Monday, March 24, 2014

GOP CONTACTS 03/24/2014

Pelosi: Stop Calling It ObamaCare. It's the Affordable,Affordable,Affordable Care Act... Say it ...Affordable, Affordable, Affordable
2014-03-22 | Erika Johnsen

Never mind that a bunch of Democrats (including herself) have called and do call it ObamaCare, a designation that President Obama has proclaimed he is happy to own -- for in these politically desperate times with both the March 31st open enrollment deadline as well as the midterm elections steadily approaching, they need to deceive every American possible into believing that, through ObamaCare, Democrats are doing them a big, fat favor. ...You're welcome. Health industry officials say ObamaCare-related premiums will double in some parts of the country, countering claims recently made by the administration. ...

The industry complaints come less than a week after Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sought to downplay concerns about rising premiums in the healthcare sector. She told lawmakers rates would increase in 2015 but grow more slowly than in the past.


Top Stories

CHUCK KOLB 03/24/2014

MH 370 Dog Pony at Diego Garcia - Here’s The Proof !!!

Previously posted ...

There is no way to skirt the math. The eye witness accounts at around 6:15 am in the Maldives sows up the timeline perfectly!
Diego Garcia is a Top Secret U.S. Military base that is leased by the United States from the UK, that is a FACT !
and the MH370 Pilot's Computer Was 'Manually Overwritten' to Diego Garcia and 3 Other Runways Found In Simulator !


From the Desk of:
Mat Staver
There is truth in the adage, “if you want to know what’s going on, follow the money.”  Tragically, it is true in the financially profitable baby-killing industry – and it must come to an end.  
Please see my disturbing report below – Mat.
Last year, while tens of millions of Americans struggled to make ends meet, CNSNews revealed that Planned Parenthood had no budget shortage – thanks to the generosity of our “progressive” President and Harry Reid’s compliant Senate. 


At University, Charges of Religious Prof-iling

At the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Dr. Mike Adams teaches crime -- but he never dreamed he'd be the victim of one. Unfortunately for the assistant professor, that all changed when his ideology did. When he was hired as a criminology expert 21 years ago, Adams was an avowed and outspoken atheist -- a worldview that was shaken to the core when Mike went to visit a prisoner on death row in 2000. The convict, a mentally handicapped man, had read the entire Bible -- something Adams had never done. He resolved then and there to change that -- and when he did, Mike was completely transformed.

LIFE NEWS 03/24/2014

Supreme Court Should Uphold Hobby Lobby’s Religious Freedom, Overturn Obama’s HHS MandateThe Supreme Court will hear oral arguments next week in Hobby Lobby’s battle to protect itself from the HHS mandate that is apart of Obamacare. Hobby Lobby is challenging the mandate in court because it doesn’t want to be forced to pay for birth control and abortion-causing drugs for its employees.
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for the landmark case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores on March 25 determine whether individuals lose their religious freedom when they open a family busine.


Leader Cantor Discusses An America That Works And Conservative Solutions For Health Care With Larry Kudlow
Republicans Are For An America That Works: “Right now there is an America under Obama’s policies that is not working. We conservatives as Republicans are for an America that works. And the way we get there is through putting forth our conservative solutions as alternatives to the policies this President has been about that frankly have harmed job growth, put the middle class into a squeeze, and that have not responded to the need for upward mobility to those who are most vulnerable in our society, and frankly Obama’s policies have provided a health care law that is not working. So we’re for an America that works as conservatives, trying to pull government back, create more space for the private sector, for families, for communities to actually work so that we can see a better future.”


Press banned as first lady touts free speech
image First lady Michelle Obama told students that freedom of speech should be a universal right during her extravagant, no-press-allowed tour of China -- a hypocritical move that will surely draw the ire of critics, according to an expert.



"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence." --John Adams, A Defense of the American Constitutions, 1787


Making the Hard Sell

"Do you have Barack's back?" That was the subject line of an email from Michelle Obama celebrating ObamaCare's four-year anniversary Sunday. Since its launch, she bragged, "millions of people have signed up for quality, affordable health care." Never mind that the White House won't verify premium payment (actual enrollment) or that "quality" and "affordable" are not two words most folks associate with health insurance any more. In fact, that's just the point. Four years ago and still today, Barack doesn't have your back.
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NEWS WITH VIEWS 03/24/2014

It is Not About You: Has it ever dawned on you that most of what happens to you is not about you? Could it be that God uses you to bring things into the lives of others?
--With Coach Dave Daubenmire

Forced into Medicare with a gun to my head
The reality is all of the above and Americans dependent upon those programs must get of out denial. Americans should not forget the riots in Greece, Italy and France in late 2012 when their governments rolled out austerity that cut pensions so badly, those people had no money for food or anything else because Greece is here and now. Make no mistake: The thieves in the Outlaw Congress - your incumbent and mine want to get their hands on the trillions in private pension funds in exchange for more worthless paper IOUs......
by Devvy Kidd


Submitted by: Donald Hank

While the world watches Putin, Europe is being invaded by Africans and Middle Eastern Muslims

Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 18, 2014

Hundreds broke into Europe through Morocco earlier today.

