ObamaCare in Graves Danger?

Just because some Americans don't have health insurance doesn't mean they want President Obama's! New polling suggests that ObamaCare isn't exactly gaining fans -- even among the people it was designed to help. Regardless of the White House's $700 million PR blitz, time isn't dulling the disgust most Americans feel toward the President's signature policy.
Three years after it was signed into law, most adults are still opposed, confused -- or both! Seventy percent admitted that they didn't understand the health care overhaul, which is only fueling the hostility most Americans feel toward the system. Animosity is at an all-time high, as 53% say they disapprove of the law just weeks before its official launch. Only 31% of the country thinks the President's health care takeover was a good idea -- a healthy decline from the law's glory days. Now, as more Americans see the consequences (Trader Joe's is the latest company to cut part-timers from its health care plans), people are becoming more and more skeptical.
In what spells failure for the Obama administration, only 12% believe the law will have a positive effect on their lives. The other 88% includes some House Republicans, who are fighting with every weapon at their disposal to beat back this attack on American freedom. Rep. Tom Graves (R-Ga.) is the latest conservative with a plan to save the nation from impending disaster. Together with 42 House cosponsors, he's introduced a budget plan that would not only defund ObamaCare -- but avoid the predictable spat over a government shutdown. His Security, Stability, and Fairness Resolution spares the GOP another round of the political blame game, giving them a reasonable and easy way to explain how to stop this "train wreck." Under the bill, conservatives would be putting a short-term government funding bill on the table (a continuing resolution, or CR) that keeps everything in Washington running -- except ObamaCare. Graves's version of the CR doesn't include a single cent for ObamaCare.

LIFE NEWS 09/16/2013

Obama Nominee for Judge Says Abortion Frees Women From “Conscription Into Maternity”
The United States Senate Judiciary Committee will vote this week on President Obama’s nomination of Cornelia Pillard to the court that many consider the second-most powerful and important in the land, the Court of Appeals of the D.C. Circuit. Of President Obama’s judicial nominees who have exhibited hostility towards unborn children, perhaps none is as flagrant, or as out-of-touch, as Cornelia Pillard.
In a 2007 law review article, Pillard wrote that “[r]eproductive rights, including the rights to contraception and abortion, play a central role in freeing women from historically routine conscription into maternity” (emphasis added). She believes there is an “equal protection” right to abortion—a position never adopted by the United States Supreme Court. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/16/obama-nominee-for-judge-says-abortion-frees-women-from-conscription-into-maternity/
As Pro-Lifers Remember Aborted Babies, Cecile Richards Recalls Wendy Davis’ Shoes
Yesterday, thousands of pro-life advocates went to memorial sites across the country to remember babies who were victimized by abortion.
As they did, the president of the Planned Parenthood abortion business recalled something different — Wendy Davis’ tennis shoes. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/16/as-pro-lifers-remember-aborted-babies-cecile-richards-recalls-wendy-davis-shoes/


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Gina Miller column
Homosexual activists to disrupt Olympics in Russia

Gina Miller
Gina Miller
September 12, 2013
Thanks to the reporting of Brian Camenker and his pro-family organization, MassResistance, Russian authorities have been warned that radical American and Canadian homosexual activists intend to disrupt the winter Olympics in Russia. MassResistance attended the national homosexual journalists' meeting in Boston late last month and recorded an activist announcing plans, with specifics omitted in order to avoid tipping off the Russians.
From the MassResistance report:

Homosexual activists in the U.S. are working with media groups, "out LGBT athletes," and both the US and Canadian Olympic hockey teams in a secret plan to smuggle rainbow flags, homosexual propaganda, etc. into Russia. Their intent is to disrupt the 2014 Winter Olympics with homosexual symbolism, according to a presenter at the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Convention in Boston on August 24. The planned disruption is a retaliation by the homosexual movement to Russia's recent ban on the public promotion of homosexuality.

RENEW AMERICA 09/16/2013

STEPHEN STONE, RA PRESIDENT — Dear friend of liberty, As the congressional effort to defund and derail Obamacare continues to gain momentum among grassroots Americans, your senators and congressmen need to hear from you. They need to know that you don't want them to fund Obamacare!

