Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Let's Pretend Hillary Got Elected in 2016
by Lee S Gliddon Jr

Pretend Hillary got elected in 2016 and appointed another Liberal as her Secretary of State.

The time is 3 AM and Hillary is asleep in her White House bedroom and tha telephone begins to ring:

ring, ring, ring

A sleepy voice answers: Hello

voice of Secretary of State: Madam President, I uh...I regret to inform you that the American Embassy in Zimbabwe is under attack...

Hillary: I...er....Tell me Ms Secretary...WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

A confused Secretary of State turns to the person beside her and says: I guess the President is saying STAND DOWN!


Submitted by: Debbie Beatty
Senate Democrats Move to Reverse
Supreme Court’s Heller decision
Reid-Leahy move would gut the Second Amendment
in the eyes of the courts
Having failed to get gun control passed in the Senate, Democrats are now making a last ditch effort to reshape the Supreme Court.
Well, we hate to say it, but we predicted this would happen.
You remember when Harry Reid was threatening to destroy the Senate filibuster in January -- and later in July -- in order to approve Leftist Obama-supported nominees?
You remember, at the time, we said that, if Reid “pulled the trigger” on this so-called nuclear option to destroy the filibuster in some cases -- thus eliminating the need for Reid to garner 60 votes some of the time -- there would be no impediment to Reid doing anything he wanted with 50 votes (plus Biden) in other cases?


Dear Conservatives,

I’ve just added my name to a grassroots petition to impeach President Obama, and I’m urging you to join with me by going here:


The steady stream of scandals and subsequent hearings on Capitol Hill are  undermining the President's moral and political authority to carry out his agenda and lead this great nation.

In the face of this perpetual whirlwind of political turmoil, a reasonable argument can be made for removing Barack Obama from office based on constitutional, historical and factual evidence. A case already exists -- built on specific fact patterns and a “long train of abuses” of presidential power.

The American people have legitimate cause to impeach Mr. Obama because an "imperial president" poses a true threat to our liberty and way of life. Please click below to add your name to this important grassroots petition calling for Congress to impeach Barack Hussein Obama:


Once Grassfire reaches the important 100,000-signature plateau, these petitions will be rushed to Capitol Hill and presented to key members of Congress -- demanding action! Thank you for taking action with me.


Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr


Filmmaker Blamed for Benghazi Attacks Speaks to CNN
In his first television interview since being released, the filmmaker who produced the YouTube video blamed for inciting the 9/11 attacks i...
Video link:
Filmmaker Blamed for Benghazi Attacks Speaks to CNN


How are the Japanese people reacting to the news of the continuing contamination leak and what does it mean for Japan's energy policy? Jeffrey Brown talks with Arjun Makhijani of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research and Kenji Kushida of Stanford University about what the government may do to stop the flow.

LIFE NEWS 08/13/2013

Planned Parenthood Tweets Article Supporting Using Women for Sex
The Planned Parenthood abortion business supports the so-called “BroChoice” campaign and its notion that supporting abortion is a good thing for men to do because it allows them to get out of the responsibility of becoming a parent by pressuring their partner to have an abortion.
The campaign essentially says it’s alright to use women for sex because they can always get an abortion if they get knocked up. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/08/13/planned-parenthood-tweets-article-supporting-using-women-for-sex/
Gianna’s Story: Abortion Survivor Was Told She Would “Never Be Anything”
To those who follow abortion issues closely, the name Gianna Jessen is familiar. Over the years she has been a tremendous speaker about the value of life.
As a survivor of abortion, Gianna knows what she is talking about — and her personal story is one that has inspired countless people and opened the eyes of many to how abortion involves the destruction of human life and isn’t something that just happens to a bunch of cells. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/08/13/giannas-story-abortion-survivor-was-told-she-would-never-be-anything/
Obamacare Death Panels Come to Oregon: Committee May Deny Cancer Treatment
Even though it was 85 degrees outside today, a snowball was made. It is a small snowball, but it is not going to melt. In fact it is going to grow and before long, it will be so big that no one will be able to move it.
I attended a little-noticed meeting this afternoon of the “Health Evidence Review Commission”, a committee which is part of the Oregon Health Authority and is bringing Oregon’s health plan in line with Obamacare. It is a committee that no one knows or cares about, except it is one that will soon rule, and perhaps ruin, your life. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/08/13/obamacare-death-panels-come-to-oregon-committee-may-deny-cancer-treatment/


Submitted by: Dr Richard Swier

You may want to look at this column: http://bit.ly/14trm0d

A group of blacks in Florida has filed articles of impeachment against Obama.


Submitted by: Nancy Battle
Below is a list of people we have put in power.
Everyone of them has voted to destroy our constitution's 2nd
amendment and your right to protect yourself and your family. If you find
this ok just delete this message.
We came four votes away from the U.S. Senate giving our Constitutional rights over to the United Nations.
In a 53-46 vote, the Senate narrowly passed a measure that will stop the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.
The Statement of Purpose from the Bill reads:


Dear Conservatives,
Dean Heller says ObamaCare is not the solution to health care reform. So, he should be doing everything he can to protect Nevadans from Obama’s health care takeover including standing with Mike Lee and refusing to fund ObamaCare.

