Monday, February 28, 2011


CAPS New TV Ads Call For Slowing Legal Immigration Until Californians Are Working Again

Marilyn DeYoungWe thought you’d enjoy seeing these TV ads we just launched in Bakersfield.  In fact, NBC has already aired a story about them.  The ads point out that with millions of Americans out of work, we need to slow legal immigration and bringing in temporary foreign workers.  Recent studies have demonstrated that new immigrants are taking American jobs as Americans are losing them.

The ads are launching as the federal government continues to admit more than 1 million immigrants and temporary workers a year to take American jobs despite the country’s highest unemployment levels since the Great Depression.
Please click here to view our recent press release and the ad.
Ill Screenshot

Please call me (805-564-6626) or e-mail our office ( with any comments or feedback you may have.

More to come soon,
Marilyn DeYoung Signature


Submitted by Darla Dawald, National Director  at  Patriot Action Alerts

Monday, February 28, 2011

RSC Update: House GOP Working to Cut Spending & Defend Marriage

From the Chairman
Federal spending has skyrocketed in recent years.  Between 2008 and 2010, Democrats increased discretionary spending by 24%.  And since 2007, total federal spending has risen by nearly 36%.  Simply “freezing” spending at these bloated levels will do nothing to prevent the nation’s job-crushing debt burden from doing further harm to our economy.  The House has already approved a bill to save taxpayers $61 billion and keep the government running after March 4.  To date, however, Senate Democrats have recklessly refused to cut even one penny from the federal budget.  For this reason, the House will vote this week on a short-term bill saves taxpayers $4 billion while keeping the government open for two more weeks.


House GOP Must Show True Grit on the Debt Ceiling

By Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler Andrew F. Quinlan & Steven Baer
Published February 28, 2011
| FoxNews

At Sunday night’s Oscars, "True Grit" shot blanks in all 10 of its nomination categories. Although Hollywood understandably shunned this morally-certain tale of a willful young woman demanding justice, we can still hope House Republicans will take some cues from the film before its DVD slots at Wal-Mart need re-stocking.
In the movie, 14-year-old Mattie Ross hires U.S. Marshall Rooster Cogburn to hunt down the man who robbed and murdered her father. She’s convinced that Cogburn (like herself) has “true grit” – a fierce determination to get the job done against tough odds. 
It’s an apt metaphor for the Tea Party movement and House Speaker John Boehner’s Republicans: Outraged by the near-criminal negligence of over-spending pols charging 40 cents per dollar of Washington’s spending to the U.S. credit card – and onto the backs of future generations – Tea Partiers and the U.S. electorate “hired” a House GOP majority last November to hunt down and hang the economy-killing excesses of Presidents Obama, Bush and a bipartisan gang of thieves on Capitol Hill.


FCC: Information Superhighway Traffic Cops
As of last week the Federal Communications Commission has unconstitutionally assumed control of the onramp to the information superhighway. You still possess the ignition key to your information superhighway vehicle---your computer, but the ride in the near future may get a little bumpy. You may encounter some detours you didn't expect. And some of your favorite "rest stops" on the information superhighway may suddenly, and unexpectedly, disappear---perhaps even the "rest stop" you created for others to enjoy as they traverse the blogosphere. When that happens, and your own blog becomes a victim of "net neutrality" or some new buzzword already being fashioned, YOU will suddenly realize YOU lost control of your Internet because the United States Congress did NOTHING to stop the FCC when they arbitrarily assumed for themselves the role of caretaker of cyberspace Read More


