Merlin submits:

SHOCK CLAIM: Biden Admin is MANIPULATING Border Stats


        LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D.



Tuesday –

February the 14th, 2023





This is a Special Edition of ARIZONA TODAY covering the Arizona State Senate Committee on Elections.  The Senate Committee held this public hearing on Monday, February 13th, 2023 at the State Capitol in Phoenix, Arizona.  The focus and testimony you will hear from the lead expert witness is startling!  You will hear his testimony in full, and it will confirm that election machines should be immediately discarded, thrown away, and we return to a more safe, more reliable fashion of voting…just like we use to participate in across our nation. 




Dear Friend,

Democrat politicians are vocally condemning an investigation into the federal government’s weaponization against American citizens.


The Biden family will never recover from this bombshell revelation

Joe Biden and his family have been dodging responsibility for their criminal acts for years. But the story goes so much deeper than anyone ever thought.

And the Biden family will never recover from this bombshell revelation.


>> Click here to read the story <<


Freedom Headlines | Top Political News USA | USA Politics

Historic Day for the State of New California
Historic Day for the State of New California
The state of New California has sent delegates to Washington…

 Edward Moore submits:

Enviro-terror in Ohio as toxic gas cloud ignited and unleashed by insane authorities