Friday, October 2, 2015


  October 02, 2015 | Permalink

Something We Should Politicize...

Last night as our family gathered for our evening prayers, we prayed for the injured and the families of those killed yesterday at Umpqua Community College in Oregon by an anti-Christian gunman. We didn't know the names or all the details at the time only that Christians were specifically targeted. According to witnesses the gunman asked his victims what their religion was. If they responded they were Christians, he shot them in the head. If they did not answer, he shot them in the leg.
Those details were not discussed yesterday by President Obama when he spoke to the media about the shooting. Nor did he mention the heroic actions of 10-year Army veteran and 30-year-old father, Chris Mintz, who was shot multiple times when he tried to stop the shooter. Rather, he immediately began using the tragic shooting that claimed the lives of nine people to advance his agenda for more laws restricting gun ownership.
 In his press conference, the President said some would claim he was politicizing the shooting, "Well, this is something we should politicize."

NEVADA NEWS & VIEWS 10/02/2015

The Curious Incident - The hoo-hah from Republicans AND Democrats over Donald Trump’s reaction to a question at a town hall meeting regarding President Obama’s religion and the status of Muslims in America made me recognize something: Until Trump attacked Obama, Democrats were largely silent on his candidacy. Click here to continue reading

Roll Call: Day One Pledges – What GOP Candidates would do - Inauguration Day 2017 could be a busy one if you take the pledges from Republican presidential candidates at their word — most have lofty goals for their first day in the Oval Office. To be fair, the current resident of the White House had his own pledges — then-Sen. Barack Obama promised to “give the military a new mission: ending this war” in Iraq on his first day in office – a promise he did keep eventually. Click here to continue reading


There has been a lot going on this week and there will continue to be new developments over the next week as we lead into the House Leadership elections on Thursday, October 8th. The next several days are going to require a lot of grassroots pressure to ensure that we get a Speaker of the House and Leadership team that are more conservative than the team led by John Boehner. Please do all that you can to make calls and put pressure on your Representatives and other conservatives in the House. They are going to be under immense pressure from the establishment and lobbyists over the next week to convince them to support a status quo candidate. We've included a lot in this week's update and we'll continue to give you updates as things progress.


Vice President Joe Biden's humble life
Take the time to read this, you will not believe it!
Every Friday the vice president takes a helicopter designated as Marine Two from the vice president's residence in northwest Washington to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland .
He then hops on Air Force Two to fly back to his home in Delaware . At the end of the weekend, he returns on Air Force Two, usually a Boeing C-32.


The Discovery These Archaeologists Found Globally Is Deeply Troubling And Real (Video)

The Discovery These Archaeologists Found Globally Is Deeply Troubling And Real (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. (N.Morgan) Through out the course of human history, societal sensibilities and moral conduct have evolved with each generation. One example of this is 8,000 years ago having a stake driven through your head was considered an acceptable practice and a rather casual one. Due to the ongoing and diligent work...



Watch: ARMED Air Force Vet Who Was On Umpqua Campus Reveals What Stopped Him From Helping

Oct 02, 2015 02:17 pm

"He searched me, took the gun..."

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MUTH'S TRUTHS 10/02/2015


You may have heard that a judge in Carson City yesterday killed the tax repeal referendum that we filed in early August and that I didn’t “show up” for the hearing.  Here’s one such story by Geoff Dornan of the Nevada Appeal...

To the extent that I did not participate in the hearing and that Judge Todd Russell did rule that the repeal referendum violated the single subject rule and had an inadequate description of effect, the stories are true. 



‘The Woman Should Be Indicted’ — Guess Who’s Calling for Hillary’s Head Now

Legal rundown of all the reasons why the Judge is convinced that Hillary Clinton’s next pantsuit should be orange.. 


