Nancy Pelosi has been in the news a lot lately and none of it for good reason. She recently held a Town Hall with CNN and was humiliated by a Texas Rancher, told an adopted woman... [Read more]

In Los Angeles County they are handing out information to illegal immigrants on how to get free money/benefits paid for by working Americans.... [Read more]


Submitted by: Buzz

The Trump administration could soon declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, a move that would greatly restrict the controversial group’s global reach and would come despite its insistence that it has peaceful intentions.


Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins

The Department of Justice has filed a formal appeal of a federal judge's ruling that halted President Trump's immigration and travel ban from seven Muslim-majority countries.

More on this story:


Enemies Within: President Trump Is in Extreme Danger

Enemies Within: President Trump Is in Extreme Danger CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. President Trump may have escaped the clutches of Hillary Clinton. But can he escape the danger posed by the Democratic/Communist Party who are agents of the globalists and whose main goal is the destruction of the United States? The following comprise the “hit team” who want to take him out...


CHUCK KOLB 02/04/2017

Visiting the Winter White House !!!
Verily, Donald, Melania and family now have three White Houses.
They reside in the People's House in D.C. and the White House North
in NYC aka The Trump Tower and as we visit today at Mar-a-Lago in
Palm Beach, FL aka The Winter White House. See y'all there ...
Maranatha !


Feb 04, 2017 12:08 am  
starbucks-1069758_960_720Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is harming shareholders by damaging the brand he globalized by criticizing President Trump’s executive order on Syrian refugees and travel bans.
Continue to Post: 
Starbucks Gets Scalded in Backlash After CEO Criticizes Trump’s Travel Ban EO 
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With a Republican in the White House, GOP lawmakers in Congress finally have the opportunity to scrap former President Barack Obama’s litany of overburdensome environmental and gun regulations.[Read more]

Sign Petition To Congress On Trump’s Plan On Federal Employee Hiring Freeze [Sign Petition Here]


President Donald Trump announced new U.S. sanctions against Iran Friday in response to a ballistic missile test conducted by Iran last week.. [Read more]

Trump will fix our infrastructure! Repairing roads, updating our airports and hospitals so that we are competitive at a global level. Sign this petition if you support Trump making America’s infrastructure great again!. [Sign Petition Here]


Bertrand Daily Report  
The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues

Subject: Intel on Communist Organization in Tucson

February 4th, 2017

By Dave Bertrand (DC8JetMan2003@Yahoo.Com)

Tucson is home to the radical communist organization behind the Milo UC Berkeley riots with provocateurs (no students involved), Occupy Wall Street, and the "Reconquista de Aztlan" movement in the Southwest United more to come.

The organization, "Alliance for Global Justice" is located in the heart of Tucson Arizona. The name itself is the globalist initiative for communism, but politically correct as a noble organization "for the poor and deprived."

As we gather more INTEL from our network of patriots, the general opinion across the board is to encourage an offensive counter-demonstration against communism in the United States.

THEY are showing their death wish for America and continue to rake-in thousands of dollars from fellow communists and the George Soros front organizations. This is the enemy of the United States in action to create fear and discourse around the country.

I encourage the FBI and President Trump to wrap these organizations and their staff up real tight and arrest them for sedition, terrorism, and treason as "enemy combatants." That includes arresting George Soros !!

The organization's roots go back the Communist Sandinistas in Nicaragua, supposedly fighting for the poor and deprived workers, but as we have learned....the poor and deprived is NOT their mission, but the mission to tear-down countries by force.

The organization is in the planning stages of using hammers and whatever is necessary to tear-down the Wall (to be built) along the southwest border in-order to allow socialist / communist invaders to enter. Of course they can't go through the legal Port-of-Entry border crossings, because they are mostly thugs, drug mules, cartel, human traffickers, and al Qaida / ISIS terrorists.

America is being invaded and has been for decades but now the American people are awake.

Politicians talk about "uniting the country" with appeasing narratives, but what we have in America are two distinct divisions that CANNOT UNITE !  What we have is a Constitutional Republic on life support as the communist Left move forward. Their best support base for brainwashing the middle of the road Democrats is the FakeStream Media...further supported by RINO and Democrat communists in Washington, D.C.

We are on a war footing like no other time in America since 1776.