African men now on their way to mainland Europe. Photo Credit: Reuters/Jesus Blasco de Avellaneda
We’ve been reporting about the invasion of the Spanish territories on the coast of Morocco in recent weeks, here and here. The largest group yet of supposed asylum seekers scaled the barbed wire barriers while the world fixates on Russia’s brazen move on the Ukraine.
I would suggest that what is happening to countries on Europe’s borders—Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Spain and Malta— with the waves of largely Muslim men breaking into those countries, will have a more significant impact on the future of Europe than what Putin is doing at the moment, yet the politically-correct media just can’t (or won’t) see it.
From Reuters, thanks again to ‘pungentpeppers:’

JIHAD WATCH 03/24/2014

Mar 23, 2014 08:35 pm | Robert Spencer
A 56-year-old man on a student visa. That’s interesting. Anyway, Islamic law forbids Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men. So this aging Saudi student was merely trying to preserve his family’s honor. Shouldn’t the Canadians be as sensitive to “cultural differences” as the Australians are? “Saudi man accused of assaulting daughter for marrying outside religion,” […]
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Mar 23, 2014 08:07 pm | Robert Spencer
Ali Jaffari was charged with attempted child-stealing. “Magistrate Ron Saines said if he was hearing the matter, he would have reasonable doubt, citing ‘cultural differences’ as one factor, which would result in the charges being dismissed.” Jaffari is “an Afghan refugee, was convicted in Geelong Magistrates’ Court on August 22, 2013, of indecently assaulting one […]
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GOP USA THE EAGLE 03/24/2014

Muslim group to appeal ruling on police surveillance

A group of Muslims from New Jersey is appealing a federal judge's ruling that determined that New York City Police Department's surveillance of Muslims did not violate their civil rights.

Romney slams Obama for faulty judgment on Russia

Mitt Romney said Sunday that President Barack Obama is naive when it comes to Russia, has shown "faulty judgment" about Moscow's intentions and could have done more to try to deter its annexation of Crimea.


NICER THAN JESUS: Why Do We Tolerate Lying Politicians Who Violate Their Oath Of Office? Every single politician who has ever held public office has lied at one time or another, but now lying, it seems, is a given. Laws against false campaign advertising raise other issues. “What sort of […] ...READ MORE
HOPE & BS: No Charges from DOJ Against Woman Who Voted 6Times for Obama Last week Al Sharpton embraced convicted vote fraudster Melowese Richardson at a “voting rights” rally in Cincinnati. The United States Department of Justice under Eric Holder has done nothing to Melowese Richardson 410 days ... READ MORE


Dear Conservatives,

Will you sign a special emergency petition to your Members of Congress, Speaker John Boehner and Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell at once?

As I write you today, polls show that more than 70% of American taxpayers oppose taxpayer funding of abortion.

Yet despite that, in the past five years, the Obama administration has shoved an unprecedented expansion in taxpayer funding of abortion down our throats.

The nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, can attest to the explosion in taxpayer funds.

Planned Parenthood just recently released their annual report for 2012-2013.

And 2012 was a big money-maker for the abortion giant.


When you get your prescriptions filled at your local drug store, is a terrorist providing the medications that you and your family consume?

A study by the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism reports that Hezbollah is “already involved in manufacturing and distributing counterfeit medications,” and the U.S. Department of Treasury has blacklisted two Lebanese financial institutions for helping Hezbollah hide illegal drug trade profits.

When terrorists become pharmacists
by James S. Robbins

Do you know where your medications come from? It might be from an international terrorist drug ring. A new study from the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism finds that terror group Hezbollah is “already involved in manufacturing and distributing counterfeit medications.” Institute director Boaz Ganor says that “Hezbollah is liable to use its production centers, international smuggling and distribution networks, and ties to international crime syndicates to insert deadly fake drugs into the pharmaceuticals market.”


As Many as 108 People May be Missing in Washington State Mudslide
Authorities are searching for more bodies after a massive mudslide in a rural part of Washington state killed at least eight and possibly left more than 100 missing, while crews battle uneven ground and rising waters.A 1-square-mile mudslide struck Saturday morning in Snohomish County, critically injuring several people and destroying about 30 homes. Eight bodies have been pulled from the scene and authorities described the search for additional survivors to be "grim." John Pennington, emergency response managing director, said there are reports of up to 108 people missing in the mudslide but noted that number is unconfirmed.

