GRASSTOPS USA 01/01/2015

"Some day, in years to come, you will be wrestling with the great temptation, or trembling under the great sorrow of your life. But the real struggle is here, now, in these quiet weeks. Now it is being decided whether, in the day of your supreme sorrow or temptation, you shall miserably fail or gloriously conquer. Character cannot be made except by a steady, long continued process." ~ Phillips Brooks
Cooking Sauce For The Goose, Emollient For The Gander
Tax Crimes Meaningless To Dems, Fatal To GOP
By John Hayward

Political satirists could not have created two more perfect examples of the double standard for Democrats and Republicans than Representatives Steve Scalise of Louisiana and Michael Grimm of New York.

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Holding the line on taxation will take only 15 Assembly members

January 1, 2015

At this point, perhaps the best we can hope for is gridlock.

The 2015 session of the Nevada Legislature is only a month away — 120 days during which our lives, liberties and property, especially our property, will be in jeopardy, as Mark Twain once opined.

In the November election, nearly 80 percent of the state’s penurious voters defeated a proposal to increase business taxes to fund education and for the first time in 85 years elected Republican majorities to both the Assembly and state Senate. This will complement the Republican governor, as well as all other statewide constitutional offices. The Assembly has 25 Republicans and 17 Democrats. The Senate has 11 Republicans and 10 Democrats.


Submitted by: Edward Moore

China Invading America NOW! The Silent Takeover!! Red Dawn New World Order

FREEDOM FORCE 01/01/2015

Today's Feature
5 Biggest Government Fails of 2014! It’s not hard to put together a list of government failures… but it’s still fun to try. Thankfully this year the folks at the Daily Caller have waded through reams and reams of government failures to put together a shortlist


Submitted by: Ididit

A reminder for those who forgot or for many that didn't know

Here is what will happen on January 1, 2015 :
Top Medicare tax went from 1.45% to 2.35%
Top Income tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%
Top Income payroll tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%
Capital Gains tax went from 15% to 28%
Dividends tax went from 15% to 39.6%
Estate tax went from 0% to 55%
Remember this fact:
These taxes were all passed only with democrat votes, no republicans voted for these taxes.
These taxes were all passed under the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.
For retirees, you already cannot get a good return on savings or CDs.  Now the tax on Capital Gains increases 87% and the tax on qualified dividends increases 164%  You take all the financial risk investing in stocks and the government takes a huge chunk of any gains you may have if you have invested wisely.  Of course, the government is run so efficiently and spends our tax dollars so effectively we should consider our taxes a privilege.  Wonder what the President's 17 day vacation in Hawaii costs the tax payers -$50-$100 million???



According to the word on the street, Speaker-of-the-Weak John Hambrick has decided that even though he doesn’t chair a single committee, liberal Republican Assemblyman Pat “The Appeaser” Hickey has been re-assigned to the large and luxurious office usually reserved for the chairman of the powerful Assembly Ways & Means Committee.

MUTH'S TRUTHS 01/01/2015

Dousing the Fiore Fury with Facts
By Chuck Muth
January 1, 2015

Fiore 2
At my request, conservative Republican Assembly Majority Leader Michele Fiore (R-Clark County) set up a meeting for me with her accountant so I could review and seek clarity on this whole brouhaha related to IRS tax liens filed against her business.

After two hours of reviewing tax records and bookkeeping numbers, my eyes were so glazed over I had to have a seeing-eye dog drive me home.  But without going into a whole lot of details, I can tell you this...

First, the accountant did confirm that Fiore was, in fact, the victim of a major embezzlement scheme perpetrated by a former employee.  And yes, there is a police report and they are prosecuting.

JIHAD WATCH 01/01/2015

Dec 31, 2014 12:03 pm | Robert Spencer
UK Muslima arrested at airport upon her return from the Islamic State
And so the appalling absurdity that is contemporary Britain continues. A Muslim woman from London goes to Syria to join the Islamic State. Upon her return, she is arrested “on suspicion of preparing for acts of terrorism” — preparing for those acts, mind you, in an entity that calls itself “the Islamic State.” Yet the […]
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