Coming disaster to 'make Katrina look like Disney World'
We all remember Hurricane Katrina, when part of America became a gang-controlled No Man's Land.

And now, the alarm is being sounded for the nation's next major disaster, with echoes of police saying once again, "We are going to take all the weapons" ...
Read the latest now on WND.com.

CHUCK KOLB 09/05/2015

The Pansy War !!!
Not a flower ... Not social culture ...
It is WAR against Yahweh, Lord God Almighty
and His children !!!

Previously posted ...
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Ki Tavo (When You Enter) - Entering the Promise !!!


Top Definition - pansy

Slang - Extremely Disparaging and Offensive
- a contemptuous term used to refer

to a male homosexual.
- Offensive
a weak, effeminate, and often cowardly man.



The Amazing Benefits of Falun Gong

CONTRIBUTOR: Sally Appert. The ancient self-improvement practice called Falun Gong was made public in China in 1992. Since then, tens of millions of people in China and all over the world have experienced its miraculous benefits. Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, includes simple exercises, meditation, and moral teachings based on truthfulness,...



Congressional Republicans Can't Afford to Get Pushed Around on Budget Caps   
- by Josh Withrow
Congress is coming back to town, and that means it’s time to hide our wallets. If the leadership of both parties are left to their own devices, by the end of September the government’s spending will have increased once again. This outcome is by no means inevitable; indeed, it shouldn’t even be possible after the Republicans took solid control of both the House and Senate. It will be up to those principled leaders who do care about the financial peril our nation faces to put the brakes on any effort to speed up the government’s spending.


Watch Carly Fiorina Shut Down Chris Matthews on Hillary's Lies

Is anyone attacking Hillary as hard as Carly is?



"We Grow Tired and Angry With the Constant White Bashing!"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners (www.narlo.org)
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues for over 10 years
© Copyright Sunday, September 6, 2015 - All Rights Reserved
The following article was published on Newswithviews, Septemb er 2, 2015
This article is also available on our website at:
NOTE:  Some of our readers may find this article controversial, or even offensive.   But as we have said many times, we don't pull any punches and never will.   We write what many others are afraid to write.   We say what others don’t have the courage to say, in a climate of fear that has made “politically correct” a retreat for cowards.   In the end, it is up to the reader to determine for him or herself whether we have the best interests of a free America and the individual rights of all Americans, at heart. 

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 09/06/2015

Episode #100 – Sunday Wire: ‘New Century SITREP’ with Guests David Icke and Shawn Helton

Episode #100 – Sunday Wire: ‘New Century SITREP’ with Guests David Icke and Shawn Helton CONTRIBUTOR: 21st Century Wire. Episode #100 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday Sept. 6, 2015 presented by host Patrick Henningsen with 3 hours of power-packed talk radio… LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES: SUNDAY5pm-8pm GMT | 12pm-3pm EST | 9am-12pm PST This week’s very special edition...


GRASSTOPS USA 09/06/2015

"If thou wouldst rule well, thou must rule for God, and to do that, thou must be ruled by him ... Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." ~ William Penn
The Next Prance In The Gay Agenda
Kim Davis: The Untold Story

If you actually bother to read what the radical gay movement writes for those inside the movement, you will see what is coming. The shocker here is that so-called "gay marriage" is not the final goal, but rather, a stepping stone to something that is far more diabolical and sinister ...

Read The Full Story


Is this 1 man to blame for recent murders of white police?
As you know, there's been a rash of shootings of police officers in America, especially white officers.

We've even witnessed on video the gunning down of a TV news reporter and her cameraman, both of whom happened to be white.

Now, a fearless voice is suggesting this single, controversial American may be the spark behind the violence ...
Read the latest now on WND.com.


“Daddy, This Is Weird…” Dad Loses It After Girl Brings “Perverted” Item From School

An American middle school should be a safe place -- somewhere children can focus on learning and not be exposed to the raw world. But, one Kernersville, North Carolina, father found that wasn't the case when his 12-year-old daughter recently brought home a book and said, "Daddy, this is weird." He described the book as "50...
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JIHAD WATCH 09/06/2015

Christians in Syrian town where priest was kidnapped now paying jizya
By Robert Spencer on Sep 05, 2015 10:11 pm

Christians in Syrian town where priest was kidnapped now paying jizya
Every element in the “contract” below is an established and mainstream element of Islamic law, although of course Aleteia, which is an organ of the establishment Catholic denial regarding the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat, doesn’t tell you that. The Islamic State is not fabricating these laws in a manifestation of their “extremism.” […]

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By The Conservative Tree House   But Donald Trump has FUBAR’d their entire plan. Is this why there is such vitriol targeted toward Trump? Of course, if they take out Trump, the "GOPe" road map gets back on course. Maybe that's why he has such heavy security...
SMOKING GUN: GOP Establishment Strategy to Nominate Bush by Flooding Race With Candidates Exposed
Like http://joemiller.us/2015/09/smoking-gun-gop-establishment-strategy-to-nominate-bush-by-flooding-race-with-candidates-exposed/ on Facebook   share on Twitter   Google Plus One Button