, solar, and electric vehicles are the wave of the future.

President Obama's whole push to increase the use of "green" energy has resulted in it accounting for just 5% of our nation's energy supply. Why? Because it's far more expensive and far less efficient than conventional means of energy.

And the same goes for the pipe dream of electric vehicles.

You pay $10,000 more for an electric car (before the battery replacement) than a traditional gasoline vehicle. The plug-in electric vehicle industry generously claims that you will save $1,000 a year on fuel costs (independent analysis is lower), but let's assume the industry is telling the truth.

It would take ten years to make up the upfront expense of the vehicle. The average length of time a car is owned is now just 6 years, so already you won't make up the cost. And electric vehicles need to have their batteries replaced every 5 years or so, so you're guaranteed to have to replace that battery. And since those batteries cost about $15,000 dollars, you would actually need to own the vehicle for 25 years before covering all the added costs associated it in the amount of gas you save.

Yet we're subsidizing these cars?

H.R.3768 is a bill in Congress that would eliminate the wealthy's taxpayer giveaway. It is a perfect example of what needs to be done in our country. By eliminating subsidies like those for plug-in electric vehicles like the failed Chevy Volt and other expensive plug-ins, we send a message to President Obama that we are serious about cutting spending, and serious about ending the reliance on subsidies. Issues like these can defeat liberals who believe that YOU should pay for someone else's car.

CLICK HERE to fax Member of the House of Representatives and tell them to co-sponsor and support H.R.3768. Tell them that ending subsidies like this one is the right thing to do and will help cut spending and rescue our economy.

Americans can no longer afford to subsidize everything under the sun. We certainly can't afford to subsidize vehicles that make no economical sense to anyone except the very wealthy. Please Fax every Member of the House of Representatives now and tell them to co-sponsor and support H.R.3768.

Conservative Action Alerts

P.S. With gas prices on the rise, a better solution would be to lower energy costs, not try to force people into even more expensive cars. If President Obama truly cared about the American people and their suffering, he would stop taking our tax dollars to subsidize failing technologies.


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

Are you slated for 'brainwashing?' I ask as that is exactly what the Liberals have in store for us if they get their way!


Why They Still Call Him PresidentSince the nobody Senator from nowhere rose to DNC fame during the 2004 DNC Convention and was subsequently hustled into the highest office in our land despite his blank résumé and invisible past, people have been desperately searching for an honest forum in which to ask – Who is this yahoo, where did he come from and how the hell did he become America’s first openly Marxist White House resident?.....
by JB Williams


Red Dawn and the Chicago SpringIs the US military and the Bankster controlled federal government on a collision course? When one begins to connect the dots, with each dot representing a critical intersect point between the two entities, it strongly appears that an irrevocable bifurcation between the two is underway and the point of no return may have already been reached. Why else would we be witnessing the training of Russian troops to carry out policing activities in and around the Colorado Springs area later this month?.....
by Dave Hodges