Something's fishy at Supreme Court with marriage case
Is the fix in?

The average citizen -- including most journalists -- wouldn't have caught this.

But some eagle-eyed attorneys reviewing the filings, date stamps and other minutiae associated with the pending same-sex marriage decision have uncovered something suspicious they're calling a "troubling turn" ...
Read the latest now on WND.com.

GRASSTOPS USA 06/21/2015

""Success doesn't 'happen.' It is organized, preempted, captured, by consecrated common sense."  ~ F.E. Willard
You Almost Feel Sorry For Him--Naaaah
John Kerry's Sexual Harassment Problem
Posted On America's Conservative News

When it rains, it pours and Secretary of State John Kerry is getting hit with both barrels ...

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WND BREAKING 06/21/2015

Pentagon admits: New ISIS mega-threat no bluff
The Democrats have gone to great lengths to skewer former President Bush for invading Iraq on the claim Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and would use them.

What will they do now that Obama's Pentagon has been forced to admit ISIS mass murderers have acquired this fearsome WMD while Obama did nothing?
Read the latest now on WND.com.


King v. Burwell Could Free Millions from Government Mandates- by Logan Albright
With the King v. Burwell decision expected to drop in only a couple of weeks, many in the media are whipping themselves into a frenzy over the consequences of vanishing subsidies. Depending on who you believe, between 6 and 7 million people could be affected if the Supreme Court rules that words mean what they mean, and Republicans have proposed several plans to bridge these people gently away from ObamaCare.
But there is another side to a ruling in favor of King that is largely being ignored. In addition to eliminating insurance subsidies from the IRS, the ruling would also clarify that the individual mandate that demands individuals purchase health insurance would no longer apply to the 34 states that declined to set up their own insurance exchanges. Read more


14 Ways to Protect You, Your Family, and Friends from the NWO Agenda

14 Ways to Protect You, Your Family, and Friends from the NWO Agenda CONTRIBUTOR: ActivistPost. Dees IllustrationBy Paul A. PhilipsThe price of ignorance towards the NWO (New World Order) agenda could be very costly. Fall for any of its carefully cultivated illusions and you could end up broke, losing property, become seriously ill or even end up dead. Desperate measures are indeed needed for desperate...


1776 COALITION EXTRA 06/21/20158

Walker wows social conservatives with attacks on Obama, puts GOP rivals on notice
Just weeks away from possibly joining the 2016 race, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker thrilled a crowd of social conservatives Saturday night with a withering attack on President Obama’s record while putting his potential GOP rivals on notice that he plans... Read More

MUTH'S TRUTHS 06/21/2015


This is the first time in 15 years that I will be celebrating Father’s Day without my first born. 

She’s in Switzerland as we speak.

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 06/21/2015

Texas Mobilizes State Militia's To Protect Against Occupying Federal Troops

Texas Mobilizes State Militia's To Protect Against Occupying Federal Troops CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. By: Voice of Reason FOR MORE NEWS BY VOICE OF REASON CLICK HERE! www.thelastgreatstand.com Texas demands their gold from the Fed, so the Feds amass large troop forces to march in and further occupy Texas. The governor then calls in more state militia to confront the federal troops. Sounds like...



Really? Larry Summers Provides Ridiculous Reason for Poor Economic Conditions
What else would you expect from a Clinton cabinet member?
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Prosecutors throttle Christian pulpit to protect Islam
At 79, this old preacher is unafraid to declare what the Bible says about "satanic" religions.

Fortunately, he's in a "Christian" country, so Muslims can't punish his blasphemy with Shariah law.

Unfortunately, his "Christian" country is filled with politically correct bureaucrats ...
Read the latest now on WND.com.

1776 COALITION 06/21/2015

Protecting Our Churches: Concealed Carry Coming Soon?
He was a young gunman bent on shooting as many worshippers as possible, but Matthew J. Murray never got as far as Dylann Roof, the suspect in Wednesday’s South Carolina church massacre. Murray had already shot and killed two people... Read More

WND ALERT!!! 06/21/2015

Hold on! Christianity is about to get REAL!

These Christian leaders have come together to warn American believers the days of comfortable Christianity are over.
Warm, fuzzy faith grounded on professionally marketed, focus-group tested promises of prosperity and success is about to be tested by fire.
Read the latest now on WND.com


Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Obama's Trans Fat Ban Could Cost $11 Billion
2. Just 32% of Mississippi Children Live With 2 Parents
3. Down Payment Is Renters' Main Impediment to Ownership
4. 'Lobbyists' Nightmare' Waxman Now a Lobbyist
5. Muslim Cleric Who Decries Racial Hatred Called Jews 'Monkeys, Pigs'
6. Strictest and Most Lenient States for DUIs

Get Trump’s Powerful Book ‘Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again’ Free With This Special Offer! Click Here

JIHAD WATCH 06/21/2015

Oregon: Muslim gets 7 years for aiding jihad suicide bombers
By Robert Spencer on Jun 20, 2015 06:38 pm

Oregon: Muslim gets 7 years for aiding jihad suicide bombers
“Reaz Qadir Khan pleaded guilty in February to paying $2,450 to one of the suicide bombers responsible for the attack in Lahore and to providing assistance to the bomber’s surviving wives after the bombing, which also wounded some 300 people.” Who are his friends and associates in Portland? Where does he go to mosque? What […]

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