Submitted by: Myke

Follow Florida on education reform

Don’t be fooled by attempts to distort Florida’s record

Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford said recently that, "You can't maintain an ideological position that keeps you from tackling the real problems of the state in ways that are courageous."
While Horsford was referring to Gov. Brian Sandoval's opposition to tax increases, he may as well have been referring to his own and his fellow Democrats' opposition to substantive and proven education reforms.
Educational achievement, or rather the lack thereof, is a real and well-documented problem in Nevada. Education Week reports that Nevada's graduation rate is a nation-worst 41.8 percent, and many of the students who do graduate aren't ready for college. Of students using the Millennium Scholarship, 27 percent have to take remedial college courses.
What's sad about this is that proven education reforms have been implemented around the country and have taught us the kinds of policies that work.
The best state with which to compare Nevada is Florida. In 1998, Florida and Nevada posted the same score on the National Assessment of Educational Progress fourth-grade reading exam. Starting in 1999, then-Florida governor Jeb Bush instituted a series of education reforms, including:


Submitted by: BobJen

The Latest on the BC: Corsi says, : Obama Lied".

Plus, listen for whom he says "control" the media.
Video: The Latest on “Where’s the Birth Certificate? .   A well-worth hearing 15 min. with Dr. Laurie Roth.
Plus, Dr. J. speaks well of Jack Cashill's book too. 
Well done, Dr. J.


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Egyptian Army Fires on Christian Monasteries Wounding Many of the Monks

Is this the beginning of cleansing of Christians in Egypt? The military is supposed to be in charge and yet they are the ones that attacked the monasteries. Why did they do that? Is there another reason for this provocation? Has the Muslim Brotherhood already started their operation to move Egypt to an Islamic State? Who is really in charge? Let's read about the attacks and watch the video.
News report follows with supporting video (warning the video may be considered by some to be graphic)

(AINA) -- "For the second time in as many days, Egyptian armed force stormed the 5th century old St. Bishoy monastery in Wadi el-Natroun, 110 kilometers from Cairo. Live ammunition was fired, wounding two monks and six Coptic monastery workers. Several sources confirmed the army's use of RPG ammunition. Four people have been arrested including three monks and a Coptic lawyer who was at the monastery investigating yesterday's army attack.


From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President
Media Research Center

The liberal media-fueled protests by pro-union big government forces in Wisconsin are spilling into other states. And the Left is calling this their "Tea Party moment".
The fact is, this is the OPPOSITE of the Tea Party!
After the American people voted for smaller, more responsible government in November, the President, his greedy union supporters, and his faithful friends in the media are doing everything they can to stop any attempt to even slow down the growth of government, and prepare for the 2012 election season!
Wisconsin is ground zero for this effort. Socialist agitators from across the country descended on Madison to march in support of extravagant taxpayer-funded state employee contracts. President Obama's political operation, Organizing for America, is busing in astroturf protesters to help. And the media are tripping over themselves to position these greedy union members and their budget-busting benefits as the poor working people that are being attacked by the big mean Republicans.


Submitted by: Kurt J Fitsch

Walker Explodes Union Lies on 'Meet the Press'
By Newsmax Wires
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says he won't cave in to union and Democratic demands that he compromise on his effort to curb employee benefit programs. He also vows he won't "kick the can down the street" when it comes to dealing with his state's fiscal woes.
Appearing Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" with David Gregory, Walker laid out his plan to save his state from fiscal bankruptcy while destroying several false claims about his legislation, which Senate Democrats are delaying by refusing to appear for a final vote.
Among the significant issues covered during his "Meet the Press" interview, Walker:
  • Denied he is destroying public employee unions.
His proposed law still allows public employee unions to exist and engage in collective bargaining for their wages. The state denies the unions the use of collective bargaining to seek pension and health benefits.
  • Claimed that unions are not acting in good faith.


I post articles because I think they are of interest. Doing so doesn’t mean that I necessarily agree (or disagree) with every—or any—opinion in the posted article. Help your friends and relatives stay informed by passing the digest on.