CLASH DAILY 03/24/2014

BOOM SUCKER: Watch What Happens to Glass Banging Hockey Fan This hockey fan learns a life lesson the hard way: don’t bang on the glass during a game. Watch the video to see why. ...READ MORE
Islam, Barack Obama and the Isis: the Axis of Evil In the history of savage ideologies–there is none more savage than Islam. It is a Neanderthaloid doctrine built on the convoluted premise that Jews, Christians and women are subhuman entities worthy of rabid annihilation. ... READ MORE


Four years ago yesterday, Obamacare was signed into law by President Obama.  Perhaps no other piece of legislation has ever been as contentious, or has eroded the principles found in the Constitution, as much as Obamacare has.  It’s fitting that tomorrow as the Supreme Court hears Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp v. Sebelius, Tea Party Patriots will stand for the First Amendment and against further erosion of our Constitution. Our protest will begin at 9:00am in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC and continue until 2:00pm, regardless of the weather. After the conclusion of oral arguments, there will be a press conference in front of the Court featuring Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder Jenny Beth Martin and other supporters of the First Amendment.


Dear Rock n Roll Politics Radio Listeners,
The show has been off air temporarily due to technical problems with Blog Talk that have caused the show to go silent too often.That does not mean the show is over or canceled, just moving to another place.

GRASSTOPS USA 03/24/2014

"Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." ~ Ronald Reagan
More Birth Certificate Fraud
Busted: President Caught Using Fake Birth Certificate

It would appear that Barack Obama is not the only usurper of the presidency who stands accused of using a fake birth certificate and, like Obama, this world leader is also a socialist.

Read The Full Story

ALT 03/24/2014

ALT Headlines Featured Stories for March 24, 2014

10 Health Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be Real
Do you believe in any "health conspiracy theories"? Do you believe that there are natural cures for diseases that the medical establishment is not telling you about? Do you believe that vaccines, cell phones or ...


Today’s Update
When Barack Obama was running for president he promised, some say threatened, to fundamentally change America. The doubters now say he has fundamentally ruined America. Whichever way one views it, America is in serious decline.
[ Read Full Article ]
Other News
Bullet ItemHigh Court to Weigh Limits of Religious Liberty in ObamaCare Case

Bullet ItemStudents Fill Out ‘March Madness’ Brackets Ranking Obama Scandals

Bullet ItemBehind the Politics of This Week’s Ukraine Vote in Congress


From the Desk of:
Brian Connor
Grassfire Program Director

Dear Conservatives

"ABORTED BABIES INCINERATED TO HEAT HOSPITALS" is the headline that "greets" visitors to the Drudge Report this morning. Because it's not immediately clear where this horror was taking place, my first thought was: Please don't let this have happened in America.

A click on the Drudge link takes you to a Web article by The Telegraph. The British newspaper cites a U.K. television program, Channel 4's Dispatches in reporting:

"The bodies of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as clinical waste, with some even used to heat hospitals, an investigation has found.


Does the Bible Mandate Obama’s Minimum Wage Law?
The governor of Illinois recently said on national television that the minimum wage law should be passed by the legislature of Illinois because there is a fundamental principle involved. It goes back to the Bible, he says. The principle is this: if you work 40 hours a week, you should not have to live in […] READ MORE

4 Years After Promises, Obamacare Not Yet A Viable Solution
Sunday marked the four year anniversary of President Barack Obama signing the Affordable Care Act into law, and two prominent Florida lawmakers had very different takes on the occasion. In a video released over the week end, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., called the law a “disaster,” insisting it can still be repealed. “We cannot […] READ MORE

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 03/24/2014

For the First Time in History, Israel Suspiciously Closes All Embassies and Consulates World-Wide! (Breaking VIDEOS) (video)

For the First Time in History, Israel Suspiciously Closes All Embassies and Consulates World-Wide! (Breaking VIDEOS) CONTRIBUTOR: Lyn Leahz. Confirmed: Israel Has Closed All Embassies and Consulates World-Wide! PROPHECY ALERT: Israel Closes All 102 Embassies "War With Iran? For the First Time in History, Israel Suspiciously Closes All Embassies & Consulates World Wide! This is VERY strange. Is something about to happen---an...


Fellow Conservatives:
Republicans have a majority in Congress, but they have unwilling to stand up to President Obama's liberal agenda.
Under House Speaker John Boehner's leadership, House Republicans have helped increase the debt limit, fund the implementation of Obamacare, and pass a bloated farm bill with nearly $1 trillion of food stamps stuffed in.
Over the next few months, Americans across the country will have the chance to nominate some new Republicans who will fight for less government and more freedom. But we won't succeed unless we work together to support the most promising conservative candidates.
Here are five House candidates who need your support.


National MiddleClass Network DAILY NewsBriefer - 3-24-14

Note: This is a "DAILY" Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something". THX

And don't forget the newsbrief at the bottom:   "Bill Clinton Defends US Control of Internet 


From: ORYR...Attorney Klayman Responds: Alabama Case Will Likely Be Taken To U.S. Supreme Court