Globalists Are Satanists! Hunters Become The Hunted! Red October Begins! Buckle Up! Pray! - And We Know

REPORTER: John Rolls: They plan on doing something very bad soon. Gearing up trying to talk about Putìn and nùkes in the same breath, they may just dump the nùkes that bring on the tsunamis on our coastlines. They are trying to get that narrative established… It’s been shown over and over that this is coming. PRAY FOR THE PEOPLE.

Go Here to see, "Globalists Are Satanists! Hunters Become The Hunted! Red October Begins! Buckle Up! Pray! - And We Know"




Is this power company spying on customers?
Posted by Bob Unruh
A power supplier is being accused in a new federal lawsuit of spying on customers, then turning over confidential information to police.

But it gets worse. ... Read more…


 Larry Jordan submits:

Arizona Has A SOROS-BACKED Democrat Running For District Attorney In Maricopa County