Anxiety on all sides of upcoming House hearing on radicalization of U.S. Muslims
Excerpt: In some ways, Zuhdi Jasser doesn't match the profile of the typical Muslim American. He's an active Republican who has supported the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, is an advocate for Israel and says his faith harbors "an insidious supremacism."
Yet the Scottsdale, Ariz., doctor will be the face of American Islam for a Capitol Hill moment. Other than members of Congress, Jasser is the only witness that Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y.) has identified so far for his upcoming hearings on radicalization of American Muslims. (Watch for even King to soft-peddle the hearings, with constant genuflections to “a Great Religion of Peace,” proving terror works. Don’t believe it? When “artist” Andres Serrano produced the taxpayer-funded artwork” “Piss Christ” in 1987 (, there was outrage—but no one died. When Newsweek, ever eager to discredit the Bush administration and America without checking facts, erroneously reported in 2005 that a Qur’an had been flushed down a toilet at Gitmo, there were riots throughout the world, and at least 15 people were reported killed. Suppose an “Artist” exhibited a picture of a statue of Mohammad in a jar of urine? Suppose this was done with a US Government Grant? You know the result—many people would die. Say, did you hear that Newsweek uses toilet paper with Suras from the Holy Qur’an printed on them in their office building? Pass it on. ~Bob.)


Sarah Palin: Even Conservatives Duped by Liberal Media Branding

This article is not about endorsing Sarah Palin for president. It is about illustrating the liberal media's ability to brand an image. Case in point, conservatives saying Palin is not smart enough to be president.

The Left launched their “Sarah Palin is Stupid” campaign the next day after her incredible VP nomination acceptance speech. A woman, pretty, smart, witty, confident and bold with an ability to inspire and fire up the conservative base, Sarah Palin was the Left's worst nightmare. They were livid. The only thing which could have made it worse would have been if Palin was black. The Left would have surely lost their minds.

The clarion call went out,”Palin MUST be destroyed!”


Submitted by: Myke

Harry Reid’s Government Shutdown

The U.S. Senate returns from their ten day President’s Day break on Monday facing a deadline for funding the federal government of Friday, Mar. 4.
Like a kid who puts off his homework until the night before it is due, Washington will be abuzz of talk of government shutdowns as Harry Reid and his merry band of Democrats look for co-conspirators across the aisle to push through a bill that only pretends to cut spending.
Reid is already claiming that the Senate has made more than $40 billion in cuts, simply by not using the budget that the President submitted last fiscal year. Of course, the only problem with this claim is that it is based upon a lie.
Last year, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi chose to not pass any budget, let alone the one the President suggested, so to claim that they have already cut $41 billion off a budget that was never even considered is worse than disingenuous.


Submitted by: Debbie Warren
I have a problem and need advice and direction.  This is being sent to my representatives and fellow citizens who might have a suggestion on how I might find the ways and means to address these issues productively.  Elections are not the answer, so what is?
How is it that we have massive budget shortfalls in Texas ... which include State, County and City budgets and yet our public employees continue to squander our money on Illegal Aliens and their anchor babies?  While our borders continue to be an unprotected sieve for armed cartels and illegals swarming into our nation for food stamps, housing, earned income credits supposedly reserved for actual citizens and all manner of tax-funded welfare also intended for CITIZENS; our Fiduciaries are entertaining everything from Amnesty to 'work visas' at the expense of citizens who are unemployed and need those jobs.  Most illegals work jobs that pay 'under the table cash' while they enjoy free medical care and free delivery of their illegal anchor babies...many work jobs using the social security numbers of citizens who then are forced to prove they are not the beneficiaries of that income, but are being held up to pay the taxes on it.  Many who run the border or continue to reside in Texas are not here to obtain the jobs they have no right to...instead they are here to vote illegally in our elections, enroll their children in our schools for free educations/breakfast and lunch programs, rally and demonstrate illegally in our streets for 'their' rights?, commit all manner of crimes against our citizens and strangle our courts and related systems in the process...only to be set free to continue their path of destruction.


