Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Senator Heller, Please do not fear adding 2 + 2 together.

Look at what our (so called) President is doing.

Obama is stripping our military of officers that are not Liberal and swear allegiance to himself.

Obama is ridding our military of good and loyal men and women as he raises the enlistment standards for American citizens while lowering those same standards for Illegal Aliens.

Though unable to be proven Obama is filling the ranks of our military with officers and enlisted personnel who will obey orders to fire on American citizens if ordered to do so.

If you think this is only the thoughts of a weirdo, think again.

LIFE NEWS 10/08/2014

29-Year-Old Woman With Brain Cancer Plans to Kill Herself November 1st
Oregon is one of five states, along with New Mexico, Montana, Washington , and Vermont, that allow “Death with Dignity” for terminally ill patients. Now, a 29-year-old terminally ill patient plans to take the lethal pill on November 1st to end her own life.
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This gay marriage question in Nevada is tough. 

Fact is the ban on gay marriage was approved overwhelmingly by a vote of the people, not once, but twice.  Now the will of the people has been overturned by judicial fiat, which has determined that marriage is an inalienable right, right up there with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As everyone knows, I have no problem with gay marriage.  I mean, how does two gay guys getting married hurt my marriage?  It doesn’t.  And there are plenty of absolutely horrible heterosexual married couples who have no business whatsoever raising kids, so that argument doesn’t fly.  And I still believe heterosexual divorce has done more harm to the institution of marriage than gay marriages ever could.


ALERT: Georgia Senate race now in play
Dear Conservatives, 

Georgia’s Senate race is now in play.

GOP Senate candidate David Perdue is getting pummeled for comments he made about ‘outsourcing’ in a 2005 deposition.

According to Politico, “Perdue was asked about his ‘experience with outsourcing’, and his response [in legal depositiion] was blunt. ‘Yeah, I spent most of my career doing that’, Perdue said.

GRASSTOPS USA 10/08/2014

"When we count on the power of freedom, we are counting on the individual." ~ Angela Merkel
Talking Points To Educate The Populace
Obama Birth Certificate: Larry Klayman Debates National News Anchor
Posted On America's Conservative News

Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman wants Barack Obama deported and he takes to the airwaves to defend his contention (already well-known by our readers) that Obama's so-called birth certificate is a computer generated forgery.

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GOP Senate Majority? Then What?

It's Time for New Leadership

By Mark Alexander · October 8, 2014   Print
"If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions." --James Madison (1792)
If you've been holed up in some alternate universe for the last six weeks, you may have missed the collective consensus of political pundits and prognosticators that, in the upcoming November 4th midterm election, Republicans will pick up at least the six U.S. Senate seats needed for majority control.
If the current polling trends are borne out by the only poll that really matters -- Election Day -- then Republicans will win enough Senate seats to claim majority status. Still, an old farmer would no doubt caution, "Don't count your chickens 'till they hatch."



"There is not in the whole science of politics a more solid or a more important maxim than this -- that of all governments, those are the best, which, by the natural effect of their constitutions, are frequently renewed or drawn back to their first principles." --James Wilson, Lectures on Law, 1791


U.S. Boots in the Air Not Enough to Stop ISIL Gains

JIHAD WATCH 10/08/2014

Oct 07, 2014 09:05 pm | Robert Spencer
Oddly enough, they didn’t torch any mosques, even though, as everyone knows, they have nothing to do with Islam. “Nigeria: Boko Haram Torch 185 Churches in Captured Towns of Borno and Adamawa,” by Jack Moore, International Business Times, October 6, 2014 (thanks to Pamela Geller): A prominent Nigerian reverend has revealed Islamist terror group Boko […]
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RedState Briefing 10/08/2014

Throwing Barack Obama Under the Bus

People have been expendable to Barack Obama for a very long time. As soon as they become inconvenient to him, they meet the underside of the Obama bus.

Barack Obama is now about to meet the underside of Hillary Clinton’s bus. The only chance Hillary Clinton has of winning in 2016 is to blame shift to Barack Obama and sacrifice him for the good of the party.

Leon Panetta has begun the process.

We know what’s going on, but it is important to understand why it is happening.

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