Tell your elected representatives to stop this disastrous healthcare program by excluding the measure from the upcoming "Continuing Resolution" scheduled to be voted on by Congress before the end of the month.... (more)

ALAN KEYES — WND.com is reporting on the activities of people who have been gathering on highway and other overpasses in different parts of the country with signs advocating the impeachment of Barack Obama... (more)


1. End Game of Obama Dictatorship: Tyranny Rising - Part III 
 Sher Zieve 
   'Obama is arming and militarizing all of his governmental agencies to come against us 



The Delusions of Barack Obama Obama's delusions occur at an alarming rate: off prompter he demonstrates is the ability to orate incessantly without remembering the position he last took. ... READ MORE 

Hey Putin! This is exceptional America! Forget YOU! Vladimir Putin wrote a New York Times op-ed which humiliated Obama and decried Americans for daring to believe our country is exceptional. Putin is wrong. ... READ MORE 


BEFORE ITS NEWS 09/16/2013

Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

2 Gunmen Storm Washington Navy Yard, 4 Dead, 8-12 Wounded, Situation Ongoing, 'Lockdown' In Place (Live Stream)

CONTRIBUTOR: Mort Amsel. DC SCANNER US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is receiving regular updates on shooting at Washington Navy Yard Witness says Washington Navy Yard gunman was shooting down at people in cafeteria from 4th floor overlook location of shooting is 2.6 miles from the white house Shelter-in-place order at Navy Yard. Essentially...

Click here to read, "2 Gunmen Storm Washington Navy Yard, 4 Dead, 8-12 Wounded, Situation Ongoing, 'Lockdown' In Place (Live Stream)"..........................................................................................................................

Former NSA Director Advocates Chinese-Style Internet

Former NSA Director Advocates Chinese-Style Internet CONTRIBUTOR: Mort Amsel. During a speech at St. John’s Episcopal Church yesterday, former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden advocated a move towards a Chinese-style world wide web where users are forced to identify themselves before posting online content. Comparing the Internet the the wild west and Somalia, Hayden indicated that he would...


Anonymous Message From US Special Forces Soldier On The Fake Death Of Osama Bin Laden To Re-elect Obama (Video)

Anonymous Message From US Special Forces Soldier On The Fake Death Of Osama Bin Laden To Re-elect Obama (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Mort Amsel. Kevin Lake over at the Free Patriot has recieved a letter from a friend of his that is in the US Special forces. Kevin Lake decided that the information contained there in needed to go mainstream, so I'm going to help him do that. Letter below: I’ll tell you something...


End Game of Obama Dictatorship: Tyranny Rising - Part III

CURATOR: John Rolls. Obama is arming and militarizing all of his governmental agencies to come against us Sher Zieve * Cananda Free Press Obama’s popularity has finally begun to tumble. Even some of his Marxist minions who had previously followed his orders and believed his lies without question are now, if even ever...


Senate Panel Votes For State Run Media (Videos)

Senate Panel Votes For State Run Media (Videos) CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America. By Susan Duclos The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the so-called media shield bill with a vote of 13-5 and sent it to the Senate floor. As will be explained in the videos below, this bill protect the government shills in the mainstream media, but not the people doing the real...


Prepare!! False Flag Attack Imminent In Syria To Prevent Chemical Weapons Deal (Videos)

Prepare!! False Flag Attack Imminent In Syria To Prevent Chemical Weapons Deal  (Videos) CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America. By Susan Duclos Russia and Syria have agreed upon a deal about chemical weapons and the U.S. has tentatively agreed. As will be shown in the two videos below, the rebels seeing their chance to overthrow Assad in Syria dimming with this deal, they have come out and rejected the...


Vladimir Putin on Cover of Time Magazine All Around the World - EXCEPT in the United States...

Vladimir Putin on Cover of Time Magazine All Around the World - EXCEPT in the United States... CONTRIBUTOR: Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian. More and more Amerians are looking to the 'foreign' press to get not just the truth about what's going down, but what other people around the world are saying about it. Americans are still regarded as 'provincial' and out of touch but that seems to be changing as the-fastest-growing-online-newspaper-in-ameri... Dennen...


20 Reasons Why Obama Is A Radical Muslim

20 Reasons Why Obama Is A Radical Muslim CONTRIBUTOR: Weeping Eagle. I say it all the time, America needs to connect the dots. Is it possible that Barack Hussein Obama, the President of the United States and Commander-and-Chief of the most powerful military force of all time is a radical Muslim? If so, what are the implications and why should it...


They're Fuked- Monster Typhoon Heads For Fukushima (Video)

They're Fuked- Monster Typhoon Heads For Fukushima (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America. By Susan Duclos Typhoon Man-Yi has hit Japan and if it continues on it's current trajectory, it will hit the Fukushima area, which is already struggling to deal with massive radiation leaks, radioactive ground water and a whole host of issues, after the 2011 earthquake and Tsunami which devastated the...


The Impostor President Gets Caught

The Impostor President Gets Caught CURATOR: John Rolls. Jack Cashill * American Thinker During the 2008 presidential campaign, the New York Times ran an article on what psychologists call the "impostor phenomenon." To measure it, they ask test subjects questions like, "At times, I feel my success has been due to some kind of luck" or "I...

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America

CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America

CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator

CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America

CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator

CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator

CONTRIBUTOR: Ye Olde False Flag

CONTRIBUTOR: theobamahustle


Monday Digest

September 16, 2013   Print


"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." --preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America

Constitution Day 2013

The U.S. Constitution
Tomorrow, Sept. 17, 2013, marks the 226th anniversary of the signing of our Constitution at the Philadelphia (Constitution) Convention in 1787. The best way to honor the day might be to read it. It's up to "We the People" to hold our elected representatives accountable for failing to honor their oaths.
Mark Alexander has an extensive archive of columns on the Constitution as it relates to various subjects over the years. Don't miss it!
Tomorrow is also The Patriot Post's 17th anniversary. Thanks to you, our readers -- and our financial supporters -- for making what we do possible!



Who do you stand with: Barack Obama and Harry Reid, or Ted Cruz and Rand Paul?

Well, Republican Senator Lamar Alexander stands with Obama and Reid 62% of the time. Yes, that's 62 times out of 100!

Lamar has become a Washington, DC insider. He's forgotten who he's sworn to represent: you and me. We can't count on him to defend our Second Amendment rights, stand up for the Constitution, or even fight against Obamacare. Did you know he recently voted to FUND Obamcare?

  Lamar Alexander is a key player in Barack Obama and Harry Reid's radical agenda. So, if you stand with conservative Senate stalwarts like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, I urgently need your help.

GRASSTOPS USA 09/16/2013

"Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." ~ Ronald Reagan
One Of The Most Important Stories You'll Never Bother To Read

If you even remember the story of Matthew Shepard's murder, your initial reaction may be to dismiss it as "old news" and move on. Don't move on. This story is a must read...

Read The Full Story

How To Survive When America Collapses
 When China freezes our money and the banks collapse... when the power grid shuts down... you'll want to avoid the five most common mistakes that preppers make... critical things that could mean the difference between life and death.

Watch The Video

[Video] Is The Government Paying Your Doctor A Bounty To Confiscate Your Guns?

Why is the government requiring your primary care physician to ask about your guns and is the government really paying your doctor a bounty to confiscate your weapons?

Watch The Video

The Government Has A Plan For You...
This man says the U.S. is currently in store for an apocalypse of biblical proportions. The government knows exactly what's coming. The government is prepared, but nobody, repeat nobody, else knows what is to come. Watch this shocking video now or hate yourself later.

Watch This Shocking Video

Russia Celebrates Eigth Annual Skip Work, Have Sex Day

No, we're not making it up. Facing falling birth-rates for years, Russia celebrated its eight annual "Day of Conception" and is actually awarding prizes to women who give birth nine months from now.

Read The Full Story

So, You've Never Owned A Firearm?
 Handgun sales are going through the roof but many people who never owed a firearm are intimidated at the prospect of owning a firearm. How does one go about choosing a firearm? How does one use it safely? How does one go about not looking stupid on the range?


