RENEW AMERICA 09/03/2015

The House will be voting in September!
DUMPBOEHNER.COM — We have another opportunity to oust John Boehner as Speaker of the House – since the House of Representatives will likely vote this month on whether to retain Boehner. This time, let's show him the door!... (more)


New Assistant Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration

Are there still people who think Obama is not Muslim
Isn't this precious! 
A muslim in charge of US Citizenship papers.
(Be sure to read her credentials below her picture.)    
This is not a joke!  Most Americans have NO IDEA.  
Please forward this to as many people as you can.   
 Meet Our New Assistant Director for U.S. Citizenship & Immigration.

CHUCK KOLB 09/03/2015

Allegiance to The Art of the Deal !!!

“I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican Party
and the conservative principles for which it stands.” ~ DT

Oooo, beloveds, Let's Make a Deal ...
You do not have to choose a door,
that choice has already been made !

Previously posted ...
The Godly Stand Against Evil !!!
✡ ✡ ✡

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 09/03/2015

The Most Important Report Yet! Pre-Jade Helm Document Now Surfacing That Explains How the Government Plans To “Master the Human Domain!”

CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven “The evolving nature of warfare indicates that adversarial military forces may employ individuals to operate within the local populations, refugees, and detainees to disrupt friendly operations.” (page 6) “No longer are national priorities dominated by superpowers and nation states, but increasingly by loose networks...



BREAKING: Federal Judge Makes Stunning Order To Kim Davis

Sep 03, 2015 02:41 pm

"I’ve weighed the cost..."
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Equipping You With The Truth

Read More and Comment: BREAKING: Federal Judge Makes Stunning Order To Kim Davis


John Porter
Americans everywhere
September 3, 2015

       Many years ago we heard a lot about a silent majority, what is it? It is an unspecified large majority of people in our country who do not express their opinions publicly and do not take part in public discourse. Richard Nixon first popularized the phrase in presidential politics because he, along with others, saw this group of middle Americans and common people as being overshadowed by the bias news media and more vocal minority with their paid for political leaders.



If you ask any of my friends in the campaign consulting world about what's happening this election cycle, the answer is similar across the board. It can all be summed up with a single world.


The media would like us all to believe it's just the GOP primary that, thanks to Donald Trump, is turned upside down on its head. But the reality is it's both parties in chaos. The entire 2016 POTUS election is unpredictable and the pundits have no clue what's going on.

It's actually not that hard to figure out. What we're seeing is the dawn of the populist revolt


"Witnesses reported a pickup truck driving on the property shortly before the shooting. . .." Read more...
"Approximately one year ago, former CIA agent Clare Lopez — whose additional credentials are frankly too long to list here — revealed something stunning to..." Read more...


Right Analysis | Right Hooks | Right Opinion
Patriot Headlines | Grassroots Commentary

Daily Digest

September 3, 2015   Print


"There is not a more important and fundamental principle in legislation, than that the ways and means ought always to face the public engagements; that our appropriations should ever go hand in hand with our promises. To say that the United States should be answerable for twenty-five millions of dollars without knowing whether the ways and means can be provided, and without knowing whether those who are to succeed us will think with us on the subject, would be rash and unjustifiable." —James Madison, Speech in Congress, 1790


Predetermined Outcome Now Inevitable on Iran


During session I fought so hard to pass AB 167, which will now allow foster parents who have a concealed carry permit to keep guns and ammunition in their home and to carry a gun on their person while with a child outside the home. Unfortunately, the Nevada Department of Family Services (DFS) has over reached and taken away Kristen and Rod Beber’s foster license because Rod was holding a gun in the name of self-defense. Kristin and Rod are two genuinely good-hearted people who have opened their home to over a hundred foster children. To see the DFS take away their right to protect themselves and their family because in their opinion Rod was not acting as “an adult exercising sound judgment” is crushing. This is an example of the State over reaching and, frankly, being a bully just to show that they have power. I will continue to be a voice for the Beber family and all foster families who want to have their right to self defend protected!
You can read more on the Beber family story here.

NEVADA NEWS & VIEWS 09/03/2015

Republican-Required Referendum
Politicians in a jar

by Paul Jacob
Common Sense


Sep 03, 2015 03:59 am  

By News Editor  
Five Chinese navy ships are currently operating in the Bering Sea, off the coast of Alaska, the first time the U.S. military has seen such activity in the area, Pentagon officials said today.
UNPRECEDENTED PROVOCATION: Five Chinese Navy Ships Are Operating off the Alaska Coast While Obama Visits Nearby Kotzebue
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BEFORE IT'S NEWS 09/03/2015

What The ‘Royal Family’ Doesn’t Want You To See

What The ‘Royal Family’ Doesn’t Want You To See CONTRIBUTOR: The Tap Blog. Once again, its amazing what we did not know. I keep saying that. If you read all that is on this site, you could get a PHD in history, since most of it has been hidden until now. These globalists have done us a favor. Without their evil agenda, moving...



1. Congressional Republicans Can't Afford to Get Pushed Around on Budget Caps - by Josh Withrow
Congress is coming back to town, and that means it’s time to hide our wallets. If the leadership of both parties are left to their own devices, by the end of September the government’s spending will have increased once again. This outcome is by no means inevitable; indeed, it shouldn’t even be possible after the Republicans took solid control of both the House and Senate. It will be up to those principled leaders who do care about the financial peril our nation faces to put the brakes on any effort to speed up the government’s spending.
President Obama and Senate Minority leader Harry Reid have made it clear for months that their priority has been to increase spending above the spending restraints they agreed to in 2011 when the president signed the Budget Control Act (BCA) into law. And in June, Senate Democrats straight-up threatened to shut the government down if they didn’t get the increases in spending that they desired. Read more here...

1776 COALITION 09/03/2015


Lois Lerner, You’ve Got (MORE) Mail!
Lois G. Lerner used yet another private email account to do government business, the IRS revealed in a court filing late Monday that tries to clear up confusion over the former agency executive’s email practices. At least 400 messages were... Read More


BREAKING: Steinle Family Launches Huge Plan to MAKE OBAMA PAY for Daughter’s Death

The family of a woman shot by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco is suing city and federal authorities for a lack of oversight and the release of violent offenders in this country illegally. The family of Kathryn Steinle filed the suit in court on Wednesday. They alleged the city let Steinle's accused killer, Juan Francisco...
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JIHAD WATCH 09/03/2015

Kansas: Muslim gets 20 years for jihad bomb plot at Wichita airport
By Robert Spencer on Sep 02, 2015 07:41 pm

Kansas: Muslim gets 20 years for jihad bomb plot at Wichita airport
“Loewen told the undercover employee he was waiting for what he called ‘the green light’ from Allah to carry out a violent attack on a civilian target.” Whether his bloodthirsty faith has been shaken by this big red light from Allah has not been reported. “Kansas Man Sentenced in Plot to Explode Car Bomb at […]

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Politicizing Arabic Instruction in San Francisco Schools

By Stephen Frank on Sep 02, 2015 07:37 pm
San Fran is the most tolerant city in the nation—unless you are Jewish or a supporter of Israel or freedom. In that case the School district will bring bigots on campus that literally hate America. In the name of “teaching” Viet Namese and Arabic language an culture, those running the School District found a hate […]

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