If WE lose this's all over for those of you that believe Martial Law will destroy our freedoms, etc if used against these communist thugs and all drug ridden gangster death traps in most every major city. Note: Over 70% of all drug/prostitution gangs in America are controlled by the Mexican Cartel.....of which Mexico has promised President Trump an increase across the border. 

The fact of the matter is.....if President Trump does NOT act with help from the National Guard, we will lose our freedoms and will be governed by the socialist / communist Left. The odds will be against us if WE don't act now !

Tucson schools have been inundated with La Raza (The Race) studies....a curriculum for all students, bashing the White Man for all their troubles. Our Laura Leighton, in the documentary film I helped produce, "Southern Exposure" talks about how she and her activist friend Michelle of Phoenix took-on the radical school program...winning at first and defeated later.  

It's been a tug-of-war along the border, but now we are seeing a much bigger enemy throughout the United States. Communist organizations that have now taken the gloves off and waging war against the government and the people. God only knows of what America would have become under a Hillary Clinton.....

How many more Christians need to be beheaded by ISIS?

How many more patriots need to be sucker-punched and hit over the head with pipes?

How many more cops need to be assassinated in their cars?

How many more businesses, colleges and infrastructure need to be burned-down by these thugs before organized patriots act?

We have a choice NOW, of which we would NOT have had under communist leadership in Washington. The young and middle aged patriots, former military vets, law enforcement, etc..... can make a difference to go head to head with these communist thugs.

Those of us with medical disabilities, or those that would rather stay-out-of-sight....have OUR own duties in any capacity necessary to fight communism. We must continue waking the masses-up by calling our senators and representatives, news reporting, and the gathering of intelligence while being prepared and armed at all times. 

Let's hope that Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers and Sheriff Mack of Constitutional Sheriffs Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) act accordingly and set-up a peaceful demonstration in front of the "Alliance for Global Justice" office in Tucson.

Let us NOT forget.....the Liberty Movement still have peaceful occupiers of the Malheur Wild Life Reserve sitting in a Clark County jail at the whim of the despicable Harry Reid because the Bundy's demanded the return of their illegally confiscated head of cattle numbering approximately 160, which caused a peaceful stand-off with the SWAT teams organized by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

The Bundy's were acquitted of all charges involving the occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Reserve offices, but remained in custody for extradition to Las Vegas as they await trial.

In the meanwhile, an organization in Tucson promotes violence and discourse in America.....encouraging death threats to our president, the burning of buildings and the killing of cops, but yet they get a fee pass while peaceful activists sit in jail??

America is calling for all true patriots to help save this country from communism, by any means acceptable and righteous.

Alliance for Global Justice Headquarters 225 E. 26th St., Suite 1 Tucson, AZ 85713 202-540-8336

Communist Profiles of Staff


Look Who Funds The Group Behind The Call To Arms At Milo’s Berkeley Event

By Chuck Ross

The left-wing group that helped organize the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday is backed by a progressive charity that is in turn funded by George Soros, the city of Tucson, a major labor union and several large companies.

The Alliance for Global Justice, based in Tucson, is listed as an organizer and fiscal sponsor for Refuse Fascism, a communist group that encouraged left-wingers to shut down the Yiannopoulos event.

The call to arms succeeded. Yiannopoulos’ talk was cancelled after demonstrators lit fires, vandalized businesses, and assaulted Donald Trump and Yiannopoulos supporters.

Refuse Fascism, which includes Princeton professor Cornel West as one of its founding “initiators,” defended the response, issuing a statement on its website that called the shut down “righteous.” (RELATED: DNC Platform Member Cornel West Is Tied To Group Behind Berkeley Violence)
And on its Facebook page, the group asserted that the vandalism and arson were not “violence.” Instead, the group argued that Yiannopoulos and Trump perpetrate violence through the policies they support.

“Dismantling police fences is not violent. And to compare preventing someone like that from speaking to the real-world violence that they perpetuate everyday is ludicrous,” reads one post on the group’s Facebook page.
Fundraiser for Alliance for Global Justice on CrowdRise

The organization did not mention the violent attacks against conservatives. One Trump backer was attacked with shovels by a group of men clad in black. He was shown laying unconscious in the middle of the street. A female Trump supporter was blasted with pepper spray while giving an on-camera interview.