Harry Reid called ObamaCare the stepping stone to European-style health care. Now is the time for Dean Heller to listen to concerned citizens like you and stand with Mike Lee to Defund ObamaCare.
  He needs to know that you don’t want a dime of your tax dollars paying for ObamaCare.
Dean Heller has fought for economic liberty. We need him to join with Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio to Defund ObamaCare.
Sen. Heller needs to know that patriots like you don’t want ObamaCare in Nevada.
In Liberty,
Heather Williamson
Western States Field Coordinator, FreedomWorks


Dear Conservatives,

Workers who dare to exercise their rights and refuse to toe the union-boss line are often bombarded with threats, harassment, or retaliation.

Even workers with religious objections to union membership aren't spared from Big Labor's intimidation.

In fact, they are frequently victimized by particularly insidious -- and illegal -- forms of discrimination.

Because workers with religious objections to union membership have the right to ask to have any forced fees diverted to a charity, that discrimination often takes the form of refusing to honor such requests.

An Ohio teacher union boss once told a veteran teacher she must "change religions" if she wanted the union to accept her right to a religious accommodation


Submitted by: Debbie Beatty
Aug 13, 2013 06:41 am  

By Jason Howerton 
A former U.S. attorney representing Benghazi whistleblowers is claiming that 400 surface-to-air missiles were “stolen” and “taken from Libya” and are now “in the hands of some very ugly people.” He also said the Obama administration is “deeply concerned” that the weapons may be used to shoot down airliners.
Like http://joemiller.us/2013/08/400-surface-to-air-missiles-were-stolen-from-benghazi-and-are-now-in-the-hands-of-some-very-ugly-people-says-whistleblowers-attorney-video/ on Facebook   share on Twitter   Google Plus One Button
Purchase at the same low prices, help Restoring Liberty:Shop Amazon-Best Selling Products-Updated Every Hour 


GOP Rep.: House ‘could probably get the votes’ to impeach Obama

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(CNN) – A Republican member of the House of Representatives said he thinks there are likely enough votes to bring articles of impeachment against President Barack Obama but did not specify on what charges.
Rep. Blake Farenthold said the House could impeach the president while responding to a ‘birther’ question from a constituent in his home Texas district that includes Corpus Christi. Farenthold said that while the House likely has the votes, the Senate trial would end in an acquittal for Obama.
In a YouTube video shot at a constituent town hall in Lulling, Texas dated Aug. 10, Farenthold takes a question from an unidentified woman who asks him to support members of the so-called birther movement who question Obama’s legitimacy as president. The video was first reported by Buzzfeed.
Birthers argue that Obama was not born in the United States and doubt the short and long-form birth certificates he has produced proving he was born in Hawaii. In April 2011, Obama released his long-form birth certificate from Hawaii to quell speculation that he was not a U.S. citizen and may be constitutionally ineligible to serve as president. He had previously released a certification of live birth during the 2008 campaign. Both documents show that he was born in a Hawaii hospital on August 4, 1961. Contemporaneously published newspaper announcements also noted the birth in the Aloha State.
After that release, a May 2011 poll by Gallup found that 13% of Americans still thought Obama was probably or definitely born in another country.
“This issue hits to the belly of the beast,” the woman tells Farenthold, anger apparent in her voice.
For his part, Farenthold responded that “the horse is already out of the barn on this, on the whole birth certificate issue,” he said.
“The original Congress, when his [Obama's] eligibility came up should have looked into this and they didn’t. I’m not sure how we fix it.”
The birther movement: immune to facts?
In the video, Farenthold said that impeaching Obama is a question he frequently hears from his constituents.
Presidential impeachment is a two-part process, first requiring the House of Representatives to vote to bring articles of impeachment. If the House does so, the matter then moves to the Senate for trial where a vote would determine guilt or innocence for the President.
According to Farenthold, there are probably enough votes in the House for a successful impeachment but not enough in the Senate for a conviction. He didn’t cite any charges that would have to be brought.
Farenthold cited the failed effort at impeaching President Bill Clinton, arguing that in its failure, the impeachment was harmful to the country.
“What message do we send to America if we impeach Obama and he gets away with what he’s impeached for and he’s found innocent? What do we say he did is ok,” Farenthold said.
“Aside from the fact it wouldn’t be effective, I think there’s a potential damage to society that would be done with a failed attempt at impeachment.”
Just two Presidents have ever been impeached by the House of Representatives, Clinton in 1998 and Andrew Johnson in 1868. Both men were acquitted in their Senate trials.
Farenthold’s communications director, Meaghan Cronin, told CNN that the representative’s comments were simply in reaction to a concerned constituent and amounted to little more than an “I’ll look into it” response that all constituents get. Farenthold has been taking a variety of questions at town halls, Cronin said.
“People’s unhappiness with the president was brought up in several different ways,” Cronin said.
Farenthold was first elected to the House in 2010 on the wave of tea party conservatives. One of the wealthiest members of that class, according to his website he is the founder of a computer consulting and web design firm and has worked as an attorney and conservative radio commentator.