Submitted by: James

Common Core? 6th Graders Taught How to Use Strap-On Dildo

Shocking images out of a classroom in Jacksonville, Florida illustrate how 11-12 year olds in 6th grade are being taught how to use strap-on dildos amidst a debate about Common Core sex education standards which have been attacked by some as pornographic.
·       The pictures were taken by a student with a cellphone camera.
·       They show a teacher demonstrating how to use a strap-on sex toy in a number of different positions.
·       In one image, the teacher even shows how to insert the strap-on while her buttocks are in the air and her legs up over her head.
·       In another image, the woman shows the children how to wear a harness to which the strap-on is attached.
Clinton Middle School in Duval County hired 39-year-old Sharon Mercer to teach the sex education class but after the photos emerged she was suspended and the school refused further comment.
Mercer claimed her suspension was an act of “bigotry” because she was a “proud member of the LGBTQ community.”
Newly implemented Common Core educational standards have been assailed for their attempt to create a lowest common denominator form of teaching which many assert only works to dumb down lessons and prevent smart students from excelling, but these images give a glimpse into an even darker side to the federally mandated rules.
The teaching of so-called “alternative” sexual lifestyles is mandated in many states under Common Core.
The Secrets of the Fed website also points to a book being given to 4th graders under new Common Core standards entitled It’s Perfectly Normal, which teaches children as young as nine how to masturbate.
Common Core, which is being federally imposed on states across the nation, is a huge shift in teaching which opponents assert will eviscerate critical thinking and generally lower standards in the name of inclusiveness and political correctness.
Numerous examples have emerged of Common Core style exam questions which only serve to cause more confusion and frustration.
Perhaps the most infamous example of how Common Core will manifest itself in America’s schooling system was illustrated by a bizarre video in which a Common Core curriculum director said that 3 x 4 = 11 could be considered a correct answer so long as students could explain how they reached that number.
Common Core’s sex education standards have also face fierce criticism, with one group even claiming that they represent “pornography” which serves to desensitize children to sexual contact and could lead to an increased chance of molestation within the schooling system.
“What is taught includes teaching inappropriate sexuality skills, that shouldn’t even be taught in college,” writes Joseph R. John. “According to child psychologists, the children are not mentally equipped to understand the detailed sexual indoctrination starting in kindergarten, they are indoctrinated in sexual practices that they should never be exposed to.”
As the backlash grows, more and more states are considering abolishing Common Core altogether, with Indiana’s decision earlier this year to ditch the program seen as a victory for conservatives.

JIHAD WATCH 10/02/2015

Argentine President: Obama Administration tried to convince us to give Iran nuclear fuel
By Robert Spencer on Oct 01, 2015 02:54 pm

Argentine President: Obama Administration tried to convince us to give Iran nuclear fuel
“Kirchner went on to say at the U.N. that when Samore was asked to provide the request in writing, all communications immediately ceased and Samore disappeared.” The Obama people knew that what they were doing was wrong, and would be hated by the American people. “Argentine President: Obama Administration Tried To Convince Us To Give […]

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Here are the top Bellwether stories of the day

Trump: If My Poll Numbers Fall, I'll Drop Out of Race

If he falls behind in the polls, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he'll drop out of the race in deference to the front-runner. Trump, who continues to lead in every poll of Republican voters to date, made the stunning statement Thursday in an interview on ... Read More


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October 2, 2015   Print


"It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution." —Thomas Jefferson, 1781


Obama's 'Gun Violence' Pivot Point


Oct 02, 2015 01:17 am  

By Daniel Horowitz  
This week marks the 50th anniversary of the 1965 “Hart-Cellar” immigration act, commonly referred to as “the Kennedy Immigration bill.”
9 Shocking Immigration Stats on the 50th Anniversary of Kennedy Bill
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1776 COALITION 10/02/2015

$100 MILLION to Destroy The Tea Party
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce will literally double down in its efforts to crush the Tea Party to get legislation–like a comprehensive amnesty bill and the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank–that it covets. After budgeting $50 million to elect establishment-friendly... Read More


Someone is Off Their Meds: Killing Sharks Causes Climate Change—Scientists Claim

By Stephen Frank on Oct 01, 2015 08:04 pm
Be careful in your life—should you decide to walk to work, some scientists looking for a government grant could accuse you of causing climate change. Too many visit to a doctor—you have created climate change. Want to go to Disneyland or snorkel—yup, you are causing climate change. Kill a shark that is trying to eat […]

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BEFORE IT'S NEWS 10/02/2015

Scientist Warns of Imminent 10+ Magnitude Earthquake to Split California in Half

CONTRIBUTOR: cann. Scientist from Iran Dr. Mehran Tavakoli (M.T.) Keshe predicting major earthquake(s) 10+ to split California (Just like the Gulf of California) and some other surrounding areas. He says it could be on land or if its in the water there will be a massive tsunami. Also he says the North...



My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims in the Umpqua Community College tragedy and the community of Roseburg. This was an act of a criminal who may have been under the influence of mind-altering pharmaceutical drugs. Stricter laws have never stopped someone’s intent on harming others. This school was already legally a gun-free zone!
I have said it before and I will say it again: I believe that an armed society is a safe society.