Rev. Franklin Graham Just Delivered The Perfect Message To ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner

Jun 05, 2015 09:00 pm

Franklin received overwhelming support from Facebook users, including one woman for whom the topic is especially relevant.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Equipping You With The Truth

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CHUCK KOLB 06/06/2015

Pamela under attack, indeed the World over !!!  

Previously posted ...
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Behaalotecha (When You Raise) !!!

the Light of the Menorah and the Holy Spirit !!!

The FBI had been investigating Usaamah Abdullah Rahim and Dawud Sharif (David) Wright, both residing in Massachusetts, for several federal criminal offenses, including terrorism. The investigation became very public June 2 in Boston when Rahim attacked police officers with a military knife and was shot dead. Conspiracy theories aside, the Boston Marathon bombing and the details surrounding this incident could well represent a pattern emerging in America where Islam is beginning a revolution, a jihad, to take over America using violent force. Rahim and Wright, according to the FBI affidavit filed by Special Agent J. Joseph Galietta, were plotting to behead activist Pamela Geller.

★ ★ ★


American Mercenaries En Route To Fight ISIS

American Mercenaries En Route To Fight ISIS CONTRIBUTOR: 21st Century Wire. 21st Century Wire says…Numerous individuals are the taking the fight against ISIS into their own hands and heading out to tackle the radical Islamists personally.Watch a video of this report here:A group of American mercenaries is setting out to fight ISIS in the Philippines. Firearms instructor and martial artist Suleiman...


JIHAD WATCH 06/06/2015

Canada: Muslim caught with $20,000 weapons cache to be deported
By Robert Spencer on Jun 05, 2015 12:41 pm

Canada: Muslim caught with $20,000 weapons cache to be deported
“It could have been acceptable that the reason he spent $20,000 purchasing guns and ammunition was the result of the financial irresponsibility of youth and the novelty of having hundreds of thousands of dollars at his disposal. The fact, however that he amassed $20,000 in guns and ammunition over such a short period raises questions […]

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1776 COALITION 06/06/2015

Don’t Mind All of Hillary’s Scandels: Rubio’s have Traffic Tickets!
The New York Times Friday report that Republican Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and his wife Jeanette have been cited 17 times for traffic violations was written after the citations were pulled by liberal opposition research firm American Bridge, according to... Read More

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 06/06/2015

The Chinese Are Coming to Collect On the American Debt

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Chinese Peacekeepers coming to collect on the debt. There is an aspect of Jade Helm that we have not considered and that is the Chinese perspective. Bad Times Are Coming I have written about various alphabet soup agency people and their families who have gone into hiding in specially prepared...



Jun 06, 2015 07:54 am  

By Brandon Darby  
A US Customs and Border Protection helicopter was shot down or forced to initiate an emergency landing in Laredo, Texas. Can you guess what the US did in response? Nada.
US Chopper Shot Down at Texas Border, Fired on From Mexico
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LAUSD Considering “D” grades as Worthy of a Diploma.

By Stephen Frank on Jun 05, 2015 04:54 pm
This is not a silly “Onion” story. This is about so-called professional educators approving failure as a qualification for a high school diploma. The teachers union loves this—by giving a diploma to all those with a “D” average, the union can claim higher graduation rates (but will not claim the higher illiteracy rates). Government education […]

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The Book of Revelation
Words of Understanding,
Part 1
I recently received a note from one of my dear Christian sisters informing me of her love of the Book of Revelation. In reading that note I realized that many people have some thoughts as to the meanings of that Book of out Bible but some apprehensions as to parts.
In a series of Sermons I shall set forth all that I can as relates to the Book of Revelation in hopes of allowing you, and me, to get a cleared picture of that glorious Scripture.
I wish to point out one remarkable statement respecting the Book of Revelation. As stated in Revelation 1: 3, God extends blessings to the readers and to those who obey the things set forth in this Book.