Friday, September 3, 2021

Technology generates HURRICANES & TORNADOES...

 Submitted by: Nancy Battle

Lindon Johnson "He who controls the weather will control the world"....(sound familiar ?)

Scalar Technology generates HURRICANES & TORNADOES...(TAKE A LOOK)




Federal Government Looking Into McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines



Joe Biden continues to cozy up to, and legitimize, the Taliban government in Afghanistan.

First, he KEPT his promise to the Taliban to withdraw all U.S. troops by August 31st, despite the fact that there were STILL Americans trapped in the country.

But now, the administration is looking desperate because it turned to the Taliban for help doing THIS.

Biden’s Brain And Mouth Are Completely Disconnected

McMillan Submitted by: Int'l Interiors via  P McMillan

Biden’s Brain And Mouth Are Completely Disconnected


'During press conferences, Obama and Clinton were super cool, always dodging body blows and haymakers from the press corps. They’d bob and weave, deflect and distract, pontificate and bloviate and win by TKO every time.



Democrats Refuse To Drink Water As It's Also Prescribed To Horses

DERBY, KY—Democratic leaders are moving swiftly to counter rapidly growing misinformation that has led countless right-wing nut jobs into ingesting something that has been prescribed for horses for millennia: water... Read more.


 9.3.21: The FINAL STAGE! The moms and dads are FIGHTING for their CHILDREN! Hold the LINE! Pray!



Trey Gowdy dropped some bad news that will send Democrats heading for the exits

Trey Gowdy dropped some bad news that will send Democrats heading for the exits.

Joe Biden’s self-inflicted crises – topped off by the failure to safely withdraw from Afghanistan – have Americans souring on Joe Biden’s Presidency.

And Trey Gowdy dropped some bad news that will send Democrats heading for the exits.

Click here to read the full story >>


September 3, 2021
ep 1598

A left wing outlet published an explosive piece on the mask tyranny going on. In this episode, I address the article along with the continued implosion of the Biden agenda as their credibility craters.




Dear Friends,

Saturday, I was was invited to speak at the Legislative Victory Breakfast for Sumter, Lake and Marion counties, hosted by the Christian Family Coalition. This event focused on pro-family legislation. I spoke on HB 133 - Surrender of Newborn Infants, which I successfully passed off the House Floor in the 2021 Legislative Session.

More information about this event is attached in the flier below. 



First look:
  • Biden's approval ratings at a record low after Afghanistan mess
  • Watch Dr. Fauci move the vaccine goalposts...again
  • Huge miss on August jobs numbers 
  • Psaki snaps at reporter asking about Catholic Joe's abortion support



State Dept. Officials Demand Firing 'Anti-Semite’; No Death Penalty for San Diego Synagogue Killer; Revealed: Did Ancient Jews Keep Sabbatical Year? Latest from Israel!
United with IsraelLAST CHANCE: Plant Fruit Trees Before Israel’s Sabbatical Begins! When Abomination Becomes the Norm; The Holiest Days of the Year: Everything You Need to Know!

PATRIOT POWERLINE - Dying priest reveals closely guarded Vatican secret

 After suffering a terrible wound, one American priest broke the silence…

On his deathbed, his final words contained a terrible warning of things to come in the following weeks!

The Vatican has known about this for decades now,

AND it has done everything in its power to keep this secret hidden from leaking to the public!

That is why I urge you to watch this video before it’s lost forever and see the truth for yourself.

"Where do we get such men?"

 Submitted by: P McMillan

"Where do we get such men?"   

RAdm. George Tarrant, "The Bridges at Toko-Ri"


On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 5:00 PM OkieFromMuskogee wrote: