JIHAD WATCH 11/23/2014

Nov 22, 2014 09:07 pm | Robert Spencer
Canada jihad murderer: “There can’t be world peace until there’s only Muslims”

“He was always trying to convert me, (saying) ‘You should read the Qur’an, bro,’ ” Banek said.” Yet according to mainstream analysts, Zehaf-Bibeau completely misunderstood the message of the Qur’an, and somehow got the crazy idea that it had something to do with warfare against unbelievers. The cognitive dissonance grows by the second. “Ottawa shooter […]
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Well, we all knew it was a long shot – though it certainly gave the incumbent a scare.  But in the end Republican challenger Lisa Krasner still came in second to Assemblyman Randy “Kirner Tax” Kirner (RINO-Kirner Tax) in Friday’s partial recount for Assembly District 26, which Kirner won on Election Day by just 11 votes.

If this political near-death experience doesn‘t persuade the Father of the Kirner Tax to change his tax-hiking ways in the 2015 session, we’ll get him in 2016.


"We Declare Open Resistance To Obama's Tyranny"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues.
© Copyright Sunday, November 23, 2014 - All Rights Reserved
As published on Newswithviews, November 19, 2014
This article is also available on our website at:
"Remember, democracy never lasts long.  It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.  There has never been a democracy that did not commit suicide."     John Adams, 2nd President of the United States

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 11/23/2014

Ferguson 'Secret Army' - Martial Law Prep Across America? (video)

Ferguson 'Secret Army' - Martial Law Prep Across America? CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. With potential widespread violence and civil unrest temporarily on hold, the mysterious men in black and tan from the Boston marathon bombing may be back in the picture, in Ferguson, Missouri, as seen in the 1st video below from TheAlexJonesChannel. After the Boston bombing, many 'conspiracy theories' unfolded that the...


GRASSTOPS USA 11/23/2014

"[They] would rather ride to hell in a hand-cart than walk to heaven supported by the staff of industry." ~ Elbridge Paige
Ted Cruz Counters GOP Elite Lies.
[Video] Ted Cruz Outlines Detailed Plan To Stop Obama's Lawless Amnesty

Don't let the GOP elites tell you they can't stop Obama's lawless amnesty decree. Senator Ted Cruz outlines a number of actions that Republicans can take

Read The Full Story


The Emperor Has No Clothes 
In the hours leading up to President Obama’s speech outlining his plans to unilaterally advance immigration reform, FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe commented:
“The president’s announcements tonight have nothing to do with immigration. This fight has to do with whether or not we are a country with laws and a separation of powers designed to protect the will of the American people from the arbitrary actions of Washington insiders.” Read more here...


Arpaio takes Obama's executive order to court By Bob Unruh WND.com November 22, 2014
Less than two hours after Barack Obama announced a solo move to protect millions of illegal aliens from deportation, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio took him to court to have the Constitution upheld.   A lawsuit filed by attorney Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch named Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Immigration Services chief Leon Rodriquez and Attorney General Eric Holder as defendants in an action that seeks to avoid "irreversible harm" from Obama's actions because they will "encourage[e] more illegal aliens to enter the country unlawfully..."  The complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, seeks, among other things, a "permanent injunction declaring the amnesty programs to be unlawful."   LINK