Mayor Adams Says Feds, State Must Reimburse NYC For Migrant Crisis Now That 'Campaign Season Is Over'

 Jackie Juntti submits:

Long past due!!!

I wonder if the Commie SPLC will do a HIT JOB on Abbott like they did me  in 2008.


Lynn Stuter wrote a post exposing how the SPLC lied about many of the things they attacked me with.  No retraction of the lies of SPLC against me to date.


Jackie Juntti

It isn't who YOU are -  It is WHOSE you are ! !  




BREAKING: Texas Governor Greg Abbott Takes Bold Action to Combat the 'Invasion' at the Border

 Submitted by: Robert Bowen

The mainstream media tell us that Jonas Salk's polio vaccine is a 'medical miracle'. The rare Polio virus was one of the most feared diseases of the 20th century.