Thursday, July 30, 2015

CHUCK KOLB 07/30/2015

Trump/ Palin - 2016 ticket !!!

Verily, beloveds as we have witnessed thoughout the years,
and know the ways and the path that brings Glory to our Father
which art in Heaven, find beholden that which will carry on to end.
Indeed bringing even more beloveds' names to be written into
the Lamb's book of Life. To wit and this also shall past in end, as
this is done to the Glory and what is pleasing to Lord God Almighty,
then so shall it be !  ~ Hallelujah !

Previously posted ...
9 23 - Update symbology Truth !!!
✡ ✡ ✡

RENEW AMERICA 07/30/2015

July 30, 2015
(Meeting the challenges)
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — It's 2018. Chuck Spelvin, American, now faces a dilemma. Last night, he read the riot act to his pre-teenage son, who had just been suspended from school. A "disrupter." That's it! At first, no coherent elaboration. It's just that Billy Spelvin had "disrupted a class."... (more)


Right Analysis | Right Hooks | Right Opinion
Patriot Headlines | Grassroots Commentary

Daily Digest

July 30, 2015   Print


"To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, not longer susceptible of any definition." —Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, 1791


Illegal Immigrant With No ID Murders in Ohio

MUTH'S TRUTHS 07/30/2015

The Conservative Blueprint for Making Nevada Great Again
Chuck Muth
July 30, 2015

A painful political lesson was re-learned by Nevada conservatives during the 2015 legislative session, which produced the biggest blown opportunity by Republicans in state history.


Isaac Newton's September 23, 2015 Prophecy; September 24, 2015- “100% Probability ” Of Asteroid

Isaac Newton's September 23, 2015 Prophecy; September 24, 2015- “100% Probability ” Of Asteroid CONTRIBUTOR: Michael Moore. ISAAC NEWTON’S SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 PROPHECY; SEPTEMBER 24, 2015- “100% PROBABILITY” OF ASTEROID Crossings and Chaos. Tomorrowland movie trailer alludes to 100% probability of asteroid strike. Isaac Newton made STUNNING prophecy about September 23, 2015. Are Youtube channels (Renee M, thejonathankleck, thegroxt1, godshealer7, C. Ervana) pointing to the same date...



Submitted by: Donald Hank

Planned Parenthood Butchery

Baby David's severed head would have fetched top dollar for PP ghouls as "Class A Tissue" 

Watch the video of Planned Parenthood Execs selling aborted babies:


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Ok, Neocons, Ukraine now has leaders hand picked by the US following a coup orchestrated by US and European NGOs and governments. So who do you think they would prefer to lead them?
Obama, maybe? Merkel, Hollande, David Cameron? John Boehner perhaps?
Well, it is not a Ukrainian, an American or a European:


SHOCK POLLS: Trump Just Scored Two HUGE Wins In A Way That Could Redefine The Race

Jul 30, 2015 02:29 pm

The Trump 2016 train continues to gain steam.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Equipping You With The Truth

Read More and Comment: SHOCK POLLS: Trump Just Scored Two HUGE Wins In A Way That Could Redefine The Race

CHUCK KOLB 07/29/2015

9 23 - Update symbology Truth !!!

Previously posted ...
The Bride victorious past the principalities of division !!!
~ expository of extensive truth published ...
✡ ✡ ✡
Yavoh ~ He is coming !



Senator Ted Cruz (R-TZ) ignited a firestorm in the Senate on Friday, when he accused Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) of lying to him and other Republicans. Cruz claims that McConnell told him and 52 other GOP Senators back in May that there was no "deal" in place with Democrats to vote on reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank, which provides financing for U.S. exports.

But on Friday, McConnell scheduled a Sunday vote on a highway bill that included an amendment to reauthorize the bank -- a move supported by Democrats and only some Republicans. That decision led the GOP presidential candidate to call out the Majority Leader during a 20-minute speech on the Senate floor. Cruz's comments did not go over well with the Republican "Establishment."


1. Boehner Is No Conservative, No Matter Which Party Is in Power - by Logan Albright
In a press conference today, Speaker John Boehner tried to sell himself as a true conservative, touting his supposed reforms and lamenting that there was only so much he could do with a Democratic president in the White House. Oh, cool. So if we get a Republican in, Boehner will suddenly turn around and be super-conservative, right? Too bad history tells a different story.
From 2001 to 2009, it will be remembered that George W. Bush - a Republican! - was president. If we take Boehner at his word, we should expect to see a principled stand on matters of spending. Let's go to the tape. Read More here...


Many believe that Senator Chuck Schumer holds the key to dismantling Obama’s deal with Iran.   

Click here to send your email urging Senator Schumer to be a hero for America and Israel by opposing the Iran deal.
Washington (202) 224-6542
New York (212) 486-4430

Twitter & Facebook posting info below.
Thousands of protesters flooded Times Square on July 22, 2015 to rally against President Obama’s controversial Iran nuclear arms deal.  The rally is specifically aimed at urging Senator Chuck Schumer to rally Democratic opposition against the deal in Congress. “New York Senator Charles Schumer has the votes as presumptive leader to override this deal if he wants,” says Jeff Wiesenfeld, one of the group’s organizers. “If this deal is not stopped, New York voters will know whom to blame.


Voters to G.O.P.: We’re Just Not That Into Immigrants

Dear Fellow Conservative,

Ann Coulter Letter | Powerful Conservative Voices
For years, Republican candidates have been assured by their political consultants that amnesty is a runaway hit with the public. Then they always come in for a zinger of a surprise when the American people are finally able to express themselves on the subject. (Sometimes it seems as if political consultants are in the game only to make money.)

1776 COALITION 07/30/2015

Kerry: Americans Can’t Know Secret Side of Iran Nuke Deal
Secretary of State John Kerry testified on Capitol Hill today the U.S. government will not be revealing the contents of secret side deals with Iran to the American people. Senator Tom Cotton wanted to know why it can't be made... Read More

JIHAD WATCH 07/30/2015

Florida Muslim in Islamic State WMD plot worked in secure areas at Key West International Airport
By Robert Spencer on Jul 29, 2015 11:30 pm

Florida Muslim in Islamic State WMD plot worked in secure areas at Key West International Airport
It’s not clear whether Suarez was already a Muslim when he began working at Key West International Airport or if he converted while he was working there, but it’s the same in either case: his supervisors wouldn’t have dared try to ascertain whether or not he had any jihadist sympathies. To make such inquiries would […]

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Jul 30, 2015 08:00 am  

By Mark Langfan  
Of course, Obama knows Iran will seek to annihilate Israel. So that must be what Obama wants.
Op-Ed: Obama Knows Iran Will Use Its Nukes on Israel
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University of New Hampshire: Bias-Free Language Guide claims the word ‘American’ is ‘problematic’

By Stephen Frank on Jul 29, 2015 08:10 pm
You are a bigot, a micro-aggressor, a hater, if you accuse someone of being “an American”. This isn’t from some crazy ISIS supporter or drug cartel leader, or even Eric Holder—nope, it is from the tax supported (Americans) University of New Hampshire. Those responsible for this have not been fired. ““American,” “illegal alien,” “foreigners,” “mothering,” […]

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