Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Terrifies Pro-Abortion Left With ONE Opening Question

 Submitted by: Jackie Juntti

My position on this issue has remained the same for decades.  Those who keep hollering that a woman has the *right to choose what to do with her body*.  What these Moloch worshippers ignore is that the argument isn't about the woman having the choice of what to do with her body - the ARGUMENT is that she is absolutely FREE TO DO WHATEVER WITH HER BODY - EXCEPT MURDER another body that due to HER actions now resides within her body.  The time for these MOLOCH WORSHIPPERS to deal with the *pregnancy* is BEFORE CONCEPTION takes place.  There are so many PREVENTION methods available to prevent conception that it is beyond common sense to demand the *right* to kill the baby who did NOTHING to get conceived - that is up to the *mother*.    Granted rape is another issue but then the mother needs to really look in the mirror and ask herself if she wants to KILL another human being.  Adoption is a life giving choice.  Abortion is a life taking choice. 


Jackie Juntti



Next year, multiple states across the nation will have governor’s races taking place. However, in the final weeks before 2022, the Texas gubernatorial...


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DECEMBER 1, 2021

Ep 1655

In this episode I address the new developments in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. I also address the real reasons behind the Omicron fear campaign.



Building an Abortion-Free America
With Oral Arguments Complete, the Historic Dobbs v. JWHO is Now in
the Hands of SCOTUS



"Fauci is a front man for Big Pharma. He controls academic lies, and has an incentive to support the fearmongering - he did it before with HIV and AIDS. He's a master at it...He's been there during Reagan, the Bushes, Obama; he's close to the Gates and all these other foundations. This guy's a lifer. HE IS DEEP STATE. HE'S DEEP STATE PHARMA"  --Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

MRC - Top 5 media lies of 2021


The Leftwing media are merchants of lies, half-truths, and deception… Their true objective is NOT to report the news but push their radical agenda. 

My name is Brent Bozell, I am the President and Founder of the Media Research Center (MRC). MRC is the only conservative organization dedicated to exposing the radical Left-wing agenda in the media. 



Demo Speech Suppressors Target Patriot Post

Avoiding social media silencers and invisible advertising influencers.

Mark Alexander

"No government ought to be without censors and where the press is free, no one ever will." —Thomas Jefferson (1792)