Refuse Fascism’s involvement has spurred questions about who is behind the group. In a series of tweets on Thursday, Trump asserted that the protesters were paid to agitate.
While it is unclear whether those who carried out the violence were paid to do so, the benefactors of the Alliance for Global Justice — and Refuse Fascism — are listed online.

According to its most recent 990 tax form, Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) received $2.2 million in funding for the fiscal year ending in March 2016.

One of the group’s biggest donors is the Tides Foundation, a non-profit funded by billionaire progressive philanthropist George Soros. Tides gave AfGJ $50,000.

Other notable donors include the city of Tucson and the United Steel Workers labor union. The former gave $10,000 to AfGJ while the latter contributed $5,000.
A vandalized Bank of America office is seen after a student protest turned violent at UC Berkeley during a demonstration over right-wing speaker Milo Yiannopoulos in Berkeley (REUTERS)
A vandalized Bank of America office is seen after a student protest turned violent at UC Berkeley during a demonstration over right-wing speaker Milo Yiannopoulos in Berkeley (REUTERS)

Charities associated with several major corporations also donated., the outdoor apparel and equipment company, gave $40,000. The Ben & Jerry Foundation, the charity associated with the ice cream maker, gave $20,000. And Lush Cosmetic gave $43,950.

Another bit of irony is seen in the $5,000 contribution from the Peace Development Fund, a group that claims to support organizations that fight for human rights and social justice.

Another major donation came from a group that was chaired by Hillary Clinton during the 1980s. The New World Foundation gave $52,000 to AfGJ.

Refuse Fascism did not respond to a request for comment for this article.

Chuck Kaufman, the national co-ordinator for AfGJ, said he was only aware of the Berkeley protests through social media.
“I wasn’t aware that Refuse Fascism was involved, but probably they were one of a whole lot of groups calling to shut down Milo Yiannopoulos’ hate speech,” he told The Daily Caller.

“AfGJ acts as fiscal sponsor for Refuse Fascism which means we process tax-deductible donations for them. As long as their use of the money falls into areas permitted for tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations, we don’t involve ourselves one way or the other in their program work.”

Correction: This article initially stated that Fidelity Charitable and Schwab Charitable gave small donations to AfGJ. Those donations were made by individuals through donor-advised funds and did not come directly from either Fidelity or Schwab.

From The Desk of  Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.)  Int'l Airline Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727 & First Officer DC-10), U.S. Army Veteran Sergeant, Law Enforcement Background. Political Analyst  and Activist to help "Make America Great Again. 
My mission is to slice through the propaganda, encourage everyone to write  and share important news among our network of patriots, military, law enforcement and selected news media sources (we trust). We are the pulse of America and we will prevail.

Iran holds military exercise in defiance of US sanctions | FOX Business

Submitted by: Buzz

In defiance to the new sanctions imposed by President Donald Trump’s administration, Iran held a military exercise on Saturday to test its missile and radar systems.


I’m interested in what her daily regimen is. Like, what are you all feeding RBG? Is she getting enough fresh air? Is she walking? Is she staying low-stress? What is she ... [Read more]

American taxpayers cough up $27 billion to so-called “sanctuary cities,” money that President Trump has threatened to cut off if they continue to thwart... [Read more]


Bertrand Daily Report The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues

Subject:  Exposed: Insider Coup to Sabotage Trump * Coup designed to protect Clintons

Jerome Corsi | - February 3, 2017

NEW YORK – Acclaimed Haitian-rights activist Ézili Dantò, who endorsed Donald Trump for president in 2016, has alerted of an attempt to sabotage from within Trump’s campaign pledge to be the “champion” of repairing damage Haitian activists claim the Clintons have done.

JIHAD WATCH 02/04/2017

Establishment propaganda media crows that Kellyanne Conway “made up” terror attack to justify Trump’s ban
By Robert Spencer on Feb 03, 2017 09:22 pm

Establishment propaganda media crows that Kellyanne Conway “made up” terror attack to justify Trump’s ban
It was an honest mistake, but the establishment propaganda media doesn’t allow those it hates to make honest mistakes. That generosity is reserved for Barack (“57 states”) Obama and Joe (“When the Depression started, FDR went on TV”) Biden, and the like. Does Zack Beauchamp think that he has now discredit the idea that Muslim […]

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