
Donny Ferguson   |  Commentary Sports

A federal judge has given the green light to a...


Capital Hill News

Layoffs CONFIRMED - Washington Post CEO Delivers The News

In a town hall on Wednesday, Washington Post CEO Fred Ryan announced that under 10% of the staff would...

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Dear Patriot,

Below are links to some of the most important news stories today for your consideration.

Courtesy of Right Wing Report

Today's Headlines:

Border Crisis Explodes As Biden Issues STAND DOWN Order to ICE

 Jackie Juntti submits:



12-17-22 Are Baby Farms Coming? [Prophecy Update]

Is the Matrix movie going to come true? Recently there has been a promo video from Ectolife about the possibility of growing babies in artificial wombs (pods). This dystopian nightmare would fit right into the globalist agenda of depopulation. They would use it to designate who can have a child and who couldn’t. They could also use this as a way to genetically engineer life through CRISPR and play Dr. Frankenstein. Is this another sign of the days of Noah as Messiah warned about? In this broadcast we discuss the connection of this to scripture and how it furthers the progress of human depopulation.


       LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D.





By  Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

       Host and Commentator

       December the 18th, 2022



Sheriff Mark Lamb and Family Grieve:

 Jackie Juntti submits:

I am beyond *wondering* why the increase in GOLD FRINGED FLAGS?

Makes me think of how some folks wear or display an upside down cross.


Came aross this in a search:

So, the flag in the court room is a gold fringe flag. Who cares? That doesn’t affect me, right?