Friday, August 1, 2014

CHUCK KOLB 08/01/2014

GAZA ARMAGEDDON CLOCK ticking - Shabbat Shalom Lekulam !!!
A Good Sabbath to Everyone

A beautiful vid for all beloveds ...
by Israel-Shalom-Israel

Previous posts ...
9pm EDT 7/31 - Dr. Jim Garrow on Walls In Our Minds !!!

♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥



Thanks for all the work you have done over the last two days. We are finally getting details about the final border bill that will likely be voted on this evening.

First we want to say that there have been some substantial changes to the bill since yesterday and it is all because of the hard work and dedication that you put into it.

The bill has some good fixes in some areas and some things that we think fall short of where they need to be, but the important part is that we stopped a really bad bill from passing yesterday.

LIFE NEWS 08/01/2014

Church Leases Building Housing Abortion Clinic and Kicks Them Out A church in Lansing, Michigan has found an innovative method for temporarily closing down a local abortion clinic.
The Church of the Resurrection, a Catholic Church, has leased a building housing the Womancare abortion clinic, the only freestanding abortion facility remaining in Michigan’s state capital. The church will house offices in the building at the 1600 block of Grand River Avenue and a pro-life group will use the rest of the location for its office space.


Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins

What Will Happen First, An Economic Collapse or Martial Law?

What will happen first?
Will we fall under the specter of martial law and all that entails?
Or, will we experience an economic collapse prior to martial law?
In the present state of affairs, it is very easy to focus on the invasion of America through our Southern border as the Fifth column insurgents make their way into the country in the form of MS-13 as they prepare to wreak havoc on any opposition to the coming takeover.
We are also focused on the presence of unscreened immigrants coming into our country and who are failing to be screened for very serious health conditions such as Ebola.
It easy to become fixated on things like the NDAA and unconstitutional, permanent detention.  
We are very focused on the shoot down of MH-17 and preparing for war with Russia.
However, what we should be focusing on is the economic collapse which has already began.


Finnish TV Reporter at Gaza’s Al Shifa Hospital: “It IS true that rockets are launched from here into Israel”

by BareNakedIslam
A television reporter from Finland’s 'Helsinki Dispatch' spent the night reporting from Gaza’s Al Shifa Hospital, where she saw Hamas militants launching rockets from the hospital’s parking lot, confirming a war crime that few journalists have dared report. Tundra Tabloids via BCF

GRASSTOPS USA 08/01/2014

"These are the times that try men's souls." ~ Thomas Paine
Say What?
Obama To Resign From Office?

This well-known political commentator says that he would not be surprized if Obama resigns from office. He also adds that impeachment is a distinct possibility as more evidence comes in on the IRS scandal.

Read The Full Story

ALT 08/01/2014

ALT Headlines Featured Stories for August 01, 2014

Biological Fallout of Fracking Still Largely Unknown: Scientists
In the United States, natural-gas production from shale rock has increased by more than 700 percent since 2007. Yet scientists still do not fully understand the industry's effects on ...


Listen: The Day Before 9/11, Bill Clinton Described How He Could Have Stopped Bin Laden, But Didn’t

Aug 01, 2014 02:30 pm

Recently unearthed, this audio described Bill Clinton speaking to an Australian journalist
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom

Watch the Video and Comment: Listen: The Day Before 9/11, Bill Clinton Described How He Could Have Stopped Bin Laden, But Didn’t

RENEW AMERICA 08/01/2014

July 31, 2014
WORLDNETDAILY — Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., is confident lawmakers can come up with a genuine fix for the border crisis, telling WND Thursday evening, "Conservatives are on the way to saving this bill." The bill she is referring to had already died earlier in the day, when House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, shelved it after realizing he did not have enough votes... (more)


ACLU sues government over delays in Muslim citizenship requests
image The lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California claims that the government doesn't allow immigration officers to approve benefits for applicants deemed a national security concern under a 2008 program. The Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program uses overly broad criteria and has tied up naturalization and green card applications filed by Palestinian, Iranian and Somali citizens, the lawsuit alleges.


