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WATCH: Biden Does It Again…Just Wait Until You Hear the Nonsense
WATCH: Biden Does It Again…Just Wait Until You Hear the Nonsense
Well, Joe Biden has done it again; he has backed…


October 14, 2022
Trump's rough Thursday: Subpoenaed, loses SCOTUS appeal
Trump's rough Thursday: Subpoenaed, loses SCOTUS appeal
Like him or not, there's no denying that Donald Trump had a rough Thursday. Get the latest on his court battles in various states (with no bias or spin!) Read More 



The Extremism Roundup

Promoting Civil Discourse and Marginalizing the Extremes
A weekly compilation of the most important developments in the struggle against radical ideologies



Conservatives are waging a war for control over California school boards

By Stephen Frank on Oct 13, 2022 08:41 pm
For the past three years, groups like Momma Bears, and county by county Open Our Schools groups have fought for our children.  Over a year ago these groups turned from going to School Board meeting demanding education, to going to meeting to recruit candidates to take back the schools from the unions and the radicals. […]

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Lights! Camera! Zelenskyy!

Green screen.

This sums the whole thing up in a nutshell. It’s all theater for the greatest money laundering operation in US history. And the Biden regime is agitating for nuclear “armageddon' in the cause of the massive criminal ...


 Trumρ update 10/13/2022..Why didn’t the Ûnselect Committee ask me to testify months ago? Why did they wait until the very end, the final moments of their last meeting?

REPORTERBlogdog: "Why didn’t the Unselect Committee ask me to testify months ago? Why did they wait until the very end, the final moments of their last meeting? Because the Committee is a total “BUST” that has only served to further divide our Country which, by the way, is doing very badly – A laughing stock all over the World." Donald J. Trumρ

Go Here to see, "Trumρ update 10/13/2022..Why didn’t the Ûnselect Committee ask me to testify months ago? Why did they wait until the very end, the final moments of their last meeting?"