Submitted by: Debbie Warren

What if the ATF's 'Project Gunwalker' goes much further

How in the hell is it that our Legislators accept being 'blown off' when they attempt to do the job they are bound to do?  I'm sick of the whining and complaining about being locked out of meetings that they had a legal right to attend or being 'unable' to enforce our laws or being 'unable' to get information that they are legally privy to?  How is it that they sit back and 'allow' Holder and the White House to pick and choose who they will and will not prosecute or investigate when our National Security and our general well being are at risk?  When there are obvious problems with criminality and incompetence in essential departments; like border patrol and the ATF?  How are we supposed to just accept their complaints and accept the circumstances in a our system of government?  This is NOT a dictatorship and we have no business letting them get away with this crap while the implications climb up and down our spine and the rage is held in check.


USDA Announces $1.3B Fund for Female, Hispanic Farmers Claiming Discrimination

USDA Announces $1.3B Fund for Female, Hispanic Farmers Claiming Discrimination

Published February 25, 2011 |

The Obama administration plans to distribute $1.3 billion to female and Hispanic farmers who claim they were discriminated against by the federal government.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced a process for distributing the money Friday. The move comes after Congress approved a separate $4.6 billion settlement for black and Native American farmers who claimed discrimination.

Though some lawmakers alleged the claims process for black farmers was rife with fraud, the administration has pushed to extend settlement money to other minority groups.


Robert Bryce: Obama Oil Policy Will Rob Consumers

By Julie Crawshaw
President Barack Obama's eagerness to eliminate what he calls "costly tax cuts for oil companies" will make life much tougher for U.S. consumers, says the Manhattan Institute's Robert Bryce.

The reason? The president's 2012 budget calls for eliminating a dozen tax incentives that benefit producers of coal, oil and natural gas.

"Big Oil has long been a plump piñata for politicos and environmental groups, but a simple cost-benefit analysis shows that eliminating decades-old tax rules for oil and gas could be a lousy deal for consumers," Bryce writes in The Wall Street Journal.


Submitted by: Tony Caputo


What Can Be Done To Attract Them?

I am often asked by many in the Tea Party Movement what can be done to attract more Blacks and minorities to attend and become involved with a movement that is dedicated to restore and save our Republic. It is a very valid question, and it is a subject that deserves research and honest answers.
The Tea Party has been accused of racism by the main stream media and several Civil Rights Groups since the group has formed and received national attention. In all of these cases this charge is fallacious; built on imagined perceptions. There are, however, several reasons why these charges are brought against the Tea Party Movement, and these accusations must be answered.


Submitted by: Myke

Anyone who knows the work Brian Gerrish is doing, will appreciate how he stunned the ex military yesterday.
Young and old alike were amazed at the revelations they heard.
Some of these men have seen their friends and comrades shot down or blown to pieces, they thought they were doing their duty to protect us, the British people. Now they know differently and they are not amused.
We know who the traitors are, and now they know.
This country is on the brink of total destruction, but with guys like these behind us we will succed in saving Britain.
Look out bad guys, we know who you are and we will come for you.


I post articles because I think they are of interest. Doing so doesn’t mean that I necessarily agree with every—or any—opinion in the posted article. Nor that I disagree with them, of course.

Book Recommendation: Caliphate by Tom Kratman
I took this scary little Science Fiction novel with me this weekend, visiting relatives, and stayed up very late Sunday morning finishing it at about 4:00 am. If you like SF adventure and are worried about the future of our world, check this one out. Kratman is a fine writer, and it was more gripping as it went on. Set 100 years in the future, when America has become of necessity a military empire facing the Muslim Caliphate of Europe, it lifts from today’s headlines to create a scary buy plausible future. He uses current quotes like the one below as a basis for events in the book.

Excerpt: “Slavery is a part of Islam,” says Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan, according to the independent Saudi Information Agency, or SIA. In a lecture recorded on tape by SIA, the sheik said, “Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam.” His religious books are used to teach 5 million Saudi students, both within the country and abroad, including the United States. Al Fawzan – a member of the Senior Council of Clerics, Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body – says Muslims who contend Islam is against slavery “are ignorant, not scholars.” “They are merely writers,” he said, according to SIA. “Whoever says such things is an infidel.”