MUTH'S TRUTHS 05/25/2019

Why the Brothel-Banners Hide in Plain Sight

(Chuck Muth) – A pair of anti-brothel crusaders, Melissa Holland and Laila Mickelwait, inked a column on Friday that once again demonstrates exactly why they hide behind blog posts, social media and videos…

Like vampires, the light of day kills their arguments.

CHUCK KOLB 05/25/20196

Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Behar (On the Mount) - The Year of Faith !!!

Previously posted ... 
Evidencing the Sordid Manufactured "Russiagate" Affair !!! 
The Secrets of Isaac's life reveals Messiah Yeshua !!! 

#ShabbatShalom - Welcome to Parasha Behar (On the Mount), this week's study of the Torah portion. We invite you to read along with us and enrich your understanding of the Bible by discovering Torah truths in this portion that will be read in synagogues around the world this Shabbat (Saturday). We know you will be blessed as you study this Torah portion with us.  Enjoy! 

NEWS WITH VIEWS 05/25/2019

"A National Day of Action"

We can and must find ways to resist the destruction of Western man, his nations and institutions, and our strategies must involve more than writing essays, manning petition tables, and lobbying unresponsive politicians.  We are no longer involved in the process of  creating the language of our side of the debate; we have spent half a century doing this and educating others, and we are now quickly running out of time in which to save ourselves..........
by Sidney Secular.

JIHAD WATCH 05/25/2019

NYC: hundreds of Jews protest against Ilhan Omar at Times Square
By Christine Douglass-Williams on May 24, 2019 02:30 pm

NYC: hundreds of Jews protest against Ilhan Omar at Times Square
Hundreds of protesters showed up in New York City’s Times Square “to call for the removal of freshman Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.” They comprised of both Jews and Jewish supporters against antisemitism. “New York native and activist Joe Diamond” who organized the rally stated:  “In my lifetime I cannot […]
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“White Privilege Leftists” Opposes Black Children Receiving Quality Education.

By Stephen Frank on May 24, 2019 09:41 pm
Gavin Newsom has made it clear—black children must be made hostage by government/unions schools.  Black and other minority student must not be allowed out of LAUSD—which has 13% white students—and in 2017 52% of those receiving diploma’s had a “D” average—functionally illiterate. The Democrat Party gave us Jim Crow Laws, the KKK, opposed Lincoln in […]

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BEFORE IT'S NEWS 05/25/2019

Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand Involved in Human Trafficking, Sex Slavery and Satanism Says Whistleblower! (video)

Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand Involved in Human Trafficking, Sex Slavery and Satanism Says Whistleblower!CURATOR: Glenn Canady. Note - Patriots get this video and article out EVERYWHERE! Huge news in this interview I have not heard before so post to all social networks and send to your email lists too! This Youtube channel and video might be terminated so make copies of the interview! This interview should...



This week, Senator Rick Scott led the fight for the Senate's passage of a critical $19.1 billion disaster relief package - 225 days after Hurricane Michael hit the Florida Panhandle. The final bill included big wins for families in Florida and Puerto Rico, including: 


The Book of Revelation
Words of Understanding
Part 19
The pouring out of the bowls (vials) continues.
Revelation 16:The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.