An International Gun Registry
The Arms Trade Treaty would mandate that all signatories create a “national control system” with a “national control list” (see Article 5) to monitor the exchange of “all conventional weapons” (see Article 2). In other words, the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty would – if adopted – create a national gun-registry, subjecting all arms sales, trades, and purchases to government scrutiny!

Read More
Al-Qaeda increases bombings in Iraq during violent weekend
More than 60 Iraqis were killed and more than 200 were wounded in another series of bombings across Iraq on Saturday and Sunday allegedly perpetrated by al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQII). The majority of the explosions occurred in Iraq’s capital of Baghdad, according to latest reports coming out of the Middle East, especially from Israeli experts such as counterterrorism analyst Mordacai Asher.

Read More


Congress is on August recess and it is time to meet with your elected representative. To view a list of town hall meetings in Florida click here.

I hope you take the time to like our website on your social media sites and share our stories with your family and friends.

Thanks again for reading WDW - FL.

Rich Swier
Editor, Watchdog Wire - Florida



New York Times best selling authors Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott will release their latest book Impeachable Offences: The case for removing Barack Obama from office on August 27, 2013. In their book Klein and Elliott document authoritatively the case for impeaching President Obama. WDW – FL received an advanced copy of the book.

Article 2, Section 4 of the US Constitution states:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

ALT 08/13/2013

ALT Headlines Featured Stories for August 13, 2013

Newly Discovered Eighth Grade Exam From 1912 Shows How Dumbed Down America Has Become
Have you ever seen the movie 'Idiocracy'? It is a movie about an 'average American' that wakes up 500 years in the future only to discover that he is the most intelligent person by far in the dumbed down ...
Surveillance vaccines androids Snowden control systems
Every political system, when applied, wears out, because the people using the system make it more and more mechanical, less and less conscious. The Constitution was a noble attempt to ...
London officials call on company to stop using trashcans that track smartphones of nearby pedestrians
City of London officials have told a company to stop their trial of street-side trashcans that track the smartphones of nearby pedestrians and are capable of building a detail ...


Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr. - A Call To Rewire Haywire America. By Andy Weddington
Excerpt: America's collective neural network is under attack - self-respect; pride; initiative; work ethic; and dogged determination that built our country into a world power is being short-circuited in many. Government appeasement, handouts, and inane policy - the strategy and tactics of disingenuous and wimp pols - are rewiring the American psyche. Thus American thinking and behavior is terribly afoul - it's haywire. Time to rewire!

Are We Serious About Education? By Thomas Sowell
Excerpt: The painful irony in all this is that the original Dunbar High School building, which opened in 1916, housed a school with a record of high academic achievements for generations of black students, despite the inadequacies of the building and the inadequacies of the financial support that the school received. By contrast, today's Dunbar High School is just another ghetto school with abysmal standards, despite Washington's record of having some of the country's highest levels of money spent per pupil -- and some of the lowest test score results. (The Democrats are serious about getting votes and money from teachers unions, the kids be damned. ~Bob.)

Our Postmodern Angst: In our unheroic age, victimhood has replaced valiant struggle. By Victor Davis Hanson
Excerpt: In the globally connected and affluent world of the 21st century, we thankfully have evolved a long way from the elemental poverty, hunger, and ethnic, religious, and racial hatred that were mostly the norm of the world until the last century. Yet who would know of such progress — and the great sacrifices made to achieve it — from the howls of our postmodern oppressed? In fact, the better life has become, the more victimized modern affluent Westerners seem to act. (Because I was born in a modern, capitalist society that protects property rights, I have lived better and longer than 99% of the people ever born. I remember that when I’m tempted to complain about having pulmonary fibrosis at 67. ~Bob.)


Submitted by: Tony Caputo
Appeals court: Obama violating law on nuke site
AUGUST 13, 2013
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been violating federal law by delaying a decision on a proposed nuclear waste dump in Nevada, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.
By a 2-1 vote, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ordered the commission to complete the licensing process and approve or reject the Energy Department's application for a waste site at Nevada's Yucca Mountain.
In a sharply worded opinion, the court said the nuclear agency was "simply flouting the law" when it allowed the Obama administration to continue plans to close the proposed waste site 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas. The action goes against a federal law designating Yucca Mountain as the nation's nuclear waste repository.
"The president may not decline to follow a statutory mandate or prohibition simply because of policy objections," Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh wrote in a majority opinion, which was joined Judge A. Raymond Randolph. Chief Judge Merrick B. Garland dissented in the case.


"Why Devious Dems Welcome the ObamaCare Train Wreck"
ObamaCare IS a train wreck. And while many of us might think that's reason enough to get government out of our health care, the O'Care wrec...
Video link:
"Why Devious Dems Welcome the ObamaCare Train Wreck"

ALABAMA - We The PEOPLE Newsletter #252

“The American Republic will endure until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money."
Alex De Tocqueville -1835
WTP-Alabama Signature.jpg