Hold Your Congressmen Accountable to the Constitution: Contact Them About Their "Freedom Index" Scores
As our federal government careens more and more out of compliance with the Constitution, some conservatives (and some liberals) tell us that what's needed is an Article V convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution. That's right. Incredibly, their solution for government not obeying the Constitution is to change the Constitution.
However, the best solution is for more and more voters to hold their representatives and senators in Congress accountable to the Constitution. Fortunately, The New American newsmagazine has been publishing "The Freedom Index: A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution" for nearly 30 years. "The Freedom Index" provides scorecards for every member of Congress on ten key votes four times every two-year session of Congress.
You can help return our federal government to its constitutional moorings by using the "Freedom Index" to learn how constitutionally your representative and two senators are voting, taking the appropriate actions to influence them to vote constitutionally, and then spreading the word to others in your sphere of influence about how to use the "Freedom Index" to hold their congressmen accountable to the Constitution.

JIHAD WATCH 08/01/2014

Jul 31, 2014 10:07 pm | Robert Spencer
This time the cinema apologized. Next time they won’t. Leon Jennings and everyone else in Britain better get used to this sort of thing, because it is going to keep happening. They better get used to their new overlords. And if they don’t like it, they can take it up with Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, […]
Like UK: Families barred from cinema for not being Muslim on Facebook  Google Plus One Button  share on Twitter


HAMAS breaks its own ceasefire again, two Israeli soldiers killed, one feared abducted

by BareNakedIslam
The IDF released for publication the name of the soldier feared abducted by terrorists in Gaza. The missing soldier has been named as Second Lieutenant (Platoon Leader) Hadar Goldin, 23, from Kfar Saba. Goldin serves in the Givati Brigade. INN  The IDF Spokesperson's office announced Friday that at about 9:30 am, terrorists opened fire on […]

COWBOYBYTE 08/01/2014

The Environmental Corruption Agency

Says it all doesn’t it? Check it out: The lofty motto of the Environmental Protection Agency is “protecting people and the environment.” In practice, however, EPA bureaucrats faithfully protect their own people and preserve the government’s cesspool of manipulation, cover-ups … Continue reading

Top Cowboy Headlines



"It is the madness of folly, to expect mercy from those who have refused to do justice; and even mercy, where conquest is the object, is only a trick of war; the cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf." --Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 1, 1776


209,000 July Jobs, Unemployment Increases


Ghost of Jack Abramoff Dogs Ross Miller’s Campaign
By Chuck Muth
July 31, 2014

If you want to know how to protect your home from a break-in, consult a burglar.  If you want to know how to stop influence peddling and corruption in government, consult America’s most notorious lobbyist.


Aug 01, 2014 07:30 am  

By Fox News 
Former President Bill Clinton, mere hours before the 9/11 terror attack, openly acknowledged that he turned down a chance to kill Usama bin Laden, according to a newly released recording.
Clinton on Sept. 10, 2001: I Could Have Killed bin Laden but ‘I Didn’t’ (+audio)
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BEFORE IT'S NEWS 08/01/2014

The Federal Government Has Left America Defenseless Against Ebola

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Emory Hospital in Atlanta to Receive Ebola Patient Atlanta’s CBS46 News is reporting that “within days” an Ebola patient will soon be transferred to Emory Hospital in Atlanta. No details were provided except to say that the patient is an American and a health care worker who was assisting in...



National MiddleClass Network DAILY Briefer – 8-1-14
Note: This is a "DAILY" Briefer. "If you DON'T get one DAILY, say something". THX
...HUGE news day.  Really tough choices...Don’t forget Rush’s two at the end.

BJ3: Sher...right again.  Super, super, any language.
From: sherzieve.....
I love this and it's one of my all time faves.  Thanks to Dave for sending.
From: "Dave Hollenbeck"

RedState Briefing 08/01/2014

Morning Briefing
For August 1, 2014

Boehner Has Time to Salvage a Ridiculous Farce Descended to Stupidity
 If the President’s polling is at 65% unfavorable on the border situation and the Democrats have no intention of doing anything about, it should be an easy vote for the House GOP to show they’re the ones who took the steps to stop the mass migration across the border.

Instead, on Eric Cantor’s last day as leader, the whole of the leadership bollixed it up and embarrassed themselves. Harry Reid then concluded the business of the Senate.

The House has stayed and has one more opportunity to get this right. Conservatives concerned about the spending were willing to set those concerns aside if the House leaders would shut down DACA. Today, the House can get it right, shut down DACA, show they are serious, and let the public turn toward the Senate where the “closed” sign is lit up.

But let’s not forget the punchline to this. House Republican Leaders want to give more than $600 million to the same man they just voted for sue for the way he’s doing and not doing his job. . . . please click here for the rest of the post