[Video] Man Faces Prison For Protecting Daughter From Peeping Tom

A naked peeping tom was standing outside his daughter's window and this man gave the perp a sound thrashing... but now, the man is facing jail time for aggravated battery.

Watch The Video


Steve Lefemine
September 16, 2013 
US Military Intelligence classified document confirms sarin nerve agent   confiscated in May 2013 from members of the (al-Qaeda affiliated) Jabhat al-Nusra Front

[ "S.L." - emphasis added ]:
in a classified document just obtained by WND, the U.S. military confirms that sarin was confiscated earlier this year from members of the [ "S.L." - al-Qaeda affiliated ] Jabhat al-Nusra Front, the most influential of the rebel Islamists fighting in Syria."

GOP USA 09/16/2013

Submitted by: J

Police: 1 dead, 2 more possible suspects in Navy Yard shooting
image At least one gunman opened fire inside a building at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday morning, and officials said six people were killed and at least four were wounded, including a law enforcement officer.

Cruz takes heat from pro-immigration Democrats
image A border congressman last week said that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's demands for "100 percent operational" control of the border are expensive and unrealistic.



 Barack Obama to Christians: Drop Dead! President Obama’s irritating tendency (absolute silence in the face Christian persecution) – is beyond gross. Whether it’s the besieged Church in Iraq, or Christian children being incinerated in Nigeria — ... READ MORE

Bill Cosby: Black Men Need to Raise Their Kids, Has a Message For ‘No-Groes’ CNN anchor Don Lemon has, of late, turned the focus of his frequent conversations on race to the idea of personal responsibility in the African American community. On Saturday night’s edition of CNN Newsroom, Lemon […] ... READ MORE  


Don’t Miss: Kickstart Campaign to fund WWIII
Very funny satire from Second City Network in Chicago. ~Bob
Quatrains for inspiration
Excerpt: Former White House economic adviser and Treasury secretary Lawrence H. Summers has withdrawn his name as a candidate for Federal Reserve chairman, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Oklahoma House Speaker T.W. Shannon making name for himself
Excerpt: As the Legislature moves toward the climax of its annual session, competition for time on The Truth Sofa is rising. Lots of people want a few minutes alone with Shannon, arguably the most powerful man inside the state Capitol. (Black republican. I heard him on TV this morning while dressing. Someone to watch. ~Bob.)
What is the Happiness Lobby? Growing Body of Questionable Research Lends Support to Paternalistic Policies. By Iain Murray and Blake Taylor
Excerpt: In recent years, there has been an explosion in published research into the causes and implications of happiness. The field of happiness research has grown enormously since the 1974 publication of a study by University of Southern California economist Richard Easterlin that found that higher income in the United States between 1946 and 1970 was not accompanied by greater happiness among the population. For years, happiness research remained an academic field.


Submitted/Written by: Donald Hank
The Republican Party isn't the Democratic Party's conservative opposition. Had it been, government spending at all levels wouldn't now equal almost 40% of the nation's gross domestic product (versus under 10% a century ago), over 40% of the citizenry wouldn't now be receiving some type of government assistance (versus virtually none a century ago), Federal regulations alone wouldn't now comprise more than 200 volumes occupying about 20 feet of shelf space (versus none a century ago), and the Federal debt alone wouldn't now equal almost 110% of the nation's gross domestic product (versus close to none a century ago).
And if you pick up any newspaper anywhere in the world, you get nothing but the elitist official viewpoint. This morning, the local paper here in Panama quoted the 'President' of the US complaining that GOP obstructionism may lead to a greater disparity between rich and poor. There was not a word about how the debt his administration created is undermining the financial soundness of our country. That kind of 'journalism' is downright criminal! The upshot could be that after the inevitable worldwide crash, compliments of our wastrel in chief, the earth's population would blame the effects of this obscene debt on the conservatives. That means it never gets fixed because, as a result, the world would drift farther away from fiscally sound policies and continue to seek the remedy in more and more lethal Keynesianism. It is analogous to blood letting, which existed throughout the world for an astounding 2500 years before finally someone applied the scientific method and realized that the practice was killing people.